Family, Friends and Drama

Hashim had been Aisha's ex-boyfriend during her university years, a relationship marked by intense passion and occasional tumult. They had parted ways bitterly after a series of misunderstandings and conflicting priorities drove them apart.

Aisha's heart raced as memories flooded her mind—late-night conversations, stolen kisses, and heated arguments that had ultimately sealed their separation. Hashim's presence stirred unwanted emotions within her—a tug of unresolved feelings and the sting of past hurts.

"Hashim," Aisha managed to say, her voice wavering slightly. She crouched down to gather her scattered belongings, avoiding his gaze as she felt the weight of his scrutiny.

He knelt down beside her, his movements fluid and controlled. "Aisha," he replied, his voice softer than she remembered. "It's been a while."

Aisha's hands trembled as she stuffed items back into her purse, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts. Seeing Hashim again brought a flood of emotions to the surface—nostalgia intertwined with apprehension about what his presence could mean for her current situation with her family.

"I... I didn't expect to run into you," Aisha admitted finally, her tone tinged with uncertainty. She avoided looking directly at him, focusing instead on securing the zipper of her purse.

Hashim reached out, gently tilting her chin upwards to meet his gaze. "Aisha, how have you been?" he asked softly, his eyes searching hers for answers.

Aisha's breath caught in her throat at the tenderness in his touch, the familiar sensation stirring long-buried emotions. "I've been... Ok," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Hashim nodded understandingly, withdrawing his hand and giving her space. "I read about your work on politics and authenticity, it's remarkable" he stated quietly, his expression unreadable.

Aisha glanced up sharply, surprised by his knowledge of her work. "How... how did you know?" she asked, her voice tinged with suspicion.

He hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I keep in touch with a few mutual friends," he explained vaguely, his eyes never leaving hers. "I wanted to reach out, see how you were doing."

Aisha's mind raced as she processed his words. Hashim had always been perceptive, able to read her emotions even when she tried to conceal them. Part of her yearned to confide in him, to seek comfort in his familiar presence.

They stood in silence for a few awkward moments, their shared history hanging between them.

"Would you like to go somewhere for coffee?" Hashim suggested suddenly, breaking the silence. "We can talk more, catch up properly."

Aisha hesitated, torn between the comfort of familiar company and the complexities of their past. "I... I didn't think so," she replied finally, a small smile tugging at her lips. "May be some day, as of now I'm meeting with a couple of friends"

"Ok well see you around" he walked passed her.

Aisha stood catching her breath, Hashim in Abuja and her. This was too much.

She walked into Rebecca's saloon and scanned through looking for her friend.

"Hey," Aisha greeted as she approached, her voice tinged with relief.

"Hey yourself. What's going on? You sounded urgent in your text." Beni looked up, concern knitting her brows together.

Aisha took a seat next to Beni, letting out a deep sigh. "It's my dad," she began, her voice faltering slightly. "He dropped a bombshell on me today."

"What happened?" Beni leaned in, her expression turning serious.

"He wants me to agree to an arranged marriage," Aisha said, her words carrying a ting of disbelief. "And he's using it as a bargaining chip."

Beni's eyes widened in shock. "That's... intense," she murmured, reaching out to place a comforting hand on Aisha's arm.

"Yeah," Aisha nodded, her thoughts swirling. "He thinks if I agree, he'll treat my mom better. Like it's some kind of trade-off."

"That's messed up," Beni said bluntly, her tone reflecting Aisha's own indignation. "You can't be responsible for fixing their relationship."

"I know," Aisha sighed heavily. "But it's just so much to process. I feel like I'm being pulled in all these different directions."

"You don't have to make a decision right away," Beni reassured her, her voice gentle. "Take your time to figure out what's best for you."

"Thanks, Beni. I needed to hear that." Aisha nodded gratefully, appreciating Beni's calming presence.

"Anytime," Beni smiled warmly. "You know I've got your back. So, what's your next move?" Beni asked gently, breaking the silence.

Aisha took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "I think I need to talk to whoever this man is," she said slowly. "Find out where he stands on all of this."

"Good idea," Beni nodded approvingly. "Communication is key."

