Chapter 3 | Trials at Olympus 2

After humanity entered a new reality where superpowers went beyond the realm of fantasy and manifested among us, the world underwent profound changes. Сivilization has managed to emerge from the abyss of chaos, bringing order to a landscape once marred by rampant crime and anarchy. 

While developed countries have largely emerged from the shadows of the Dark Age, their less fortunate counterparts continue to languish in the throes of decline. Even Japan, known for its economic achievements and strong superhero infrastructure, is struggling with rising crime rates. 

Moreover, society's acceptance of "new people" - individuals endowed with unusual quirks that often redefine their very identity - remains an elusive ideal. Those whose appearance is radically altered by their quirks are marginalized and ridiculed, while even those who lack such abilities do not escape criticism and scrutiny. 

The consequences of these changes extend to the field of sport, which is undergoing an unprecedented upheaval. Traditional categories and rules have become obsolete in the face of these extraordinary individuals, necessitating the creation of new leagues and rules tailored to their unique talents. From leagues exclusively for non-queer athletes to leagues geared toward people with specific quirks or mutations. But the biggest money-makers have been sports that use spectacular fads, one example being the UA Sports Festival, which Japan loves to watch and which brings in huge sums of money for the academy every year.

"Octagon, pair 174. Pair 83 is preparing," echoed a clear, feminine voice through the speakers, emanating from the artificial program meticulously orchestrated by the event organizer. Assigned a unique numerical identifier, each pair awaited their turn, their designated numbers visible to all within the group chat. 

Kaito, sitting on the floor turned to his friend, "You're next."

With an air of assurance, Anthony responded with a smile brimming with confidence and positivity. "Yeah," he affirmed, radiating his inner resolve. 

Turning to his friend, he inquired, "And you?" 

Kaito, rising from the ground, confirmed his impending bout. "I'll be getting in the ring soon too," he stated, motioning for Anthony to accompany him. 

Gathering their requisite gear, the duo made their way toward the Octagon, the arena pulsating with anticipation. Despite the outward appearance of normalcy, the combatants within the Octagon were far from ordinary. Engaged in a strategic dance, they sparred, maintaining a calculated distance while launching calculated strikes. Ultimately, victory favored the agile young combatant who commanded the center of the arena, landing blows with precision and agility. 

In this arena, victory was dictated by a scoring system: points awarded for strategic prowess and skillful execution or achieved through the incapacitation of one's adversary. Each bout culminated in a final tally, adhering to a standardized 10-point scale, with the victor claiming a score of 10, and the vanquished, 9 or fewer. In the event of a stalemate, both combatants would share in the allocation of 10 points each.

With the verdict delivered—a predictable 10-9 outcome—the arena announcer promptly beckoned the next contenders. "Octagon, pair 83, prepare for entry. Next is 102," the voice declared, signaling the commencement of the next confrontation. 

Anthony adorned himself in full combat regalia: helmet, sparring gloves, mouth guard, arm bandages, and sleek leg guards, readying himself for the impending clash. As he crossed the threshold of the Octagon, his adversary emerged on the opposite side—a formidable figure, slightly shorter in stature but compensated by a formidable physique. Short, jet-black hair framed a rugged jawline adorned with a hint of stubble, exuding an aura of determined resolve. 

Summoned to the center of the ring by the referee, the combatants exchanged a respectful fist bump before retreating to their respective corners. With a sweeping gesture, the referee initiated the commencement of the bout, setting the stage for the ensuing battle. 

Determined gazes locked onto each other, a silent acknowledgment of the challenge ahead. Anthony could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins, heightening his senses and sharpening his focus. His opponent mirrored his intensity, emanating a quiet confidence that spoke volumes. 

Anthony, adopting a defensive stance, circled his opponent with measured steps, his eyes keenly assessing any potential openings. His adversary mirrored his movements, a mirror image of anticipation and calculation. 

As the seconds ticked by, the tension in the arena mounted, palpable in the charged atmosphere. Anthony's opponent, sensing an opportunity, initiated the first offensive maneuver, a flurry of jabs aimed at testing his opponent's defenses. Anthony deftly evaded the onslaught, his footwork impeccable as he sidestepped the incoming strikes. 

With each passing moment, the intensity of the exchange escalated, the combatants engaging in a symphony of movement and counter-movement. Anthony, recognizing the need to assert his dominance, launched a series of calculated strikes, aiming to disrupt his opponent's rhythm and assert his control over the bout. 

The crowd erupted into a chorus of cheers and applause as the combatants traded blows, their movements a blur of speed and precision. Anthony, his focus unwavering, seized upon a momentary lapse in his opponent's defenses, landing a powerful blow that reverberated throughout the arena. 

