Chapter 144

—"I see only one way out," Eugene stopped rubbing his forehead and looked at the knight. "You'll need to arrange a frank conversation with her, and the baron must eavesdrop on it. We won't get any other proof, there are no documents."

The guards at the gates stood with open mouths, watching a couple dozen warriors in excellent armor entering the city. Rumors about the new knight's retinue had circulated many times, especially after the battle at the Cursed Bridge, but the city guards had never seen them in such numbers before. The arrival of such a well-equipped troop in the city at dusk would raise many questions in any other part of the kingdom.

However, Savoyardi was literally packed with various mercenaries, as the upcoming months on the northern route were the hottest and most dangerous period—caravans of merchants would have to travel under constant tension and anticipation of goblin attacks. The city's population had significantly increased due to porters, carriers, and mercenaries, so there was little interest in questioning the presence of about twenty well-dressed and armed warriors.

The baron didn't pretend to understand the purpose of the evening visit, especially when there had been almost no topics for discussion in the morning. Nevertheless, he promptly received the knight. This time, his stepbrother was present in the study, having just returned from a trip to the duchy's capital.

—"Your Excellency. I ask you to take my words seriously."

—"Alex, I have always taken your words seriously."

The vampire nodded.

—"Tell me, Mr. Baron. Do you occasionally experience fits of inexplicable rage and anger?"

Both the baron and his brother immediately tensed.

—"Yes, we do," the words stretched out as if the speaker was tasting each letter.

—"And what if I say that this is the result of an amulet's influence?"

—"I would say that I would very much like to meet the owner of this amulet."

Alexander smiled.

—"That's not difficult to arrange, Mr. Baron. The amulet belongs to your betrothed."

In the ensuing silence, the crackling of candles and melting wax could be heard. The baron bit his lip until it bled; the scent told the vampire about it, though he didn't actually see the blood himself.

—"Do you have any evidence?"

The knight chuckled.

—"And what evidence could there be, apart from the fact of possessing such an amulet?"

—"Yes, you're right."

The baron looked embarrassed. His brother understood that this was clearly not all there was to why they were visited at such a late hour and kept his gaze fixed on the guest, expecting continuation, and was not disappointed.

—"My people have also learned that the baronetess has persuaded Knight Barkh to betray you, and he plans to kill you."

Giving the interlocutors time to digest the information, he continued.

—"As you understand, I also cannot provide any evidence to support these words."

—"And you ask us to take your word for it?" Ek'Savoyardi's voice was full of bile.

—"No. I only ask that you do not consider my statement mere chatter. And as for verifying my words... You can invite me to spend the night in the castle. Your son is spending the evening in the tavern anyway and may stay there until morning."

The baron's face twisted.

—"The baronetess will certainly take advantage of such an opportunity and try to sway me to her side. Especially since I am not your vassal. You only need to witness this conversation."

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