Kyoshi Island

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During the flights to Kyoshi Island, I had been getting strange looks from the two sisters, and during the breaks on the islands, they were also giving me strange looks, so when we made a stop before the final flight to Kyoshi Island, I asked them a question:

- Well, why do you keep staring at me and blushing at me? - I looked at the girls, who looked at each other and blushed a bit again.

- It seems to you. - replied Corra.

- Really? - I answered sceptically.

- It's all because of Pra-Pra's words... that's what we call our grandmother Kanna... she advised us... - Katara stopped talking, and blushed again.

- What advice? - I specified.

- Pra-pra, said that if we suddenly fall in love with one guy, we do not need to fight over him, two sisters can get along with one husband. I don't see why she would say that to us at all. - Korra replied, trying not to look at me.

- Oh, I see. - I said.

- What do you understand? - Katara asked a question.

- I see that your grandmother is a wise woman. - I smiled, which made Katara blushed again, - Huh, okay, let's have lunch, and we will have dinner on the island of Kyoshi.

- That advice has nothing to do with you, so you don't think anything of it. - added the blushing Korra.

- Yeah, I got it. - I answered and started to prepare lunch, Bing ate some fruit, and after the meal we flew again. We had to fly more than a thousand kilometres across the sea to Kyoshi Island, and we arrived when the sun began to hide behind the horizon. It was still light, but we did not go to the city at night, we decided to have dinner and spend the night on the outskirts of the island, and in the morning to come to the village of Kyoshi.

We quietly began to settle down for the night, I was preparing dinner, when suddenly we were attacked by strange girls in green clothes, their faces were equally painted with battle make-up: the whole face was white, and the line between the eyebrow and the eye was highlighted with orange paint. These girls were holding battle fans in their hands, and in general, their appearance was very similar to the Kyoshi statue in the Air Temple.

- Beautiful ladies, why are you attacking us? - I asked, dodging the blows of the girl dressed as Kyoshi. There were five opponents in total, the one fighting me was their commander and the other four were her subordinates, they took on Katara and Korra.

- Who are you? What are you doing here? Kyoshi Island is neutral, and you are probably spies of the Fire Nation. - My opponent replied, attacking me with her fans, first she tried to hit me with folded fans, but I dodged her blows quite cleverly, so she opened them to increase the area of the weapon, and to increase the chance of hitting me.

- Wait a minute, first you ask questions and then you answer them, and you answer them all wrong. And by the way, do you have any weapons bigger than a fan? I can see that you are a master of it, but a fan is not a serious weapon for me, I am even offended that they are trying to defeat me with such a weak weapon. - I said, continuing only to dodge the girl's blows.

- Ju, sword! - shouted my opponent, and one of the warrior girls pulled out a katana in a scabbard from behind her back, and threw it to my opponent, - Here, as ordered, now I will defeat you with a sword, evil spy of the Fire Nation. - said the girl, pulling the katana from its sheath.

- That's a different matter, because fighting against a fan is not a good idea. - I created an ice katana in my right hand, which immediately blocked the girl's blow, the warrior continued to attack me, quite well with the sword, but all her blows I blocked, and at the moment when the girl decided to make a strong two-handed blow, I also blocked it, but also let the ice on the sword, froze the weapon of the warrior along with her hands, - We are not spies of the Fire Nation. - I added, having obviously won this fight with Ice Magic.

- I see you are from the Water Tribe. - replied the girl whose hands were frozen in ice, along with her sword.

- Suyuki, is it me or is this girl an Avatar? - said one of the warriors, pointing to Korra, who was defending herself with water against one opponent and scaring the other away with fire.

- I am the new Avatar, my name is Korra, and I have come to the island where one of my incarnations lived - Avatar Kyoshi. - Korra spoke.

- And I am the younger sister of the new Avatar, Katara, we are from the Southern Water Tribe. - Katara added, grabbing one of her opponents by the water and lifting her off the ground so she couldn't do anything.

- Well then, sorry for this attack, we are Kyoshi Warriors, and we guard Kyoshi Island from uninvited guests, lately we have had plenty of them. - replied my opponent named Suyuki.

- Oh, we can't just forgive the attack on the Avatar, I'm very touchy, and I'll forgive you only if I get a kiss from the commander of the Kyoshi Warriors. - I replied while releasing Suyuki's hands.

- Hela! - Katara and Korra shouted.

- I agree, as a commander, I have to be responsible for my orders. - replied Suyuki.

- What?' everyone was surprised, including me, Korra, Katara and four of Suyuki's subordinates, 'I was joking, but since it worked, I won't refuse. - I smiled broadly.

- Hela! - Katara and Korra shouted again.

- Okay, okay, that was a joke too, you can't joke anymore. - I replied and winked at Suyuki, causing her to smirk.

- Come on, we'll take Avatar and her team to the village, I think you'll be welcome there. - So Korra is the new Avatar, Katara is her sister, and you, Hela, are their brother,' Suyuki said as she sheathed her katana and pointed in the direction we should go. - Suyuki asked me, handing the sword to her subordinate.

