Chapter 125

A scientific discussion was decided to be held the night before receiving the convicts. Having reached the physical limits of their own bodies, it was necessary to go further and find out what they could do with others. For example, every single animal injected with vampire blood died.

Semen even jokingly declared that Maria's blood was poisonous and killed them all. For the sake of experiment purity, his blood was injected into a rabbit and a bear. The result was the same. Though the joke about the toxicity of the girl circulated among the vampires for a long time.

She herself took a philosophical approach to this. Now a science and magic advisor, she walked among the sitting vampires' backs and quietly lectured.

"We already know for sure that just drinking blood from people does not turn them into vampires. Even letting our saliva mix with their blood during 'feeding,' if I can put it that way, also doesn't yield results. A similar experiment was conducted yesterday on Stephanie, with her full consent, of course, and after ensuring safety, it was confirmed on the prisoners. Our saliva acts on people like a drug, with a slight subjugation and pain-relieving function, and it also causes a temporary memory loss, the victim forgets about five minutes of life before the 'bite' and about ten minutes after. It will be tested on the convicts whether they will become vampires if they die after our saliva gets into their bloodstream. This is the main idea about vampires from our native world—someone bitten by a vampire becomes one after death.

"And if this doesn't work?" Eugene was generally skeptical about all conversion experiments, considering them somewhat premature.

"Then only magic remains!"

"Why only magic?"

"And what else? If we bite and they remain humans. Then magic remains."

"Don't say that," Konstantin decided to intervene in the conversation of comrades, "I'll repeat, we are basing it on the idea that vampires also existed in our world, and since in the legends they turned people into their own kind, then we can do it too. But! I draw attention to the fact that if everyone bitten turned into a vampire, there would be very few people left very quickly. So the legends about the bite and its consequences have a clear exaggeration, if not an outright lie. But since the fact of transformation is still mentioned, there is a chance that it's true, but the bite has nothing to do with it. Maybe it's not our actions, but people's actions that should turn them into vampires?"

"And what about blood?" Alexander tapped his fingers on the table, as he did when he was tense.

"What about blood? Our blood kills!"

"Animals and directly into their veins. But what if it's ingested by humans? If our blood affects humans differently than animals?"

"That's an idea, we'll need to check."

Maria returned to her seat and started making notes.

"I haven't thought of giving our blood to animals either," she admitted.

"And don't forget rectally!" Eugene was already openly mocking.

"Eugene, we are discussing an important issue!"

"We also forgot to discuss whether we even need to turn people into vampires."

Maria, who had long been asking herself this question, responded instantly.

"And do you want to leave everything to chance? So that those we accidentally make like us crawl out of the ground later?"

"We're not talking about zombies! And we don't bite people!"

Alexander stood up and approached Eugene, placing his hands on his shoulders and began massaging them.

"Eugene, you're getting too worked up. No one is planning to run around and turn everyone they meet into vampires. Just having the knowledge of how to do it won't do any harm. There's no need to lash out at Maria."

"Of course, no harm! Just a dozen or so people will die."

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