Chapter 114

The baron sincerely laughed.

"Oh yes. The whole town is in an uproar. The city guard doesn't even try to calm them down, they're asking for my men's help."

Ascending to the study, the men settled into chairs facing each other; Alexander was offered a cup of wine right away. Glancing at the lovely servant, he simply shook his head.

"Water for me, please, my dear," he said, intercepting the baron's surprised glance. "I do not drink alcohol, Your Grace, it clouds the mind."

"Like many of your magical brethren..." Savoyardi nodded knowingly.

They both remained silent for a while. The silence began to irritate the vampire first.

"So why did you want to see me, Your Grace? Just to offer me wine?"

"Of course not, respected one."

The baron stood up, circled the table, rummaged in a drawer, and pulled out a paper.

"I received a letter from His Excellency. The Duke writes that the royal army has once again advanced to the borders. He himself is returning to the duchy and will first visit Savoyardi."

"And what, has the highway robbery issue been resolved?"

His companion visibly twitched, and his face twisted in a grimace of disgust.

"Of course not. The returning barons and men-at-arms have certainly subdued their zeal, but if we speak just between us— in the absence of the duke, his steward and captain have quarreled. Each pulled the blanket to his side, and much was neglected in the autumn. The duke is unaware of the situation, and no one in his entourage is eager to enlighten him. Including me."

The baron returned to his knight and sat down in his chair.

"The situation is very delicate."

"And what's so delicate about it, Your Grace? Hang the bandits and be done with it!"

"Yes, indeed. The damage from the robberies is enormous, and the rogues fully deserve the noose. But... you see, respected one. The Duke is young, and many matters in our duchy are decided without his involvement..."

The vampire nodded understandingly.

"Exactly. And after the victory at the Cursed Bridge, many old grievances have come to light..."

"In short, whoever among the duke's entourage will influence him and his decisions in the future, while everything is still up in the air, we must wait, maintaining a neutral position towards both sides of the conflict."

"Quite right, couldn't have said it better. Only there are three sides to the conflict."

Alexander smirked. The intrigues of the locals were perceived by him more as free entertainment. The barony of Savoyardi always occupied a special position like a hen laying golden eggs, and he was left alone. But everything happens for the first time.

"Too bad there's no way to keep the baron in check!"

Indeed, it was not customary here to hug or shake hands upon meeting or parting ways, especially with those of higher nobility. Well, let's return to the conversation; after all, the baron called him here for some reason.

"Does the barony of Savoyardi maintain a completely neutral position?"

The baron stood up again and approached the window.

"This certainly does not concern you, especially in light of our not entirely clear relationship."

"But the fact that I am not your vassal does not negate the fact of our friendship!"

"Exactly why I will now tell you something you should not hear."

Approaching the door and opening it slightly, the owner of the office made sure that no one was eavesdropping. Quietly and tightly closing the door, he approached the seated man and leaned towards his ear.

"Besides the steward and the captain, there is also the widowed duchess. Mariana is a very intelligent and grateful woman. And most importantly, she understands the needs of our duchy very well! Almost no one takes her into account, although her influence on her son is great. But this is her only resource. The barons do not support her. Did not support until recently," the baron corrected himself, "An open quarrel that occurred between the captain and the steward led to an increase in highway robberies. Many did not like this. Including me, I became one of those who supported the widowed duchess, while of course, absolutely secretly.

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