Shard of Ice

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Shelly came out of the library very sleepy, very happy and with her lips swollen from the constant kissing.

- And here I am already I am being sneaky.

≪Not sneaky, but good for you. ≫

- You're a bad influence on me.

≪It's just our male nature, in time you'd come to realise the benefits of harems, like I did. ≫

I'm going to get some work done, because I'm still not quite over the line, and all I did was kiss Shelly, which didn't release my sexual tension, and I won't be able to do that with Najenda for at least another day.... But you get used to good things, especially good sex with a stunning hottie, which makes it doubly hard for me, because in Night Raid it's either a hottie or a walking sex bomb, like Leone, who came back from the capital in the morning, a little shabby.

- Today with Akame, they killed the drug dealers who ran the brothel. They took girls from poor neighbourhoods, got them hooked on drugs, and then forced them to work for the dope. I tore those bastards to shreds. - Leone said cheerfully.

- And what did you do with the drug addicted prostitutes, who were drugged and raped by these scumbags? - I asked, before leaving.

- I told about them to a doctor from the slums, he has a thing for young girls, maybe some of them he can save, but most of them will die, they were sick with venereal diseases, and some of them just can't live without a dose... there was a friend of mine, we used to work in a massage parlour, by the look of it she doesn't have long left, drugs have already destroyed her body... at least these scoundrels won't put new girls on drugs and rape them. - replied Leone.

- One brothel has been destroyed, there are still a few hundred left in the capital, and thousands more across the Empire.

- Are you saying that what Akame and I did today is useless? - Leone asked.

- In general, yes, but I kill criminals at night too, and in general it's also useless, but we keep doing it to make the world a little better. I'll see you tonight, maybe I'll go on a mission with someone if you have one.

- I have a mission for Maeyn, I need to shoot a Chibul official, he's very careful and only leaves his estate when he's on his way to the palace. Shelly will probably go with Maeyn as usual as a guard. - Leone said, looking at Shelly, who was drinking her coffee slowly so as not to show her swollen lips.

- Well, I'll go with Shelly and that pink flat-bottomed girl. Do you mind Shelly? - I smiled at the girl.

- I'd love it if you came with us. - Shelly replied, still holding the cup close to her lips.

- I'll see you tonight, then. - I wanted to leave, but Akame tugged on my sleeve.

- Gin, give me the meat. - The red-eyed beauty with the bottomless stomach looked at me pitifully.

- You should still have some left over from last night's hunt. - I looked into the pantry, which was completely empty.

- I decided to have a snack the night before the mission... and I ate it all. - Akame replied, looking away.

- Akame, you are a very uneconomical concubine slave. - I put out pieces of meat from my stockpile, which thanks to Akame melts very quickly, but not to leave the girls without breakfast.

- Thank you, Gin, I'll go hunting before dinner and replenish the pantry again, I promise. - The girl replied, not saying that she would do it so that she would have something to empty at night.

As I walked down the street of the capital towards my home, I saw a cute little red-haired girl in the uniform of the imperial guards, she was strolling along nicely with her cute little dog... who smelled of various dangerous monsters.

The revolutionaries have information about some Teigu, and among the known artefacts are a couple of organic Teigu, one of them is owned by the revolutionary army, it is Susanoo - a Teigu in the form of a horned man, and the other is Hecatonheir - a Teigu in the form of a small dog that can turn into various monsters. Organic Teigu are practically invulnerable, they have a strong core that is inside a body of pseudo-flesh that they can quickly regenerate while the core is intact. It's kind of like me, except my core is a soul that's now partially in the domain, so I can regenerate very quickly, except that if my body is completely destroyed, a brand new body will be three times weaker than the current one.

Organic Teigu have two vulnerabilities, their core, which is hard to find inside their body and difficult to destroy, and the second vulnerability is the Teigu's master, whose orders it carries out, without a master, organic Teigu fall into sleep.

In the evening, I returned to the Night Raid base and went to find Shelly and Mein, and while Shelly was ready for the mission, Mein was asleep. She decided to get a good night's sleep before the mission, because the 'best sniper' needs to go on a mission well rested.

- She's so cute when she sleeps. - Shelly said, looking at Mein, who was now lying on the pink bed in pink pyjamas, cuddling a pink stuffed kitten.

- Let's not wake her up, she's only cute when she's asleep. Let's do the mission together, I'm as good a shot as Maine... and after the mission, we can stay on the road a little longer. - I put my arm around Shelly.

- All right, let's let Maeyn sleep. - Shelly gave me a quick kiss and we left Mein's room where we kissed again in the corridor, and on the way Shelly had a couple of kisses and when I was in position waiting for the target, Shelly wanted me to pay attention to her lips too. Shooting the target, which was a couple of kilometres away, was easy for me, though Shelly was in my way all the time, but it was pleasant, and I didn't mind kissing her. As we made our way back to the base I could smell that organic Teigu smell of monsters again, I went straight into invisibility just in case.

