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In the settlement of Korra and Katara, the men were actively preparing for the war, some men might have wanted to stay with their wives and children, but there were also men who had simply lost their wives and children in the past attacks of the Southern Invaders, they wanted revenge against the Fire Nation soldiers, and the other men understood them, for if they lost their families, they would also want to kill the Fire Nation men. War breeds cruelty, and starts a cycle of endless cruelty and death, someone is always out for revenge. I, in principle, understand, as well as the Fire Nation, who started the war and must by all means to finish it, even if it is necessary to exterminate other peoples, otherwise all this war would be meaningless, as well as all the sacrifices made by the Fire Nation itself. I also understand the Water Tribe, they were attacked, they were killed, and of course they want to respond to the offender, but among all the warriors of the tribe there is not a single magician, which means that they will not be able to achieve anything significant anyway, rather they will just die senselessly.

To see off the warriors of the village to the war gathered all the inhabitants that will have to stay in the south, and it was mostly women and children, all the men who can hold a weapon, decided to leave the Water Tribe and sail to the Kingdom of Earth, to fight with the Fire Nation. The women and children wept, they did not want to let their loved ones go to almost certain death. After saying goodbye to their loved ones, the men turned and went to their boats, but a boy with black and white hair stood in their way.

- What village are you from, young man? Have you decided to go to war with us too? - a bearded man asked me.

- No, I decided to fulfil a request and persuade you not to go to war. - I said phlegmatically.

- Huh, we've already decided, we can't be persuaded. - replied the man.

- One. - I swung my left hand and turned the nearest ice hill into an ice suspension, - Two. - I swung my right hand at the gathered Water Tribe warriors. A white icy mist drifted towards the warriors, the ice particles settling on their bodies, forming a solid ice crust, shackling all the men in ice shackles up to their necks.

- It took me two seconds to immobilise you all, it would have taken me one second to kill you. - I swung my right hand once more, and from the remnants of the ice dust I created sharp icicles of ice that hung in each man's face. These icicles began to approach the foreheads of the warriors in a threatening manner, and even pricked their skin with a sharp ice spike. When I swung my arm sideways, these icicles flew into the ice hill, leaving many deep holes in it.

- I hope that was a clear enough demonstration of your strength, or rather your weakness. Your entire warband is not worth even one mage, if you meet a skilled fire mage, you will all die in a second, being burnt by a wave of flame. There, in the war, you won't help anyone, you'll just die foolishly at the hands of the first mage you see. Here, your families need you, your tribe needs you. Well, if I haven't changed your mind, you can go to war as soon as you get out of the ice and get your boats out of the ice. Bing! - I shouted, and an ice phoenix flew over the Water Tribe's boats, freezing them into a thick layer of transparent ice. Bing Xi Feng herself could increase her size by building up ice crystals on her ice body, making her five times larger than usual.

- Good day, gentlemen, I hope that you will be reasonable. - I nodded to everyone present, and in addition to the male warriors, there were all the other villagers, including Korra and Katara, who I took one last look at before Bing landed next to me and I flew off over the horizon. I didn't want to show off my flame jet flight here, so they'd think I was just an ice mage who was friends with the Ice Spirit in the form of an ice bird. But to ride Bing Xi Feng, I had to pay a couple of hundred fruits.

Now, the Water Tribe warriors just physically can not go anywhere, Katara and Korra managed to defrost their father, and the other members of the tribe also helped to free the men from the ice captivity, but less successfully. It was only with the help of Korra and Katara that they were able to get another warrior out of the ice. To get the boats frozen in many metres of ice is not even a dream. All the men would now have to chop ice for days and nights to get at least one boat... but at least the small fishing boats were still intact, and they could still catch fish in case of emergency.

I intervened in this whole situation because it would not be to my advantage if the Water Tribe warriors left the South Pole, they could be captured and interrogated about who was destroying the Southern Invaders' ships. Right now, the Water Tribe people know for sure that it was me and Bing, and they also know that I'm not an ordinary good spirit, I'm a mage, and a powerful one, so leaving their families near me would be too inconsiderate. They'll all sail away and I'll come to their village without men and start seducing their daughters and wives, and I'm such a fruit that I'll definitely take advantage of such a tempting chance. I've already got everything working fine, but I've got better things to do than girls.

