Part 6

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It was still awkward.

- H-okay... - Roxy nodded.

- Really?

After all, we've known each other for two years now. Even though she thought I was just a kid, albeit a smart one.

- Okay, well, I'm a little confused about the marriage ceremony. Well, I know that people get married, but I haven't looked into the details of local traditions.

- Different peoples have their own traditions. - Roxy said instructively. - In the land of demons most often avoid all kinds of formalities, it is enough that a man and a woman recognise each other as husband and wife. In humans it is often the same. But this agreement is often celebrated with a festive feast. It also happens that a man can buy himself a wife by paying a ransom to her family. Or if the bride's family wants to be related to someone, they offer a dowry.

Listening to her, I just couldn't help but smile, which threw Roxy's mood off a bit.

- W-what?

- Huh... sorry, it's just that you started the lecture as usual.

- I'm used to being your teacher. - She smiled softly at me. - And, do you really want to marry me?

- Well... I guess... I've never even been in a relationship yet. It's all new to me. But I wouldn't want to miss you. And normally we'd spend some time together first, but we've known each other for two years.

- You don't want to leave your parents and tell them your story, do you? I don't think they'd take it seriously.

- You're right.

- I'll wait until you're older. And, um, I'd like to try it, too.

- Roxy, you're a sweetheart.

The girl's lips quivered and she lowered her hat somewhat embarrassed.

And at that moment, the system suddenly decided to remind itself.

You still haven't made your class selection!

The selection is automatic

Congratulations! You are now a Level 1 Harem King!

And I almost smashed my face in with a facepalm.

- A... harem king? - Roxy raised an eyebrow.

- You've already figured out what the system is. It gave me a bunch of embarrassing classes to choose from, and it wasn't the worst. I just couldn't choose from that obscenity, so she did it all herself. But, hey, that doesn't mean I have to collect wives like a collection.

- Hmm, what does this class provide?

Sighing, I displayed the help in the form of a small system box.

- The more wives, the higher the stats? I see.

I only spread my hands.

In fact, I wasn't even particularly resentful of this system for such a sneak attack. This class wasn't any better than the others she was offering me anyway.

- I'm glad... that you're being so nice to me. - Roxy remarked. - And I wouldn't mind you having another wife...if you really love someone.

- Oh... really?

- And you got excited right away. - She frowned.

- I'm sorry!

- It's okay.

She's right, that weird confession really cheered me up. I mean, what guy hasn't at least dreamed of something like that?

- But still. I'd hate it if you had a man other than me. And it wouldn't be fair if I had several wives myself.

- You're not a man, you're just a boy.

- Roxy! - Slapped her thigh unhappily.

Well, not hard. Just a little.

- Pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft.

- You're just a girl.

The sorceress stopped mocking.

- I'm sorry. - She sighed. - 'And I'm glad you think so. I just want to say that it's not that big of a deal to me, I'm not practising the religion of Milis and, well... if it makes you happier, that's fine. As long as you really love me, I won't consider it a betrayal.

She was silent for a while, and I didn't know what else to say. The conversation was going in some weird direction.

- You had a crush on me when we first started school.

- Huh? How do you know?

- You asked me to marry you.

- Ohhh... - I covered my face with my hands in shame.

Is that her way of saying that I'm too much in love?

But she didn't pursue the subject further and decided to change the direction of the conversation.

- Why don't you tell me about your past life?

- Well... I don't think it's anything interesting. It's now I'm kind of a genius sorcerer... but back then I was quite ordinary. I'm not too keen on reminiscing about the past myself, I'm much more interested in a new life, especially since you're here!

- I see..." The girl smiled a little embarrassed. - I think I understand you.

- Hmm?

- I left my homeland... even though my parents are still there, I love them, but... it's like I didn't belong in my home village. All Migurds are telepathic and can communicate mentally. Or almost all of them. I can't do that. It was hard at home... and I decided to find my own way. 

- Yes, perhaps we have something in common. 

We talked for a while longer, we had a lot to discuss. In particular, Roxy hadn't quite figured out the status functions yet and was asking various questions. As it turned out, she didn't have a job log or reputation. But there was an inventory. Except...

- There were already some items in here. I wasn't sure, but I thought they were yours.

Yeah, it wasn't her personal inventory, it was shared. Moreover, its volume suddenly increased, that is, the number of available cells. There were now fifteen.

- And this book...

Of course she was interested in the grimoire.

- Well... it's kind of like a birthday present from the system.

- You want to go into artefact making?

- It's at least worth reading.

The girl nodded in agreement.

- And if you want, you can have it to read too, but don't forget to put it back in your inventory.

