Part 3

To get another chapter, let's hit 100 stones.

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Although, I did not demonstrate it to the household, but by the time I was three years old, I had mastered writing skills as well. For which I received a corresponding award from the system. What is interesting, I learnt to write, first of all, not by hand, but by magic, deriving words from pieces of earth or water. But the system didn't count this until I started writing properly.

Assignment completed!


You have learnt to read and write like a chicken with your paw

Reward: unlocked reputation table.

And it was quite an interesting thing. Another tab in the status window.

Zenith Greyrat - thinks you are the sweetest little doodlebug.

Lily - thinks you're a weird but good kid.

What's weird is that there was no reputation from Paul in this window.

But, by the way, about my self-study.

I felt like my development was slowing down. The first steps are often easy, but the further you go, the harder it gets. I was beginning to be able to achieve a high level of detail when creating figures in stone and ice. But, I started to feel like I was treading water. I mean, I am improving the basic skills of magic, but for a more comprehensive development I just need to know advanced spells, as well as practice, not in secret. And, responding to these thoughts, at some point, the system made its move.

Assignment received!


Convince your parents to find you a magic teacher

Reward: a magic teacher.

Well, the system is in its repertoire. Eat and be rewarded with satiety. Although, I'm exaggerating, just as often it gives useful rewards in the form of new system features. As for training, I decided to take my chances, hoping I wouldn't be mistaken for a possessed demonhost. But, my parents still had to be led to believe that I had magic at all!

I chose my own way of doing it.

- Mum, I've got a wound! - I turned to Zenith with a small cut.

- Ohhh, Rudy... - The girl sighed, smiling gently at me. - Give me the pen here, I'll fix you up.

And like in her childhood, she used healing magic again.

- That's great! - I let out a delighted sigh. - Can I do that? Can I? Can I?

- Ah ha ha ha ha... you're just a kid. But you can try.

- Yes... ahem, ahem... God's power, grant us prosperity and let every fallen one rise again, healing! - And I cast my first spell.

A green glow emanated powerfully from my hands, but dissipated into the air.

- Ooh! - Zenith opened her mouth in surprise.

And then she suddenly smiled so much.....

And I didn't even realise I was in a happy embrace.

- Rudy! - She exclaimed happily.

I floated when my head was pressed against Zenith's soft breasts. I hugged her back and rubbed my face against those soft mountains.

- Ha ha... Rudy... you did it! You're so smart.

- What happened? What did Rudy do? Paul came in smiling.

As always, he was finishing his training in the yard at this time.

- Honey! Rudy did the healing! On the first try!

- Hmm.

- Rudy, let's see if you can do the other spells. We've got a book on the basics of magic.

- Yes! I'm being enthusiastic.

As if I haven't grown out of that book for beginner magicians by now.

- Wait! Zenith, we agreed if it's a boy, he'll be a swordsman!

Oh, maybe it won't be that simple.

But I already had an answer for that statement from my father. Although, I didn't expect such resistance. In fact, they seemed to accept the fact that I can already do sorcery.

- I want to be a sword-mage! - I said.

Of course, the beauty of a deadly blade fascinated me, I'm a guy. But my attraction to magic was stronger. And I wasn't sure my body was ready for the physical training.

- Um... - Father was confused.

- A mage swordsman? - Zenith tilted her head incomprehensibly.

And, then Lilia, who had also heard everything, intervened in the conversation.

- Rudeus can learn swordsmanship in the morning and magic in the afternoon.

- Exactly! - My parents all chimed in at the same time.

- A mage with the skills of a swordsman! - Zenith added contentedly. - Rudy will become a great man.

- You mean a swordsman who knows spells. - Paul corrected her.

Zenith puffed up her cheeks.

- Okay... - Sighed her father. - 'Then... let's do it this way. I'll get some things ready, and you can study with Rudy on the book now.

- Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Zenith raised her fist enthusiastically.

She was especially pleased that I had demonstrated a talent for magic. And, judging by my parents' reactions, there really isn't anything super complicated about spellcasting, since a three-year-old doing magic is seen as something normal.

And then I just demonstrated how I can cast the simplest spells from the first time and without training.