"Yeah," Aisha agreed. "I just hope he's willing to be honest with me."

"You won't know until you try," Beni pointed out, her voice filled with encouragement.

"You're right. I need to face this head-on." Aisha nodded again, steeling herself for the conversation ahead.

"You got this," Beni said with conviction, giving Aisha's arm a reassuring squeeze.

"Thanks, Beni. I needed that pep talk." Aisha smiled gratefully, feeling a surge of determination.

Beni had been Aisha's steadfast friend for as long as she could remember. They had met in secondary school, two young girls thrown together by chance and bound by a shared love for adventure. From building pillow forts to exploring the hidden corners of their neighborhood, they had forged a bond that had only grown stronger over the years.

Beni was Aisha's rock, the one who always knew how to make her laugh even in the darkest of times. Their friendship was woven with inside jokes, late-night conversations, and countless shared secrets. They had weathered the storms of adolescence together, navigating crushes, heartbreaks, and the uncertainties of growing up.

Their friendship was a sanctuary—a place where Aisha could be herself without fear of judgment. Beni had seen her through moments of doubt and triumph, offering support with a knowing smile and a comforting hug. She was the steady anchor in Aisha's life, grounding her during moments of turmoil.

As the door to the salon swung open, a burst of vibrant energy entered with the arrival of a woman adorned in pink from head to toe, her makeup bold and attention-grabbing. Her entrance was accompanied by an exuberant voice that echoed across the salon.

"Butterfly, you nearly gave me a heart attack with that text!" Zima exclaimed at the top of her lungs as soon as she spotted Aisha and Beni seated in the corner.

Zima's voice cut through the salon's ambient chatter, drawing curious glances from other patrons. She bounded over to their table, her every movement animated and full of life.

Zima was their third friend, the one that completed their triangle. They had been closed friends for a long time now.

Zima was the overactive and dramatic of the three of them and she was the only one married.

"I'm fine, babe. Dad's home and he is driving me crazy," Aisha announced.

"Haven't we murdered him yet? Come on, he should be dead by now!" Zima cried out dramatically.

"In our heads, he's already dead and rotten, but out in the real world, he walks free. Guess what he did this time," Beni said.

"Violence with Kudrath!" Zima screamed in anger.

"Nope! Almost. He wants me to agree to an arranged marriage," Aisha announced.

"He what!" Another scream pierced through the salon.

"Girls, quiet please. You are startling my customers," Rebecca shouted from across the salon.

"Let's go to my place. We can scream as much as we want. My husband was on a date with his daughter," Zima said loudly, eyeing Rebecca. They stood up and headed toward the exit.

"Girls, my brother is launching his nightclub tonight. You're all invited!" Rebecca shouted after them.

Aisha and Zima both turned to look at Beni suspiciously. Rebecca and Beni were sisters, and it should have been Beni inviting them, not Rebecca.

Aisha and Zima exchanged knowing glances as they processed Rebecca's slip-up. Beni grinned sheepishly, realizing the mistake too.

"Aha! I knew it!" Zima exclaimed with a playful nudge to Beni's shoulder. "You've been holding out on us, haven't you?"

"Okay, okay, you caught me. It's actually my brother's club opening tonight." Beni chuckled nervously.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Aisha asked, teasingly.

"I wanted it to be a surprise," Beni admitted, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Well, surprise achieved," Zima said with a laugh.

"So, are you girls in for a night of dancing and celebration?" Beni asked.

"Absolutely!" Aisha replied, her earlier worries about her father momentarily forgotten in the excitement.

"Lead the way, Beni. Let's make it a night to remember!" Zima threw an arm around Beni's shoulder.

They left the salon together, laughter and anticipation filled the air, bonding them even more.

"Girls, wait, have you heard about the tragedy that occurred last night at Tower One?" Zima exclaimed as soon as they walked into her apartment.

"That's where you live, and that's where we are right now," Aisha muttered under her breath.

"Apparently, there was a party in one of the exclusive penthouses last night. It was a high-profile event with government officials attending. They say a girl jumped off the tower at midnight. The CCTV footage caught a man in a black suit, suspected of pushing her," Zima relayed with a sense of urgency and intrigue in her voice.

