"The old man" emerged from the secret passage. His eyes were burning with anger, fists clenched. Even Death wouldn't dare stand in his way now, preferring to visit later, much later. The girl squealed in fright and fainted. This did not stop the men. Scenes like this are good for theaters, but in life, few pay attention to the lifeless body of their enemy. The baron wanted to kick the girl's body but changed his mind and asked the knight for help.
Alexander helped to drag her into the baron's study and quietly left, closing the door behind him. He got a bit of the bride's blood, and everything else that happened in the study was a family matter that he didn't need to be involved in. They would sort it out without him. He had already done his part. The vampires preserved the power they needed in the barony. Only the final touch remained.
—"I don't understand! Everything was already hers. She just needed to bear a few children and wait a bit! After my death, it would all be hers. Why?"
Alexander didn't interrupt the baron. He had come to his room after midnight, and the smell of wine was strong on him. The man clearly needed to speak his mind, and the vampire allowed him to do so.
—"I respected her. I was proud to have such a good bride! I must not understand people. Apparently, no one understands them!" The baron dropped his head onto his knees and wept.
After listening to the lamentations for a few more minutes, Alexander decided that self-flagellation was enough for today, and it was time to turn the conversation to business.
—"So what now?"
The baron wiped his wet face with his sleeve and stood up. He walked to the candle and stared at the flame for a long time, ignoring the question.
—"You didn't come alone, did you?"
—"I have twenty fighters in the city."
—"And it won't be a problem for you to cover me with magical shields?"
—"No problem."
The baron fell silent again, gathering his thoughts.
—"Then tomorrow morning there will be an unsuccessful attempt on me, and afterward, I will crush that bastard into the ground. Once a traitor, always a traitor!" With determined steps, he walked to the door, grasped the handle, paused, and turned to his interlocutor. "You know what the worst part of this whole situation is?" And without waiting for an answer, he continued. "All my hopes for the future of my lineage were tied to this little piece of trash! And now the barony is doomed!"
—"Why don't you marry again?"
The question stopped the man. He returned to the bed and inspected the bedroom as if seeing it for the first time.
—"I loved my wife. This was her bedroom. But she always slept in mine. And even when she died, she died there. I can't see my life without her."
—"You need not to live but to have a couple more sons," Alexander didn't even try to be polite.
—"You don't understand..."
—"You're the one who doesn't understand. Your wife has long been with Demur. And you're still on Earth, responsible for yourself here! You need to take a young girl as your wife and have a few children with her. You're not old yet. You're wealthy. Use it! Ensure the future of your lineage!"
The baron sat back on the bed and lowered his head.
—"I never thought in such terms..."
—"Well, now is the most appropriate time for it. Your son is an alcoholic. His wife is a murderer. There won't be a more suitable time; it will be too late in the afterlife!"
—"But whom should I marry?"
—"Am I your matchmaker or what?"
—"You have two more knights among your vassals. Do they have daughters?"
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