- Amazing! - Zenith clapped her hands. - And you're not even tired. You must have a lot of mana. Yeah, even I wouldn't be able to use that many spells in a row! That's amazing Rudy!

And, unable to contain her motherly enthusiasm, she clung to me again.

- Ohhh... you're so sweet.

And bit my cheek gently. Well, not with her teeth, just her lips.

- Oh, Mum.

- Ha-ha-ha-ha.

Towards evening, I had my first fencing lesson. My father took me out into the yard and handed me a wooden sword, which, apparently, he carved himself, while I was "learning" magic with Zenith. Actually, Paul didn't turn out to be the best teacher, but it was enough for me. What am I saying? Well, he didn't explain much, and what he tried to explain didn't work very well. He tried to rely more on his example and practical work, showing me basic techniques and asking me to repeat them. But if I had a good grasp of magic, my body motor skills were still a bit lacking.

- Ohhh... no, no, not like that! - He was annoyed at my clumsiness. - Do this!

- Dad, what fencing techniques are there?

- Huh? Well... it's probably too early for you to get into that, you don't even have the basic skills. - He scratched his head. - But alright, just to tell you. There are three fighting styles of a swordsman. They are the sword god style, the water god style, and the north god style.

However, some things he could actually explain.

Based on Paul's words, it seemed that the sword god style is a school of swordsmanship that concentrates on the rapid onslaught, its goal is to be the first to strike a powerful blow, after which the enemy will do nothing to you. As is clear, this style is good in attack, but it lacks defence. More precisely, the style relies on the rule that the best defence is attack, and if the enemy doesn't even have a chance to attack you, there is no need to defend.

And the water god style is the opposite of the sword god style. It's like... well, judo, but in fencing. A technique that concentrates on defence and parrying, that is, using the opponent's strength against himself. The water style is not at all agile, unlike the sword, nor is it aggressive. But at the same time, this form of combat is just perfectly opposed to the sword god style. And if two swordsmen, equally possessing these two styles, will meet in battle, the master of the water style will have a much better chance to win, with equal physical capabilities.

Well, the style of the god of the north is, let's say, not quite fencing, but a form of tactical combat. This technique does not concentrate on the possession of the sword, but uses all available means to win, and its law will be the phrase - in war all means are good. This style relies heavily on the use of the environment, various tricks and encourages the achievement of tactical superiority. It is simply perfect for a battle against a water style master. That said, it is hard for the god of the north to resist the god of the sword. Because a style that focuses on rushing attack simply prevents the style of the north from realising tactical advantage, using subterfuge and encirclement. Simply put, the style of the god of the north is based on the fact that you must first think carefully and calculate your actions, but the style of the god of the sword does not give such an opportunity.

- Also, it is especially important for a swordsman to master the fighting spirit! - Paul added.

- Fighting spirit?

Nodding, he took a deep breath and pointed.

A sharp leap and Paul's sword just cut through the cobblestone in the courtyard. I mean really, with a sword strike, he cut through a huge rock.

- Sta?

- Fighting spirit makes your body stronger and your blows stronger! - The guy said excitedly.

- How? - I was on fire.

- Well, it comes naturally during training.

- Training!

And now I was really seriously interested in fencing. Yeah, there was nothing like that in my old world. But this world has magic. This fighting spirit is probably just some form of magic that swordsmen use. And, I've already made sure that my new body is significantly different from my previous body, if only in the way I can sense the same mana.

Except, I wasn't doing much with this fighting spirit.

But I began to train hard with the wooden sword, which made my untrained hands get tired quickly. The next day, as Lily had advised, Paul started my training in the morning. When I was exhausted, I was allowed to rest. In the afternoon, Zenith worked with me. Even showed her that I could conjure without words, which she was very happy about. So much so that I had my face back in her chest while the girl squeezed me like a plush toy.

And so with my mother, I showed pretty quickly that I was getting the hang of magic just fine.

- Let's try some more serious magic now, Rudy. - She nodded. - Not in the house. Let's go out in the open.

- All right, Mum.

Oh, this was one of those spells I'd been hesitant to use before because of its potential destructive power. But now, as I concentrated and extended my arm, I began to repeat the words of the spell. And, I didn't even need to say the spell out loud the first time I activated it, just repeat it to myself, and then I didn't need to do that either.

