Chapter 141

—"You see, if someone starts openly buying goblins at such a price, there won't be a shortage of trappers, but the Inquisition will be snooping around every bush. What's the point? That's why for our little amusements, only the most trusted people supply goblins," the baron looked meaningfully at the knight. "And about their toxicity... Why should peasants know about the toxicity of goblins? The Church has long established rules that any dead non-human must be burned. And everyone follows this rule. It originated in ancient times when the nobility had a fashion for eating food prepared from other races. We don't have elves and dwarves here, so my ancestors ate goblins and trolls. That's how the toxicity of these creatures became known. Later, the Church stopped this blasphemous practice, and for the past couple of centuries, strict rules about burning have been in place. But let's not dwell on the past. I told you about their toxicity so you wouldn't think anything. I need goblins like game. Please, let's proceed to the table, my esteemed guest!"

Breakfast passed amid friendly chatter. The only one spoiling the atmosphere at the table was the baronet, who suffered from a hangover and couldn't improve his health in front of his father. Comparing the young man and his wife, Alexander was increasingly inclined to think that the baronetess's plans should remain a secret. There was no need to blackmail her or expose the baron, despite all his goodwill towards vampires. The baron's son, although a good guy, wouldn't lead the city to prosperity. All hope lay only in his wife. And the fact that the young man couldn't fulfill his marital duties meant that finding a father for the future heir was always an option on the side.

"Although, of course, we can't let her kill the baron! Such good barons will come in handy for us!"

No matter how modest the locals pretended to be, everyone at the table noticed the vampire's indifference to food.

—"You eat so little," the baron's daughter-in-law was clearly interested. "Isn't such a strong warrior supposed to eat well? Or do you not like the food?"

—"Warriors need to eat well, you're right. Unfortunately, the conversation with Mr. Baron somewhat spoiled my appetite."

The baron just laughed at the knight's excuse, while the girl looked thoughtfully at the guest for a long time. After leaving the table and saying goodbye to the hosts, the vampire walked into the castle courtyard, where he learned that his friends had completed all their business with the local administrator and had already left.

The trio of riders rode slowly along the wide streets. Chatting with the constables, Alexander learned from them about the situation among the castle's servants.

—"If you knew, Sanya (Alexander), what a stunning and leg-spreading effect you have on the local girls. The maids in the castle only talked about the handsome gentleman. Vanya (Ivan) even got lucky."

Alexander looked at the second guard.

—"My life principle is simple. If they give it, take it!" the guard replied to the unspoken question.

—"Be more careful. What kind of children we'll get is another question."

—"Of course, commander! But everything will be fine."

After listening to the servants' gossip and making sure everything was in order, Alexander began to survey the spring city. The stone-paved streets were completely dry and clean. A hefty fine was imposed for dumping rubbish. However, the fine applied only to the pollution of the main roads paved with stone. The rest of the streets were filled with wild mud.

The entire city was built of wood. The exceptions were the church and one of the warehouses—the royal one, where the most valuable cargoes from the mines were brought. It was right next to the royal warehouses that their journey's goal was located—the merchant yard, which served as the representation of the Savoyard merchants' guild. Here they hoped to find Gennady and then search for the others together.

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