Chapter 116

It can only find specks of rage in a specific person's soul and fan them into flames. So if you think about it, it's almost useless. But as they say, everything comes in handy around the estate. It found its use here too. After getting to know her husband and especially his father, not to mention the barony, the girl quickly realized there was room for her to thrive.

The new relatives were wealthy, though they tried with all their might not to show it—they lived modestly, dressed modestly, and provided money for expenses in a modest manner. Deciding that this was the chance given by God to the chosen ones to find happiness in life and not to miss it, she activated the amulet. Since then, the baron has been experiencing fits of rage.

For some reason, the young girl felt that such a ruler would not be endured for long and would be replaced by a better one—her husband, and then she... But somehow it didn't work out. Although the baron fell into rage, he did not commit any rash actions. Instead, he took it out on his son, who subsequently resorted to calming his nerves with folk remedies twice as often and has now almost recovered from alcoholism. They couldn't have children for some reason. Everything was bad, brilliant plans fell apart.

The baroness almost decided on poison, but then she saw Alexander and truly fell head over heels. It's unclear what about the vampire's appearance made the girl go weak and fall in love without memory, but it happened. However, love didn't stop her from using the amulet against her secret passion, quietly hoping that the noble warrior would strike down the baron in anger. She hates her husband and continues to devise plans in her dear mind to change the power structure in the specific barony.

"Maybe you'll dissect her for prevention?" Sergey finished his story. "The woman will calm down and stop acting crazy."

Alex just snorted. "We've already 'dissected' one," he said, noticing a questioning glance, "you'll see for yourself when you arrive."

Next, Gennady took the floor. Naturally, he traveled to the city not for company, but for quite obvious reasons. After gaining control of trade, he tried the blood of all the prisoners, spent whole days in the Sands and Peat, roamed through the entire neighboring forest. But he never found a product that Woodland could sell. Already desperate, in winter he made an unexpected proposal.


It turned out the locals made cheeses of abominable quality. And the vampires were still planning to acquire cows, naturally for their blood. So why not combine... The council laughed, but accepted the proposal. Konstantin, a big fan of science fiction, between fits of laughter, was greatly outraged.

"But we're in a different world! We should be making execution rifles and selling uranium rods. And you're suggesting cheese!" But then he started laughing again.

And now Gennady was going to the city to negotiate about buying cows and feed for them.

"We have a problem."

"Cows refusing to sell?"

"What? No! Everything's fine with the cows. An interesting piece of information came to light. Do you know what the residents of Woodland were engaged in?"

"The baron said they were cutting down the forest. You even suggested cutting down the forest too, but we rejected that idea."

"Well yes. They were cutting down the forest here too. But their main income didn't come from that. Turns out the Cursed Forest is a source of several types of unique alchemical reagents at once. And some of them are very expensive and valuable. That's what they were extracting in Woodland."

"So what's the problem?"

Alexander sincerely didn't understand. If they were once extracting ingredients for alchemists in Woodland, it means they can do it again. They'll earn money. It's good!

"The problem lies with the prospectors! The old-timers in the city immediately decided that since mages settled in Woodland, they want to go to the Cursed Forest for its wealth. And if they'll be building a bridge across the Cursed, then they'll definitely go. Everyone in the city already knows about the bridge. And some guys are actively planning to visit us, and then try their luck in the forest."

"Oh damn..."

"In reality, it's not like it's happening right now," Sergey spoke up, "there will be plenty of work in the city all summer. But in September, when the road dries up until the frosts come, they'll come running to us."

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