- Thank you! - Roxy was clearly pleased.

Of course, as a mage, she understands the value of such books. Just kidding, really cool spells in this world are kept under seven locks and are the treasures of entire nations. Meanwhile, while we were discussing the system and then magic, the evening came. It was time to go home so my parents wouldn't worry.

And they seemed to have completely relaxed when they realised that Roxy and I were stuck somewhere. Probably thought we were having a magic lesson.

- Ahhhh... ahhh... - A loud groan echoed through the house.

They're not even shy with Lilia.

- Zenith, God..." I rolled my eyes.

- Pfft..." Roxy snorted mockingly.

- Hmm, let's go. - I grabbed the girl's hand and dragged her to my room.

- What?

I shut the door firmly.

- Hey, I know you're freaking out about the constant moaning behind the wall.

- I try to ignore it. - Roxy replied nonchalantly.

- I'm sure your masturbation skills have grown a lot over the years.

- R-rudeus! - The sorceress flashed with embarrassment.

- Well... I just thought I could help you with that.

- What? But you're...

- Yes, yes, a child's body. But, just let me do it now....

She was excited.

- You... I don't quite understand....

As I approached her, the sorceress awkwardly backed up to the bed and, bumping into it, lost her balance and fell on it. I came close and climbed up on the bed myself, putting my palms on the girl's soft thighs.

- Do you mind?

Roxy swallowed excitedly and shook her head.

- No, mind, or no mind?

- Don't mind... - She whispered quietly.

Well, yes, I don't have a peepee yet, but I've got hands! And a tongue, too. And Roxy, as far as I'm concerned, has been left untouched for a very long time. I'm gonna make her wait years until I hit puberty? That would be too cruel when I could use a workaround.

And so, I spread her slender legs a little.

Sighing sensuously, Roxy raised her arms to her chest, looking up at me with a trembling gaze full of rapturous awe. Despite all the conventions, she really wanted this. And without making her wait any longer, I lifted the girl's dress, leaning into her.

Kissing her thigh, very close to a special place.

- Uhhhh... - She sighed sharply. - W-wait... I mean... just yesterday I took a bath....

- It's okay, it's not a problem at all. I like the way you smell.

- R-rudy..." she squeaked.

Moving higher, I touch my lips to her groin, feeling the shape of Roxy's little pussy through her white panties.

- Ummm...

Moaning softly, she leaned back, sprawled out on the small bed.

- Just don't moan so loud... if we get caught... ohhhh... mum will be furious.

At the realisation of that prospect, Roxy immediately covered her mouth with both hands and somehow squeezed her thighs fearfully against my face. But didn't actually try to push me away. I spread her legs a little again and started pulling down her underwear. Not all the way down, just to my knees, and then I lifted Roxy's legs and brushed my lips against her wet slit.

I thought about trying to make some dirty remark about it, to embarrass the girl.

But I was so embarrassed I could hardly say anything. And I'm guessing the sorceress feels the same way. So I just went for it! I ran my tongue along Roxy's lower lips, caressing her, biting her clit lightly with my lips. At that moment, the girl herself let out a suppressed moan. But it was very quiet, so quiet that hardly anyone could even hear us outside the room.

Especially when Zenith was moaning so loudly in the other room.

- Mhhh...

Straddling Roxy's hips, I penetrated her pussy with my tongue.

I found the perfect position.

The girl gave in to her feelings and threw her legs over me, locking them behind my head, and then she pressed me to her groin. Her slender fingers burrowed into my blonde hair, and the sorceress's breathing became more sensual and deep.

After a little more, caressing her pussy with her tongue and playing with her clit, I felt her shudder and tense up harder in an instant, clenching me tightly with her legs. Though, even after the increase in strength, she wasn't overpowering physically.

- Ahhhh..." She exhaled softly.

And squirted a squirt, just like a water wizard should.

Achievement "Licker, ladies' man."

Reward: Random item.



Another book fell on the bed next to me.

- What?" A heavy sighing Roxy came to her senses. - Love magic?

- I'm sure these random objects aren't random.

- Huh...

- Oh, by the way, did you like it? It's better than doing it all by yourself, right?

Roxy looked away bashfully and nodded.

It's just lovely.

And, after all, now I could really say we were together, even though I was still in a child's body. Roxy was sympathetic to that, even though she wasn't particularly attracted to my body right now, but like she said, the girl was willing to wait. I just wanted to make her feel good.

- I'm gonna go to my room, Rudy.

- Okay, Roxy.

Well, the next day started out pretty much as usual.

Morning magic class.