- Nah, I'm their teacher, teaching these two sisters Ice Magic, and I also decided to accompany the Avatar on her journey. If anything, Katara and Korra and I are only friends, so I'm free to go. - I played with my eyebrows.

- Hela, stop flirting with Warrior Commander Kyoshi. - Korra said unhappily.

- Oh, are you jealous? - I asked snidely.

- Of course not, I just don't want the Kyoshi Warriors to think badly of our group. - Korra replied.

- So why did you come to Kyoshi Island? - Suyuki decided to change the subject.

- I had a vision of this place, I thought there might be something here to help me on my journey, maybe some records on magic or something, almost any information would be useful to me now. - replied Korra.

- Well, we have some of Avatar Kyoshi's things stored here, we can let you look through them. Also, the Kyoshi Warriors' fighting style was based on Kyoshi's own fighting style, perhaps it would be of some use to the Avatar. - You are welcome to stay at the Kyoshi Temple for as long as you need, and we are willing to help you with anything you need, even teaching you the Kyoshi Warrior fighting style.

- Thank you, I would be happy to train with you. - Korra nodded.

- Can I come too? - Katara raised her hand.

- Of course. - Suyuki replied, 'And you, Hela, would you like to train with us?' Warrior Commander Kyoshi asked and winked at me. - Warrior Commander Kyoshi asked and winked at me.

- I just want to, I hope you, Suyuki, will train me personally, somewhere in a cosy room with a comfortable bed.

- Hela! I didn't realise you were so... active. - said the disgruntled Korra again.

- Well, in the south it's usually minus fifty degrees, so it's hard to be active, but here it's beautiful, warm and beautiful girls around, so it's hard to be passive.

- By the way, where is Bing Xi Feng? - Katara looked around for an ice phoenix.

- Yes, probably flew to look for something to eat, and after eating, fell asleep. She'll be all right, she'll come to us in the morning. - I answered, and we were just approaching the village... or rather, a small town, where a huge statue of Kyoshi stood in the centre of the square.

- Is there anyone else in your group? - Suyuki asked.

- Yes, my ice phoenix, she is a spirit and intelligent, so if an ice bird speaks to you, don't be scared and don't attack her, Bing Xi Feng is really touchy, you can't get rid of her with a kiss.

- You're a colourful bunch, I'm afraid that your appearance on Kyoshi Island will soon become known to the Fire Nation soldiers, so you'd better hurry up and study our fighting style and the Kyoshi Avatar's belongings. - Suyuki said reasonably.

- Uh-huh, the Fire Nation has informants everywhere, even Katara and Korra's village had a spy.

- What makes you think that? - Katara frowned.

- Look, there were other settlements in the South Pole besides your village, but the Fire Nation ships always sailed to your village, as if they knew there were waterbenders there, and maybe even an Avatar. The Southern Invaders had been raiding the Southern Water Tribe from time to time, of course, but their recent attempts had been too targeted. I certainly didn't turn you in, as I stopped those ships myself, so there was a traitor among the village, perhaps he was doing it to keep the Fire Nation soldiers away from his family. Now, no matter what town we come to on our journey, the Fire Nation soldiers will know where we are in no time.

- Well, then we really shouldn't stay too long on Kyoshi Island, lest we endanger it. And to give us more time, we'd better conceal our arrival from the townsfolk. - said Korra.

- Then we'll put you in the Temple and disguise you as Kyoshi Warriors, no one will recognise you under the make-up. - Suyuki replied, and looked at me with a smile.

- What, are you planning to dress me up in a dress and paint my face? - I guessed the course of her thoughts.

- I will. - Suyuki smiled even wider.

- I think you'd look good in a dress. - Korra said with a smile.

- Yeah, and make-up. - Katara confirmed with a smile.

- Don't infringe on my manhood, or I'll be offended again, and then I'll demand not just one kiss, but something more serious. - I said while looking at Suyuki.

- I wonder what? - Suyuki asked excitedly, but when she saw the serious looks from Korra and Katara, she was embarrassed, 'Okay, let's go to the temple. - Suyuki pointed to a rather large wooden house. We walked along the edge of the city and it was already night, so our arrival was unnoticeable to the rest of the city. There were only twenty Kyoshi warriors, and Suyuki had forbidden all of them to talk about us, so the chance of the Avatar being reported to the Fire Nation was pretty minimal.

Since we didn't have time to eat dinner, when we got to the Kyoshi Shrine we did just that, only now I was surrounded by twenty-two beautiful young girls... I was definitely starting to enjoy this journey.

After dinner, Suyuki showed us a couple of rooms where we could stay, one for Katara and Korra and one for me. Since we were pretty tired from the journey, the girls went to bed, as did I, except that Suyuki came to my room during the night.

- Did you come to give me my promised kiss? - I asked, lying on the bed.

