Chapter 1 | Beginnings

Amidst a somber fall drizzle, a young man stands at a tombstone in a tranquil cemetery. Dressed in a formal knee-length black coat, he radiates an aura of serene reverie. His black hair, damp and resembling fine silk threads, lightly touches his lips, hiding his violet eyes.

His gaze is drawn to the marble tombstones on which the names of Seo Ji Suba and Hoshino Sakuragi are carved. Even though they are his parents' names, they don't bring the expected sadness to his face, for he doesn't consider them his relatives. 

"Kaito, it's time to leave," a figure towering over him announces. The middle-aged man, a brunette with stubble, is dressed in a carefully tailored suit. 

"Yes," Kaito responds, his whisper swept away by the autumn breeze. 

They head towards the exit with a confident stride, their footsteps leaving imprints on the damp canvas of fallen leaves. The man wants to say words of comfort to the boy, but, unable to find anything that doesn't sound like empty consolation, silently walks him to his car. An elegant Benz awaits them, raindrops glistening on its polished surface. The man politely opens the back door and waits patiently for Kaito to settle into the luxurious interior. Once Kaito is comfortably seated, the door slams shut with muted grace and the man takes his seat behind the wheel.

"Home or somewhere else?" - He asks with genuine curiosity. 

"Home...," Kaito muttered, keeping a stoic expression on his face. 

In the embrace of rainy weather, Kaito often succumbs to dozing off. This one was no exception: after a few minutes, he reclined in the back seat, surrendering to the peaceful rhythm of raindrops drumming on the glasses of the car, and fell into a peaceful slumber. 

The car drives through the foggy city, navigating the rain-kissed cityscape. The man occasionally casts cold glances at the boy through the rearview mirror, and the rhythmic pounding of rain becomes a soothing soundtrack to his musings. 

As the car approaches its destination, a towering skyscraper looms on the horizon. The driver smoothly maneuvers towards the entrance of the building. 

"Kaito, get up," a male voice called out, but there was silence in response. He turned around, and the voice rose in tone: "Kaito, you hear me? We have arrived." 

The boy's eyelids fluttered open and he gave the man a languid look. 

"Yes, thank you," came Kaito's voice, which was deeper than the average child his age. He snapped out of his slumber, opened the door wide, and stepped outside. Stopping on the threshold, he looked back: - Give my regards to Auntie, and my thanks for your kindness." 

A satisfied smirk played on the man's lips. "Of course I will. And remember, our door is always open if you need any help." 

Kaito's stoic mask melted into a tender smile. "I'll remember," he assured, then swung the door shut behind him, disappearing into the edifice's embrace. 

Taking the elevator to the 42nd floor, he entered the apartment he had inherited just a month ago after his parents died. His inheritance included this single piece of real estate and over 7 million dollars worth of capital. According to the will, Kaito was entitled to a certain portion of this sum each year, but he cared little for it. He had half a million dollars a year at his disposal, a sum that freed him from any financial worries.

Living alone in a magnificent 140 square meter Art Deco apartment, he took off his shoes and coat before heading to the bathroom. As he approached the large mirror above the sink, the minimalist lights cast a soft glow over him. The mirror reflected a strikingly handsome young man, five feet nine inches tall with a charming face. His only flaw was his skinny build, but that was a minor problem.

Within a month of his rebirth, he had already begun to adjust to his new surroundings, new body, and new culture. Before, he had been a 24-year-old American. Now he was in a completely different world that he recognized from reading manga. He didn't know how or why he was given a second chance, but he was determined to reach heights that were previously beyond his reach.

After finishing his skincare routine and washing his hands, he brewed a large mug of tea and settled down in front of the wide panoramic window. His eyes glowed red, which was a manifestation of his unique abilities. His mother had the ability to create amplifying energy, and his father had a weak form of telekinesis. In a short time, Kaito managed to master the basic capabilities of his abilities, but he was still far from mastery. He could emit energy from his entire body, the rate of release being directly proportional to the load on his brain, and increasing the energy density increased its brightness and strength. He saw energy as an extension of his body, a feeling he still had to get used to.

Now, thanks to his improved vision, he saw the world in more detail, as if he had gone from 720p to 4k. Brain enhancement also increased his reaction speed and cognitive abilities. Though he tries not to get too caught up in manipulating it - he knows little about its structure and how it works on a deep level and the consequences of overclocking different parts could lead to unknown outcomes, so he's added lessons to his routine to study it. 

Despite such a favorable position, he found himself, he didn't want to live his life in passive mode. But regardless of what plans he had for his future, there was one serious problem: the crisis that would occur in two years. A crisis that would hit the economy of the world and Japan in particular, the death of the strongest hero in the United States, destroyed cities and shattered fortunes. Unlike in the manga, he was living in the real world, where the consequences could be more massive and dangerous. And the cause of all this is All For One and Shigaraki, who started the war. And while he considered the option of simply fleeing Japan to a country like Switzerland and waiting out the crisis in peace, he opted for a riskier one that could do him more benefits. 

By staying and using his knowledge, Kaito plans to thwart the threat early on, though it is risky, it is a rewarding option as well. Although he wasn't going to work as a superhero, joining UA had many advantages, the most valuable being the many useful connections with top heroes, the director, and classmates like Momo, Shoto, Midoriya, and Iida that could help him in the future, as well as the media exposure he could get, which could be used to promote his future projects. 

The entrance exam is still 11 months away, which he plans to devote to diligent preparation. Kaito's gaze focused on the reflection of himself in the window, specifically his skinny physique.

 'Well, guess I should start there.'