A hushed silence fell over the room as Zima's words hung in the air, the weight of the tragedy sinking in.

"A girl jumped... or was pushed?" Beni asked, her voice barely above a whisper, eyes wide with disbelief.

"That's what they're saying. It's all over the news and social media." Zima nodded solemnly.

Aisha felt a chill run down her spine. The thought of someone falling to their death from the very tower they were now in sent a shiver through her.

"Do they know who she was?" Aisha asked, her voice trembling slightly.

"Not yet. They're still investigating." Zima shook her head.

"And the man in the black suit... Have they identified him?" Beni paced nervously, her mind racing with questions.

"Not that I've heard. It's all speculation at this point." Zima sighed, her expression troubled.

"We're so close, yet we had no idea," Aisha murmured, more to herself than to the others.

"What do you think happened?" Beni stopped pacing and turned to face her friends.

"It's hard to say. Maybe it was an accident. Maybe something more sinister." Zima shrugged, her eyes darting between Aisha and Beni.

Aisha felt a knot tighten in her stomach. The image of a girl falling, possibly pushed, haunted her thoughts. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over them.

"We should keep an eye on the news," Beni suggested, breaking the heavy silence. "Maybe they'll have more information soon."

"Yeah, good idea," Zima agreed, her voice tinged with unease.

They gathered around Zima's television, flipping through channels in search of any updates on the incident.

The news channels were abuzz with speculation and updates regarding the tragic incident at Tower One. Reports varied, but the core details remained consistent: a girl had fallen—or possibly been pushed—from one of the exclusive penthouses during a high-profile party. The identity of the victim remained unknown, fueling public curiosity.

Aisha, Beni, and Zima watched, their expressions mirrored shock and disbelief.

"Could it be related to the party?" Aisha wondered aloud, her voice barely above a whisper as they continued to listen to the news anchor's solemn tone.

"It seems likely," Beni replied, her brow furrowed in concern. "Especially if there were government officials involved."

"But who would push someone off a building this high? And why?" Zima nodded in agreement, her gaze fixed on the screen.

The room fell silent again, letting situation settled in. They watched in silence, the reporters interviewed witnesses and analysts speculated on possible motives. The speculation ranged from personal disputes to political rivals.

"I don't think this story is going away anytime soon," Beni announced, her voice tinged with unease.

"I can't believe this is happening right where we live," Zima murmured, her eyes glued to the screen.

"Life is full of surprises," Beni replied softly, her gaze distant.

"Maybe they'll find out what really happened and I hope it's just an accident" Zima cried out and stood up heading to her kitchen.

"Let's hope so," Beni replied.

Aisha turned to Beni, finding solace in their friendship. Among their circle, Beni was the most comforting presence; she never judged, only listened.

"Mom was partying last night," Aisha confided softly. "She brought home a boy toy. I'm really worried."

Beni's expression remained calm and understanding, her eyes focused on Aisha with empathy.

"I don't know what's gotten into her lately," Aisha continued, her thoughts drifting as she spoke. "She's been so different. It's like she's trying to fill a void or something."

Beni nodded understandingly. She reached out and gently squeezed Aisha's hand, offering silent support.

"It's just... seeing her like this, it scares me," Aisha admitted quietly. "I want to help her, but I don't know how."

"You're doing your best," Beni reassured her softly. "Sometimes that's all we can do."

Aisha took a deep breath, grateful for Beni's words of encouragement. She knew Beni was right—she couldn't control her mother's actions, but she could be there for her, offering love and understanding.

"I just wish things could go back to how they were," Aisha murmured, her voice filled with longing.

Aisha's phone rang, shattering the tranquility between her and Beni. Startled, she fished it out from her purse, her heart racing with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. She stared at the screen for a moment before answering.

"Hi Mom," she greeted cautiously.

The voice on the other end delivered words that pierced through Aisha's composure like shards of glass. Her eyes widened, her grip on the phone tightening involuntarily. In an instant, her world seemed to fracture.

She stood up abruptly, her breath catching in her throat, leaving Beni watching with concern etched on her face.

The sudden call from her mother had left Aisha reeling, her thoughts spinning with worry and disbelief.