Despite his opponent's resilience, Anthony remained steadfast in his determination, pressing forward with unwavering resolve. With each successive strike, he edged closer to victory, his determination unwavering in the face of adversity. 

As the final seconds of the round dwindled away, Anthony and his opponent continued to trade blows with relentless fervor, each refusing to yield an inch in their pursuit of victory. With the sound of the bell signaling the end of the round, the combatants retreated to their respective corners. 

Anthony stripped off his gear and stood in his corner. Kaito standing next to him gave him a bottle of water, he took a couple of sips and they left the ring. 

The result of the match was sent to the chat group. Result: Anthony's victory with a score of 10-9. The person with whom Anthony agreed in advance added the boys there.

After 2 minutes started Kaito's fight. 

In the ring, Kaito faced off against his opponent, a strapping 20-year-old. Despite the evident contrast in physical stature, Kaito's own unique quirk bestowed upon him a distinct advantage, particularly in terms of reaction time and the velocity of his strikes. 

With lightning reflexes, Kaito swiftly outmaneuvered each of his opponent's powerful punches, capitalizing on every opening with precision. His blows, though not bolstered by an imposing physique, packed an explosive force if Kaito had not restrained the force of his blows to minimize damage, he could have sent him into a knockout. 

Kaito's movements were fluid and calculated. Easily dodging attacks, he retaliated by striking at vulnerable areas of his opponent's body. Each blow came with a satisfying thud, reinforcing Kaito's dominance in the arena.

As the final bell tolled, the scorecard spoke volumes of Kaito's mastery. With a resounding victory of 10-6, he emerged triumphant, a testament to his skill and finesse in combat. 

In the bright-lit arena, Kaito observed Anthony's preparations for his upcoming bout with a mixture of anticipation and concern. As Anthony tirelessly jumped rope, his youthful vigor juxtaposed against the gravity of the challenge ahead. 

His opponent was as tall as he was, but they possessed completely different levels of physical ability; his opponent looked huge. Kaito might have ignored this discrepancy, however, were it not for the disturbing realization that his opponent had a history of inadvertently incapacitating sparring partners. As a result, he had gained notoriety, his raw strength coupled with erratic control frequently dissuading would-be challengers. Nevertheless, there remained a group that was attracted by the opportunity to fight such an unpredictable opponent. 

In the world of Kaito, where the laws of standard physics reigned and the limits of human capabilities were firmly established, Anthony's chances against such a formidable opponent would be slim. However, in this parallel universe, where reality was a mirror image of the superhero manga, the rules of engagement were markedly different. 

Kaito couldn't help but notice the extraordinary capabilities displayed by the inhabitants of this world, which was in stark contrast to the limitations in his native reality. Delving deeper into the intricacies of the people of this world, he learned that: ordinary people could possess an innate resilience and strength that defied his usual perceptions. 

A person's physical prowess could not be determined by their physical appearance: one could meet a seemingly ordinary person, but capable of superhuman feats, while another with a similar appearance showed nothing out of the ordinary. 

Aizawa, a prime example of such an enigma, possessed a seemingly quirk that had nothing to do with body enhancement, yet possessed unprecedented strength and resilience. 

Kaito was quickly able to realize that in this world, appearances could be deceiving. Whether he was facing an enemy of monstrous proportions or a seemingly unremarkable opponent, one should never underestimate his opponents. 

Anthony was also a prime example of the mismatch of appearance with strength, his punching power and body stamina were head and shoulders above the teenagers who were similar to him in appearance. That said, Anthony possessed a trashy quirk, the ability to repel metal up to 20 grams with his fingertips.

But still, his opponent also had an incredibly strong body, and it would be better if Anthony didn't go to bed after the second fight. Kaito looked towards Anthony, you couldn't tell he was worried at all from him. 

"Anthony, your opponent..." addressed Kaito to Anthony. 

"I know... He won't be easy, a big guy with hands like sledgehammers."

"You don't want to cancel the fight? It'll be fucked if you get injured in only your second fight."

"Nah... don't worry about that... Heh... Heh....." replied Anthony with pauses for breaths while jumping on the rope. 

"I'm not worried, I just don't want to see you get knocked out, and it would just suck to sit here alone," said Kaito with a chuckle 

"Huh... What a... You really think I'm gonna lose to this guy?" said Anthony with a grin. 

"If you fight like you did in the first fight, you're gonna die. Getting into such close contact with him and missing so many punches is a straight path to the hospital" Kaito tried to tease him, but also to give him advice. 

"Got it... heh... heh... 200... Huh" replied Anthony finishing his jump rope exercise. He took to putting his helmet on his head and took gloves with me, his fight was coming up. "Any other advice?" 

"Just don't miss so many punches."

"Okay," answered Anthony and headed towards the octagon.