Actually, Roxy has been focusing more and more on theory lately, forcing me to learn the more complex forms of holy rank magic before we move on to practising it. Not just spells, we also learnt about magical lettering, creating sorcerous designs, most often circles. At the same time, we were already looking at the two new grimoires the system had given me.

It really was invaluable knowledge.

- Rudy... this..." Roxy whispered excitedly. - If this system can give you books like that... it's incredible!

Actually, the codex is already clear. The second grimoire, the magic of love, was dedicated to the special practices of healing magic, in healing itself, detoxification, and even defence magic. Except, everything in this book, in one way or another, was dedicated to one topic. I don't think it's hard to guess which one. But, I was really encouraged.

- This is it!

- What...

My eyes dug greedily into the smooth lines of text.

- This could work.

- Do you want to try it? - Even Roxy was interested.

I nodded in agreement.

And, at that moment, I wanted to thank the system for the gift. After all, it was in this book that I found a special spell called the dark rod. Basically, it's a... arousal spell. There were many such spells in the book, but it was the principle of the dark rod that gave me hope that it could be used on me too. Activating hormones, controlling blood flow, stimulating the nervous system. Based on the description, this spell would make even an impotent man's tool rebel.

Here, just after about a week since Roxy had been in a group with me, I had enough understanding of the right branch of love spells. Still, this branch of healing magic was new to me.

I made up my mind!

Covering my eyes, I concentrate the magical energy and direct it, mentally reciting the words of activation.

At the same time, I feel the power begin to flow inside me, a fever arises in my body....

I've almost forgotten that feeling.

- Did it work? - Roxy asks.

Sighing, I lowered my arms and pulled my trousers off.

- I did it!

Blue hair hit my face as the girl leaned over to look too.

- Hey...

- You've already seen everything from me, don't hide.

- Okay, look, I'm not a prude.

- Pfft.

- Yeah, the size isn't impressive yet... but you're not the one to mock!

- I'm not mocking. - The girl smiled.

- He'll grow up!

- Do you want to check it out?

My heart twitched.

- Ah... yeah..." I nodded, feeling the colour of embarrassment flood my face.

And then I saw one of the rarest of things. Roxy's smirk.

Now it was my turn to be caressed. And, the fired up sorceress herself sat me down on the bed, pulling down my trousers.

- You...ohhhh....

My hands trembled as Roxy took hold of my hard-on with her fingers and began to gently massage it. I involuntarily clutched the blanket beneath me. And the girl leaned in, clearly about to return the favour I'd done for herself earlier.

- Ummm... Roxy...

My cock shuddered when it was touched by the wet lips of the sorceress, and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest.


With a shake of her head, Roxy lapped at my cock, beginning to suck on my hard-on. And, of course, I felt it immediately, the kind of tension growing in my groin that made me start to shudder myself. It was like electric sparks of pleasure dancing along my nerves. It was such a sweet sensation that I could drown in it.

- Ohhh...

It was as if something inside me was twisting.

I couldn't help myself, and I thrust forward, wrapping my arms around Roxy's head and pressing her against my groin. I felt her nose touch my pubes. And, that was the finale.

- Mgghhh...

The powerful pulse that travelled through my body and hit me right in the brain made my eyes go white.

- Ohhh...

Roxy put her palms on my lap but didn't pull away, patiently accepting whatever I was willing to give her. My hips, however, twitched again as the orgasm hit with another pulse of pleasure, and then another and another... until I collapsed onto the bed, feeling a lingering and sweet emptiness.

- Huh... I'm... sorry.

- It's okay, Rudy. - The girl lifted herself up, wiping the droplets of pale seed from her lips with her hand.

Though, despite the mind-blowing sensations, I did cum a little. Very little. And the semen itself was kind of colourless, almost transparent. Hardly the kind of semen that could impregnate someone, even if you tried hard enough. But it's worth learning the protection spells, too.

The boner itself was no longer a boner and quickly became soft after the eruption.

- Roxy.

- Yes, Rudy?

- I love you!

- Ohhh... I... I guess I love you too...

- I guess?

- I love you too.

She climbed onto my bed and lay right on top of me, looking into my eyes.

Yeah, I wish I could keep her with me at night too, fall asleep with her in my arms and wake up the same way. But as it was, I was still playing the role of a child to the Greyrat family. And so, when it was quite late, Roxy went back to her room. And I couldn't sleep for another half of the night, reliving the memories of the sensual service.

Honestly, I even felt like a cripple who had miraculously regained his lost limbs. I really missed that feeling of being able to get aroused at all and somewhere in the back of my mind lurked a strong and crushing sense of inferiority. But, it was okay now. Even with the fact that without the activation of the spell, I was still just as unable to experience sexual arousal to its fullest extent.