- I finally got a Night Raid, I've been waiting for you guys for a long time. You're Shelly from the Night Raid. - I'm from the Imperial Guard, my name is Seriu Yubikitas, and today you will pay with your life for killing my teacher Ogre. - shouted the girl, and her dog turned into a five metre tall muscular monster.

- I killed Ogre. - I said, and under the invisibility knocked out Seria with a strong blow to the back of the head, one blow was not enough for her, I had to add a second one, then her Teigu-monster deflated and turned back into a small mutt, which I kicked somewhere to the south, the blow was very strong, maybe the dog flew to the outskirts of the capital.

- Thank you, Gin. It's probably a good thing you replaced Mein today. - Shelly said as she approached Serius with her scissors open, clearly wanting to cut off her head.

- Shelly, leave her alone, she's a guard who's good at her job.

- Okay, we need to leave quickly then...' Shelly glanced at Seria and we headed to the base where we found a disgruntled Mein who had not been taken on the mission. While Shelly was trying to calm the pink haired hysteric I went to check on Najenda, her fever was on the decline, she would probably be back to normal by tomorrow morning.

When I went to Shelly's room, I met a disgruntled Mein, who gave me a nasty look and went to her room, slamming the door loudly, and I went to Shelly's room, but I was near the kitchen and saw Akame eating the pantry again.

- Oh, where are you going? Shelly's room, by any chance? What, have you seduced an innocent girl yet? - Leone asked with a smile on her face as she stood outside Shelly's room, 'And what are you willing to do to keep me from telling Najenda that you're cheating on her with Shelly? How about cheating with me, too?

- I'll tell Najenda when she wakes up, and I haven't cheated on her yet, Shelly and I just kissed. - I opened the door to Shelly's room, and went in there and tongue-lashed the con artist, and then I locked the door.

- Gin, let's make out all night... naked. - Shelly suggested, having already taken off her trousers and started to take off her jumper, her knickers already damp.

- That's a very tempting offer, but if I get naked, it's not going to be just kissing. - I answered, at the same time enjoying the girl's beauty, and at the same time bemoaning myself for deceiving Najenda.

≪Oh, she knew from the very beginning that we are with a freak, and at any moment can start to collect a harem of slaves, so, from her side it would be silly to be surprised and offended.≫

- Gin, I've been on fire downstairs since yesterday, and it's getting hotter with every kiss. - Shelly lay down on the bed, opening her legs, where the wet cloth hid her seductive beauty... which I was tempted to do, and sitting down beside the bed, I ripped Shelly's panties off with my teeth, exposing her smooth flowing pussy.

- Well, that's another kind of kiss, but I'll be kissing your lower lips. - I kissed Shelly's juicy peach, which immediately squeezed my head with her legs, and while I was busy with her beauty, Shelly stroked my hair with one hand and fondled the nipple on my breast with the other.

Until Najenda gave her consent for me to have someone other than her, I didn't want to cross the line into actual adultery, so Shelly was given a good licking tonight by my slightly rough tiger tongue. All night long I caressed her virgin flower with my tongue, her nipples I didn't neglect either, and of course I kissed her again until almost morning. All this made me overexcited again, and since Najenda was soon to be awakened, I decided to wait to blow off steam with her.

When I came to Najenda's room in the morning, I saw the girl looking at me with a sleepy look.

- How long have I been lying there from that booze you gave me? - She got up and took the coffee I'd brought her with breakfast.

- Two days, like I said. When you've eaten, let's go outside and try out the weapons I made you. - I put the tray with food on Najenda's desk, where she started to eat quickly, as she was definitely hungry... I was also very hungry during these two days, but in a different way. While Najenda was eating, I stood behind her and massaged her shoulders, gently going lower and lower.

- You missed me a lot, didn't you? - She raised her head when I was already massaging her breasts.

- I did. - I kissed her.

After Najenda had eaten, we went outside with her and the other members of the Night Raid who were bored and wanted to see what we were doing.

- Anyway, Najenda, you ordered a sword first, then a whip, so I made a sword that can turn into a whip. The blade is as poisoned as Murasama's blade, the poison I used is a little different, but it works in a similar way, poisoning not only the body but also the soul, so you had to be given the antidote. When the sword is turned into a whip, it is divided into segments that are bound together by a super strong rope through which the internal energy of the wielder flows, so that the whip can be controlled in flight mentally. Its maximum length is eight metres, and the tip of the whip can be fired at great speed to penetrate armoured targets. Here, Najenda. - I gave her the sword, which she immediately turned into a whip and started swinging it left and right.

- Now I should try this whip on someone, did anyone mess up while I was resting? - Najenda asked, looking at all of us, Shelly lowered her gaze, -Okay, Gin, let's go hunting, I'll try this weapon on monsters. - The two of us went to the plateau, where Najenda began to chop huge beasts into cabbage. The whip could deliver very strong chopping blows, and Najenda was able to cut some monsters lengthwise or crosswise with a single swing. Najenda was quite strong, not as strong as Akame, but about three times stronger than the average man. Akame is inhumanly strong, but she pays for it by eating a lot, while Najenda only eats a couple of times more than a normal man.