A couple of months had passed since my intervention in the Water Tribe's life, and now it was just about time for the lychee season, so I started flying to the islands again to pick Bing's favourite treat, and one day, on my way home from picking fruit, I noticed two familiar girls near my palace.

Putting out the jet flames on my feet, I began to plan on ice wings towards these two.

- What do you want? - I greetingly asked, landing next to them, having already retracted my ice flaps.

Bing was flying a little behind at the moment, a huge ice basket filled with lychee fruit in her paws. I myself can't carry too much stuff in my spatial pocket, otherwise I just won't be able to fly.

- You're not very friendly. - said Korra.

- I'm very hospitable. So why are you here? - I asked.

- We want you and your spirit to teach us Water Magic. - answered Katara, and from the flask on her back with the help of magic pulled out water that began to fly near the girl.

- Yes, you seem to be already something you can already. - I answered.

- Exactly, that something, these tricks are almost all that we know how to do. - Korra repeated the same procedure, taking water from the flask that began to fly around the girl, soon the two sisters combined their two water balloons, and stretched all the water into a small stream flowing in the air.

- If you have come to me and Bing to study Water Magic, I can tell you that you have the wrong address. We're not Waterbenders, we're Icebenders, or to be more precise, we're Coldbenders. Neither Bing nor I can control water, only Ice. - I answered, lying a little, I can control fire too.

- Well... at least teach us Ice Magic. - said Korra.

- What do you mean, 'teach us Ice Magic', why would I teach you? You can take lessons from Bing, but she charges for them, and she's flying over there. - I pointed to a huge ice bird with a huge ice basket full of fruit in its paws,' I said, 'But she has plenty of fruit now, so she'll charge you for lessons. - I said as I looked at Bing, who flew inside the palace with her burden, shrinking back down to a compact size and changing the shape of the ice basket to make it easier to pass through the palace.

- Korra, can we tell him who you are?' Katara asked her sister, but she shook her head no.

- And who would she have to be for Bing and I to teach you Ice Magic? Unless she's the Avatar, ha ha. Okay, girls, I'm off. - I smiled, and stood on the ice slide leading to the palace balcony and quickly started climbing up.

- Hey! Wait, I really am the Avatar! - Korra shouted.

- Yeah, yeah, I'm the Avatar too! - I shouted mockingly, and disappeared into the palace. The girls were still shouting something, but Bing and I ignored them. There's no way those two could get into my house, the ice the palace is made of is very strong, and no climbing tools can damage it, and that ice slide can only be climbed with Ice Magic.

The girls continued to scream, for a while, and then started trying to climb up the ice mountain to the ice palace, but they were unsuccessful. For about a week they continued their attempts, but finally they decided to just settle at the foot of the ice mountain, inside of which my palace was located. They built themselves an ice igloo, that is, a hut made of blocks of compacted snow, the same kind of huts most of the people of the Southern Water Tribe live in, and in the same kind of hut these two sisters settled near my palace. It was another week before I left my home again for the next harvest. The jackfruit, or more simply, the fruit of the breadfruit tree, was just about to ripen. Baked jackfruit is quite a bit like bread, but with a potato flavour, but it's still good.

- Oh, hello!' Korra said to me as I came down the ice slide, 'You're a homebody, you've been sitting in your ice nest for a fortnight.

- Have you decided to teach us Ice Magic? - Katara asked, who was currently practising Water Magic with four small water balloons flying around her.

- Of course not. - I replied.

- Wrong answer! - Korra shouted, and took control of Katara's water, merging it into one large water ball that rushed towards me as Korra lunged towards me with her hand.

- How naive. - If you attack me again, I'll turn you into an ice statue and put you in my hallway. Go home, and don't make me angry. - I said, gripping both girls in the ice up to their necks and then letting them go, giving them a stern look.

- Well, shit, I'm sorry. We don't know how to even get your attention on us anymore. And last time I said I was the Avatar, I wasn't lying. Look. - Korra spoke, one hand covered in flames, the other in water, and she stomped her foot with force, and the rocks that were underneath the thick layer of ice flew out, 'I need your help. As an Avatar, I must re-learn the four elements to stop the Hundred Years War started by the Fire Nation. Please teach me and my sister everything you know about Ice Magic. - said the girl who could control the three elements at a minimal level.