And the very next night, we went even further.

- Mgghhh... - Roxy settled on me, pressing her hips against the bed.

I put my hands on her graceful waist and the girl pitched forward, at the same time lowering her pelvis and thrusting herself onto my standing rod of darkness. Well, not a rod, more like a magic wand. And, I could see that my body didn't even really excite her. There was some passion in the process, but I realised that Roxy was doing it for me. And I was very grateful to her for that.

- Rudy..." she breathed out.

Her hot breath almost burning my face.

Grasping her hips tightly, I thrust downward myself, rocking my pelvis. With a quiet squeak, Roxy wiggled her backside. And I raised my hands, stroking her waist and finally wrapping my arms around the girl, pulling her to me.

- Ouch...

I lifted Roxy up myself, causing her to accidentally pop out of her cosy mink.

Our hands came in contact on my cock as we both simultaneously decided to correct things.

- Pfft...

- Ha ha...

But, lo and behold, I thrust in again. Only now I held on tighter to the girl's hips to keep from popping out of her hole again. Roxy herself began to move more gently, trying not to bounce too much. But that only made our first coitus stretch into a sweet torture.

- Mgghhhh..." she sighed sensuously.

I was at my limit, but I tried to hold on.

However, I couldn't hold on much longer than Roxy, and I finally came inside her. Our sex stalled somewhat at this point. The girl was about to get off, but.....

- Wait...

A wave of magic travelled through my body and my already weakened cock rose again!

After that I started to move my hips even more actively, sliding into Roxy's tight pussy. If even with my current size I could feel the pressure of her walls. And finally...

- Ahhhhhh... - She let out a passionate moan, shuddering sensuously.

It was loud...

But I myself just couldn't stop halfway through, until my aroused cock exploded with a new orgasm. Only now, there didn't seem to be any cum at all... but, still, such a high....


You lost your virginity!

Reward: A sense of success in life

Meanwhile, while two loving hearts were joined through physical contact, one maid was bathing in her own irritation. First, her household was interrupted by Zenith's ringing moans. And Lilia was about to play with herself as usual, indulging in depraved fantasies, when a brand new moan touched her ears. It definitely wasn't Zenith. And, the maid of the Greyrat house became alarmed.

Gathering herself, she left the room and walked quietly down the corridor, so as not to disturb Zenith and Paul who were tearing off.

Just then she noticed a glow under the door from Rudeus' room.

Lilia figured he was studying with Roxy again. She had been giving him evening lectures for a while now, sometimes they ended up late at night. But, something was wrong this time. The maid felt uneasy. So, she decided to just check on them. She approached quietly, and was about to knock when she heard a low moan again. It was definitely Roxy! And that moan... it made Lilia's heart flutter.

Nervously swallowing, she held her breath and carefully opened the door so that it didn't even creak. Just a little, but it was enough to peek inside.

And what she saw made the Greyrat family maid speechless.

Roxy Migurdia and little Rudeus were joined in an act of love. Lilia could not take her eyes off the picture, watching the sorceress rocking on the child with quiet moans, and the child panting to satisfy her and not to fail. There was something mesmerising in this picture. Lily noted that Rudeus was not acting assertively like his father, but with great tenderness towards Roxy. There wasn't even so much passion in this coitus, but rather a sensual connection between the partners, all the same tenderness.

And then they finished and for a while longer they just lay together, in each other's arms.

It was then that a dazed Lilia returned to her room.

She wondered if children like Rudeus could even be sexually active. Well, it seemed they could. Though it did seem odd. She didn't even think about telling the boy's parents. Interfering in that relationship seemed criminal to her. Especially since Rudeus was obviously enjoying himself.

Only, now Lilia had a new problem.

As it turned out, everyone in the house was fucking except her.

So all she has to do is slurp quietly in her room.

Here's another alternate chapter development.

The system.

Actually, the codex is pretty self-explanatory. The second grimoire, the magic of love, was dedicated to the special practices of healing magic, in the healing itself, detoxification and even in protective magic. Except, everything in this book, in one way or another, was dedicated to one topic. I don't think it's hard to guess which one. But, I was really encouraged.

Even found a spell that could theoretically make even my baby pod rise. And, honestly, I wanted to try it out. But, you can't, it's immoral and wrong. Roxy would agree, even if she's not particularly turned on by a baby body, she'd do it for me. But if Zenith finds out, she'll quarter Roxy! And, that's not normal. Anyway, I've been a virgin for thirty-five or, I think, even thirty-six years. I can take another ten years. Or twenty, I'm from the modern world, not from the Middle Ages, where even at thirteen is normal. When I turn eighteen, then I can think about my own satisfaction.