Chapter 139

"You rarely visit the city, Your Grace. Do you truly prefer the forest wilderness over our society?"

"Absolutely yours! Don't think about blood, blockhead! Just don't think about blood!"

"That's not at all the case, dear. Your beauty will always surpass the beauty of the forest for me. But duties compel me to be with my people."

"And when will you invite us to your castle, Your Grace?"

"The roads are terribly dangerous. We've just repelled two goblin attacks recently. The left bank is not for idle travels, dear. And the castle isn't even built yet."

"But I heard something entirely different, Your Grace. The mayor of one of the villages was telling Baron himself wonderful stories about towers appearing overnight."

"I'd tear out that mayor's tongue!"

"The villagers are forgivably prone to erroneous conclusions. Don't believe everything peasants say."

"Oh yes. Vegetarians love to exaggerate everything that happens to them!"

The girl laughed. Straightening her back, she once again emphasized her bosom.

"What a fool, she just needs to spread her legs a bit and I'll go crazy from the smell! And she's puffing out her chest!"

Unaware of the true reason behind the young knight's strange behavior, the Baroness attributed everything to her appearance and struck while the iron was hot. She certainly didn't know about the last statement, but ignorance is not an excuse, right?

"Oh, how I wish you would visit us more often. You're such a wonderful conversationalist, Your Grace!"

"And you, unforgettable. You too!"

The vampire didn't know how much longer he could endure this mockery.

"In the future, I should drink some Semenov vodka before meeting people. It really clears the mind!"

"Oh my dear knight, you make me blush."


"Tell me, isn't it true that Baron is simply a magnificent person?"

"Oh, a serious conversation is coming up."

"I agree with you."

"And what do you think about..."

The Triumvirate's interruption saved them from further conversation, as a servant appeared announcing the return of the Baron. The local lord himself appeared literally within a couple of minutes, which were spent in complete silence. The girl only threw disappointed glances at the man and bit her lip.

When the castle's host appeared in the drawing-room, the Baroness stood up, made a curtsey, and left to not interfere with the men's conversation. The Baron watched her go.

"Very sensible girl. My son, on the other hand, turned out to be a fool. My only hope is that she won't let him waste the barony when I'm gone!"

"If only you knew about her plans!"

But that remained a secret among the vampires. They couldn't come to a concrete decision, and naturally, they had no intention of handing over the bride, even though her plans to eliminate the Baron didn't sit well with anyone.

"Dear girl."

Alexander remained significantly silent, and the host didn't pretend not to understand, immediately inviting the guest into his office.

"I wanted to ask, Your Grace, if there's any news from His Eminence?"

"And why did you make the whole journey to the city?"

"This matter is important to me. Any unfinished business is unpleasant for me."

"I understand you. I'm the same." The Baron reclined in his chair. "Unfortunately, the Duke still hasn't even reached his own castle."


The man was sure that the Duke would hasten to his native lands, still plagued by bandits. But the young ruler apparently had little desire to leave the capital and its entertainments. He would have to remain in a dual position for a while longer.

"I won't rush anymore, let them find me themselves!"

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