And, water cannon!

A powerful water stream burst out of my hand, striking forwards.

- Haa?

Honestly, I was already used to the calm behaviour of magic, but now it was like a loyal dog tearing out of my hand with all my might, and I could barely hold on to the leash. The flow of water, however, felled several trees with a mighty battering ram, making its way further into the forest. And I just couldn't stop it as the spell drained me of mana in massive amounts.

- R-rudy... - Zenith panicked.

Clenching my teeth, I keep failing to interrupt the spell.

No, it needs to be wrong...

The spell, it's a programme. I just need to trigger another action, a disconnect.

One more impulse of mana expenditure and the stream abruptly dissipates, scattering into water droplets that rain down on the ground. And I don't feel so good about it. My mana reserve isn't even a quarter empty, but it seems that my body is too much for me to give out so much magic in one blow. My hands and knees are shaking.

- Rudy! - My face is back in Zenith's tits.

If only my clothes didn't get in the way of enjoying that softness. Damn, it's times like this that I start to dislike my father. He can play with those tits seriously whenever he feels like it! It's so unfair.

- That was incredible, Rudy! That was incredible! - The girl squealed in delight.

The very creation of such a spell did not go unnoticed.

- What happened here? - A worried Paul came running in.

- Rudy is going to be a great magician! - Zenith explained excitedly.

And it was this moment that was the turning point. After all, water cannon is an advanced level spell. Before it comes the intermediate level and the beginning level. Now, Zenith herself was a mid-level healer and detoxifier. And she taught me the spells she knew. But, on top of that, I was also proficient in beginning and intermediate attack magic spells, and now I'm moving on to the advanced form. All in all, Zenith realised that my talent in magic surpassed her ability to train me. Even Paul only looked wistfully at the water cannon dug trench and pile of fallen trees.

- Dad, Dad, help..." I called out to him.

- What?

- Use your fighting spirit! Pick up a tree.

- Ah... well, I... okay... - He was confused.

And yet, even for him, it wasn't easy. But, with his battle spirit boost, he lifted the tree trunk and I used healing on it. The broken parts of the wood began to fuse together, as if joined by fibres or some curls of wood. And, so the trunk fell into place and all that was left was a "scar" in the form of a thickening of the trunk where it was broken.

- Trees are alive too, they need to be healed! - I declared confidently.

Although I didn't really care much about it. But it was a great opportunity to practice healing magic.

- Ha ha! That looks cool. - Laughed my father. - Zenith! Can you do the same?

The girl furrowed her eyebrows and puffed up her cheeks. I guess not.

And it should be noted that healing trees is much easier than healing people and animals. I've checked that on my own wounds. Understanding what needs to be done to heal wounds also plays a role here. Stimulating the regenerative powers of the cells. And if necessary, magic can even put bones back in place, heal wounds, stimulate hematopoiesis. Simply, you need to set the right tasks and, in fact, have an idea of how to set these tasks. It is not enough just to wish, the activation of spell actions happens, to some extent, intuitively, but only when you already know the form of the spell and felt it with your body and your brain. You could say that in this respect, magic is like a constructor. If you break down the spells I've learnt into separate fragments that are responsible for certain actions, and then assemble from them the algorithm you need.

Which means I need more spells to practice.

- We need to find a teacher for Rudy. - Zenith stated. - Yes, Ranoa should be able to find at least a couple of teachers.

It's a town not far from our village.

By the way, even earlier, when I started exploring the house and the surrounding area, I noticed that we live a very prosperous life. Several times my father even took me around the neighbourhood, showing me around the village. The houses here are quite far apart from each other, which is a bit out of my idea of the world, which was formed in a densely populated modern city. And here... just walking out into the courtyard, I saw fields and forests all around, and not a single house. To see other houses, you have to walk some distance. And, these houses looked good, but they were clearly inferior to the whole mansion where our family lived. I even got the impression that we were some kind of local landlords. But no, my father is just a great swordsman who protects the whole settlement from monsters. Turns out there is such a thing. I've also heard that my parents were adventurers in their youth and made a lot of money during their wanderings. Although, they're still quite young now, aren't they?

And as for a teacher.

The first candidate responded almost immediately.