- Now, let's go into the forest and try out three of your gifts, a reinforcing handcuff and a whip pistol. - She took out a revolver from the holster behind her back, and aiming at a high flying lizard, she blew its head off with a maximally amplified shot... except that we didn't expect that there was someone flying on that lizard, - Shit, Esdeath was flying on that lizard! - Najenda recognised the blue-haired girl falling towards us.

- She must have travelled back to the capital from the north, her army must be somewhere behind us. - Najenda, go back to the base and I'll fight Esdeath, you haven't learnt how to use a weapon yet and I've been preparing for that bitch for a long time. As you know, I'm hard to kill, so don't worry. - I told the girl.

- I'll be back here with help. - Najenda replied, running away under invisibility like I asked her to.

- Don't even think about it! - I shouted after her and activated the armour mode specially designed against Esdeath. In this mode, the armour is more like a hermetically sealed armoured spacesuit, where the helmet is painted like a white tiger's head. The visor in the helmet works similar to Teigu's Spectractor, giving me the ability to predict enemy attacks. The armour can also generate destructive waves around me created from expanding protective barriers, this is needed to crush the ice around me if I am suddenly frozen completely.

- I think I saw Najenda here. - spoke a blue-haired girl of unearthly beauty that descended from the sky like an angel.

≪And she is really beautiful, she should be our slave. ≫

Since Esdeath could control the ice freely, she created pieces of ice on her hands and feet, which she directly controlled, and thus she was able to slow her fall, safely descending to the ground from a height of a couple of kilometres. The monster she had recently flown on had plummeted a few seconds ago, and in doing so had been half turned into mincemeat by the impact with the ground.

- Yeah, she shot that monster, but we weren't expecting such a big catch. - I said, getting into a fighting stance.

- I hear she's organised a bunch of revolutionaries in the capital who own Teigu, and you must be one of them. - Esdeath drew her rapier from its sheath, -Decided to delay me, giving your commander time to retreat? Pretty noble, but stupid. - Esdeath lunged, trying to pierce my heart with her rapier, which was made of ordinary steel, but already so soaked with Esdeath's cold inner energy that my tiger blade could only leave a deep nick on her rapier when I blocked the blow, although I expected to be able to cut off a piece of rapier.

- You were able to react? Interesting, maybe you can entertain me while my subordinates pull up. - Esdeath attacked me again, but I anticipated her moves and was able to block them, and each time our blades clashed, Esdeath's rapier left a deep nick.

Esdeath was clearly superior to Akame in skill and strength, and Akame could easily slash me with her katana if I fought her with just a regular sword, with my armour I could beat Akame, but now with the help of my artifacts, I was only equal to Esdeath in sword fighting, but she had one more advantage besides that, her Ice Teigu. With every second of the fight, it was getting colder and colder, and soon everything was covered in ice, and my soles were specially designed to be able to walk on slippery ice.

- You're good, you're even better than Numa Seiki, that 'Hero of the North' who I made lick my boots before I killed that weak little thing. - Esdeath said, trying to ice my feet to catch me, but the ice was shattered by the energy wave, and I was able to dodge her lunge, hitting the rapier where it was already damaged, causing Esdeath's weapon to lose its blade at the hilt.

- That was my favourite rapier, I've slaughtered at least a hundred thousand weaklings with it. - she created an icy blade on the handle of the rapier.

- I know you're a sick maniac, you've destroyed two places I could call home.

- Oh, so you're here for revenge on me? - Esdeath asked, pointing the end of her ice rapier at me, and ice spears flew towards me, appearing in the sky by the hundreds.

- Exactly. - A protective field appeared around me, colliding with it, the sharp icicles turned into snow.

- Then you're gonna have to do better than that. - She created huge sleepers instead of small icicles, which she began to rain down on me without interruption, increasing the size of the projectile, eventually piling me with a pile of ice and dropping a huge wedge-shaped ice block on top of it, - Another weakling. Should I go after Najenda? I'll deal with her later, that schemer must have called me to catch her. - Esdeath came over and picked up the blade of her rapier, which she had put into its scabbard, along with the handle.

It was very cold in the place where I was, even the armour could not fully cope with such a low temperature, so my body temperature was about minus five degrees, which would be enough to freeze a normal person, but I could live at lower temperatures. With the strongest pulse I could get out of my armour, I shattered all the ice, turning it into snow, which was a white geyser shooting up into the sky.

Esdeath wasn't around, but I could see her on a nearby rock, waiting for the arrival of her friends, who were travelling on slower flying monsters. Deciding that I had enough fights with ice queens for now, I went into invisibility, and headed for the Night Raid base.