- Well, yes. But don't count on anything more, I'm a decent girl, and before the wedding, I won't do anything immoral. - Suyuki approached me, her face was still wearing Kyoshi's make-up, which added a certain zest to her appearance.

- Ah, I was looking forward to doing some immoral things. - I went over to the girl and put my arm around her and kissed her. Suyuki was not timid, after all, she was the commander of the Kyoshi Warriors, so she began to respond to the kiss. Pulling the girl against me, I began to explore her body with my hands as I continued to kiss her passionately. Suyuki definitely had some experience in kissing, but it didn't help her to deal with me, so she relaxed and enjoyed letting me explore her mouth with my tongue.

Well, the beast had broken out of its icy Arctic prison, and found a perfect victim, I sucked on Suyuki for about fifteen minutes, stopping only when the girl moaned, and shuddering a little, fell to the floor, her legs shaking.... I did a good job with my fingers there too, Suyuki was so caught up in the kiss that she didn't react when my hand went to her pussy and started to caress her panties.

- You've been practising kissing a lot, haven't you been with Katara and Korra?' Suyuki asked, coming to her senses after the orgasm I'd had from my caresses and kisses.

- If only, I had to learn how to kiss on ice statues. I see this isn't your first time kissing either? - I noticed.

- Well, it's me and the girls sometimes in the evenings, and learn to kiss, so as not to be embarrassed in front of guys for the first time. - replied Suyuki.

- Would you like another kiss? - I asked.

- Only if you agree to be my boyfriend. - Suyuki replied with such a proposal.

- I agree. - I nodded.

- But it's nothing serious, we'll only have sex after the wedding. - Suyuki said, rising up from the floor, and on the spot where she was sitting, a puddle of girl's love juices was clearly visible.

- Yeah, yeah, come here. - I pulled Suyuki to me and pulled her down onto the bed, kissing and hugging her. The girl and I had only recently met, but we had met in battle, and there was clearly a spark between us.

Suyuki knew that I was free, but she also knew that she couldn't be too slow with me, because only a blind man wouldn't realise that Korra and Katara also had feelings for me. And we hadn't been on Kyoshi Island for long, so if I didn't hurry up, I would probably just leave and then I wouldn't even think of Suyuki, and maybe I would start a relationship with Korra or Katara. Anyway, Suyuki realised right away that she had to be decisive, and I obviously reciprocated, so we ended up dating the first day we met.... and we started kissing right away.

After breaking the kiss, Suyuki suddenly decided to ask:

- You didn't agree to be my boyfriend to make Korra and Katara jealous of you, did you?

- In the first place, I became your boyfriend to be able to hug and kiss you all the time. - I avoided answering as I continued kissing and caressing Suyuki. And Suyuki's body was just perfect, firm and taut, even touching it was very pleasant... well, of course, from everything that was happening, I just could not help but get excited and my boyfriend actively began to bulge, which felt and Suyuki, opened her eyes in surprise.

- Only after the wedding. - She said, feeling my tool through my trousers with her hands, 'Let's get married tomorrow, shall we? - Suyuki suggested at once.

- You can only get married after sixteen, and I'll be sixteen in a couple of weeks.

- I'm almost two months away. - Suyuki replied sadly.

- Although, I've heard that if a girl is pregnant, they can marry before sixteen. - I remarked.

- But I'm not ready for a baby. - Suyuki looked me in the eye.

- I'm not either. Okay, just ignore my turret and let's keep kissing. - I continued the kiss, but Suyuki continued to touch my fighter, and she got bolder and got under my clothes, taking my device directly in her hands, and since she was allowed to touch me for everything, I got under Suyuki's panties, caressing her flowing pussy. With my finger, I could see that although Suyuki was acting boldly, she was innocent, so it was safe to marry her.

We spent the whole night doing teenage pranks, nothing really serious, but we both enjoyed it, and more than once. After eight years spent in the cold south, it was very pleasant to hug a soft and warm girl, and our hugs were not limited to her.

In the morning, we were sleep-deprived, satisfied, and covered in our love fluids... and Suyuki's make-up was smeared, and my face was also covered in paint, so in the morning we went to the bathroom and cleaned ourselves up.

- How do you like me without make-up? - Suyuki asked after washing her face from the paint. The make-up certainly made her look more exotic, but Suyuki was a beautiful young girl herself, with blue eyes, and blonde hair in a bob hairstyle.

- You're beautiful, especially your lips. - I came over and hugged the girl again and kissed her.

- When will you tell your friends that we started dating? - Suyuki asked.

- At breakfast, it'll be a surprise to them. - I kissed the girl again. In my previous life, I was surrounded by a woman's affection, but here I had to live without it for almost sixteen years, and having reached Suyuki's lips and body, it was hard to stop now, but I had to take a break.

- We'll continue tonight. - Suyuki stroked my cheek, and we went to the kitchen. The Kyoshi warriors were dividing up the duties, so there were several of Suyuki's subordinates in the kitchen now making breakfast, I decided to help them and Suyuki joined me.