- Nice to meet you. My name is Roxy and I will be your teacher. - The sorceress nodded her head, holding up her pointed hat with wide brim.

I didn't even have to lift my head much to look at her. Roxy looked to be about twelve years old, maybe. I guess it's really quite normal to learn magic at an early age in this world, if even such a cute girl can already be a magic teacher. Although, my parents are clearly surprised by her age too.

Assignment received!

Loli the Sorceress

Conquer the heart of the beautiful Roxy!

Reward: Loli the Sorceress

My eye almost twitched. System, are you out of your mind? I'm three years old!

Not that the age difference is that overwhelming, though. But by the time I hit puberty, Roxy will be a grown woman, maybe even starting a family. So don't get your hopes up thinking about a relationship with this girl in the future. But I have to admit, even now, she looks pretty cute. Beautiful face, slender figure, long shiny hair of rich blue colour, and the same blue, like azure sea, eyes. I must admit, back in the past world I liked girls with blue hair, it's unusual and beautiful.

- Who will be my apprentice? - Roxy asked calmly.

- Oh, there... our Rudy! - Zenith ruffled my hair.

I give a childish smile.

I'm using scanning on the girl myself.

Roxy Migurdia

Loli the Sorceress ur. 21

Health - Feels good.

Mana - as befits a powerful loli wizard.

Strongest skill - water magic

Mood - disappointed in your shallowness.

Note - she's older than she looks.

Oh, and a level higher than Zenith. Oh, and then there's this note...

- Ohhh... - She sighed quietly, covering her face with her hat. - Parents always think their child is a genius and want to start teaching them too early.

In fact, it's rude to say that right in front of those parents.

- Don't worry. - Zenith nonchalantly replied. - Our child really is a genius! He already possesses advanced magic!

- Ohhh..." Roxy wondered.

- I wouldn't say I'm that advanced..." I clarified somewhat embarrassed. - I just used a couple of advanced rank spells.

Since, besides the water cannon, I've also mastered all the other advanced rank spells in the book, now that the opportunity has arisen.

- Okay. - Nodded Roxy. - Then, Rudy, I need to know what level you're at now. You can demonstrate your spells.

- Okay! - I said cheerfully.

- Only, let's get away from the house.

Roxy set the suitcase down by our fence and grabbed her staff. Oddly enough, my parents didn't even go to accompany us. We didn't go far, though, so they could still watch from the sidelines.

- Come on, show me some spell, I want to see you do it.

- Yes, Master.

And raising my hand, without words I create a water ball, scooping up mana from my soul. Directing the energy, setting the shape and size. A small sphere appears above me at first, but it grows to the size of a small hut in a matter of seconds. Finally, the phase of directing and setting speed, which also requires a very generous mana supply.


The water projectile shot out like a catapult, flying hundreds of metres and crashing into the ground with a splash. From the force of the impact, there was even a wave that made the grass ripple, blowing us into the wind. And an impressive crater was left in the ground itself. Even though it was a water sphere, I was now using the combat form of this spell. After all, it was designed to deal damage.

- Ahhhh... - Roxy opened her mouth and widened her eyes.

- You can also do this. - I smiled sweetly.

I waved my two hands, and nine large icicles appeared in front of me, that right in front of my eyes, as if, turn white and a powerful feeling of cold starts to come from them. I make a gesture as if pushing these projectiles, and the magic launches them with great force, causing them to crash into the ground with terrifying fangs of ice, like the mouth of a monster.

- What do you think, Master?

I turn to Roxy.

And I see that the girl has moved aside and, squatting on her haunches, is picking at the ground with her wand.

Mood - feels like a loser with no talent.

Erm, I think I overdid it.

I gave in to the urge to impress the girl. But even though it looked impressive, there was nothing special about these charms. The main thing was to understand the basic principle, and then one could easily play with the basic characteristics of the spell. You just need enough mana to realise such desires. But, I did not want to hide the presence of a large reserve of magical energy. Especially since the local mages believe that this reserve is fixed from birth and does not increase with age.

- Master?

- Ah... I think... you are worthy to be my student... - Roxy almost crying.

Looking at her, I even felt ashamed.

But most importantly, I had a magic teacher. And, despite that strange reaction, she really was able to teach me a lot in the future.