- Um... okay, go upstairs and wait for me, I'll be back in a few hours, I need to go get some breadfruit. - I waved my hand and the ice slide turned into an ice staircase with a handrail.

- Thank you, we'll be good students! What should we call you? Or will just 'teacher' be enough? - Korra asked excitedly.

- My name is Hela, but you can call me teacher too. I have to go, the sooner I leave, the sooner I'll be back. - I created my ice wings and jumped into the air and began to control the air flow, heating or cooling it, so I could plan even without jets from my legs, because this flying technique is quite conspicuous, especially if you need to fly somewhere at night unnoticed. When I was far enough away from home, I activated the jets and flew towards the islands at supersonic speed. I use Ice Magic to pick jackfruits, as well as other fruits; I use ice to create small flying limbs that I use to quickly snip the fruit into an ice basket, and then I move the harvest into a spatial pocket and fly home.

While I was gone, Katara and Korra had moved their belongings to my home, and they were currently walking through the various rooms of the ice palace. When they came to the huge hall where I usually train, I found them just as they were.

- How do you like my humble abode? - I asked as I entered the hall.

- Your house has nothing to do with the word 'modest', it feels like we're in some royal palace, and you're an ice prince. - Katara replied.

- Heh, 'prince'... ahem. I call my dwelling modest because it's made entirely of ice, and it's not gold and marble, so there's nothing royal about it. So, before we begin, I want to ask you, you know what my name means, right? - I looked at the girls.

- 'Ice Flame.' - Korra answered, 'My name means "Ice" and my little sister's name means "Waterfall".' What was the question about? - The older of the two sisters asked.

- Because it's a name that suits me very well. Like I said before, I have Cold Magic, but I was only half honest, my real magic is Temperature Magic, I can control both cold and heat. And to be more graphic, I wield both Ice and Fire at once. - My left hand was enveloped in flames and my right hand in a frosty blue aura.

- Oh, if I wasn't the Avatar, I'd think you were the Avatar. - Korra commented, 'And that's why you live here alone and don't like visitors, because if they see your magic, they'll think you're either the Avatar or a Firebender, and they're considered evil here.

- Yeah, good point. As the Avatar, I can teach you Firebending. I can teach you both Ice Magic along with Bing Xi Feng, if you agree to train with me now. By the way, I hope you asked your parents for a break and didn't just run to me in the hope of learning magic. - I asked my sisters.

- Of course we did... hehehe. - Korra replied awkwardly.

- Eh... I'll ask Bing to take you home, and you did ask your parents' permission to train with me, and it's better if you live in this very palace. It's not a coincidence that I'm staying here, there's a closed portal to the Spirit World underneath the palace, so there's a lot of spiritual energy flowing into our world from there, and your strength will be restored very quickly, if not instantly, so we can practise without tiring.

- Thank you, Hela! - Korra said with a smile.

- Thank you, Master! - said Katara.

- Yes, thank you, Master. - Korra said again.

- Bing, come here, I have to take someone somewhere! - I shouted.

- What's this got to do with me? - asked the ice bird, it could move freely through the ice walls of the palace without damaging them.

- And you can turn into a large ice bird, which can easily fit these two girls, whom we will train from now on. Remember you wanted to train the Avatar, here you go, but we just need to take them to the village so they can ask their parents to stay with us. Come on, Bing, be good. - I stroked the phoenix that was perched on my shoulder.

- Only because she's the Avatar. - Bing replied, and we went to the balcony, where the ice phoenix had frozen an extra mass of ice on itself so that the two girls could sit on it.

When they flew away, I said:

- I'm going to take care of other people's girls, while I have a lovely evil little sister Azula... I'll have to fly home sometime to see how they're all doing, hopefully the grandfather is dead and Uncle Airo has taken the throne. But that's not anytime soon, because I'll be training the Avatar in the near future.

≪If the Avatar wasn't a beautiful dark-haired girl, you wouldn't have agreed to train her. ≫

- Yeah. - I briefly confirmed the hunch of my other self.