Chapter 14 | Beast

Opening the octagon doors, Kaito stepped outside, the adrenaline of victory still rushing through him. He lifted his forearm and looked at his hand. The fingers were trembling slightly. Sighing, Kaito clenched his hand into a fist and then unclenched it, regaining his composure. He then headed for the locker room.

The red energy that engulfed his body during the fight signified a state where he was creating an amount of energy that he was unable to control normally. Normally, the amplification of his quirk didn't show up visibly except for his eyes; it was a barely noticeable amplification that remained inside his body.

Such an intense amplification came with a certain amount of risk. Kaito knew that his body wasn't quite ready for extreme exertion, so injuries were quite possible. That was why he kept his eyes casual most of the time. Still, by training hard, he continued to push the limits of his quirk, trying to find a balance between strength and control. He suspected that such an intense output of energy might affect his brain, but medical examinations had so far revealed no ill effects. Whether he would be lucky in the future was an open question.

As he made his way through the crowd of people and the long corridor, he found himself at a massive wooden door decorated with carvings. Opening it, he stepped into a small locker room. There he was greeted by an elderly man whose face was riddled with thin lines of scars, as if he had survived a tornado filled with small, sharp blades. His powerful arms, wrapped in bandages all the way up to his shoulders, looked like sturdy pillars that held his strength. He wore a black set of shorts and a t-shirt, emphasizing his imposing figure that radiated strength and awe. He was stretching, preparing for a fight.

When the creak of the door echoed through the room, he opened his eyes, hidden behind dark glasses, and looked at the boy who had entered. Recognition flashed in his gaze - he had watched the first half of the boy's fight.

"Congratulations on your victory," he muttered in a hoarse voice.

The boy, making his way to his belongings, replied simply, "Thank you."

"I didn't expect you to come out of there in one piece."


"That guy must have been in a lot of trouble for daring to do something like that, but his form was really intimidating."

"Only in appearance," Kaito replied curtly.

The man chuckled softly as he finished his exercises. He headed towards his belongings, grabbing a bottle of water to quench his thirst. "You must have a strong quirk, lucky you..."

"Yeah," Kaito muttered, starting to change his clothes.

The man brought a small bottle of water to his lips and emptied its contents in one motion. "I would like to experience your gift firsthand. You do plan to continue performing, don't you?"

"Yes, but you'd better not get your hopes up."

"Ha, son of…" the man smirked. Kaito's words only fueled his desire to face him one-on-one in the octagon. He set the empty bottle on the floor and left the room, ready for his next fight.

As he walked down the gray hallway, a statuesque man walked towards him. He was wearing a maroon shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black pants. His red hair fell to his shoulders, framing a handsome, masculine face, accentuated by a tattoo on his neck.

The man wanted to walk past, avoiding eye contact as the scars he had received from this man came to mind.

"Hey, have you seen the boy?" A red-haired man called out to him, stopping him in his tracks.

He turned around sharply. "What boy?"

The man's gaze shifted for a moment, lost in memories. "What was his... Invincible? Do you know where he is?"

Relief swept over him: it wasn't him they were looking for. "Yeah, he's changing right now. He should be out soon."


Meanwhile, Kaito was tying his shoelaces, completing his outfit. With a deft movement, he tied the knot. Despite his readiness, one thing bothered him: the shower wasn't working, and that annoyed him. Grabbing his bag, he left the room.

As he stepped out into the hallway, an unfamiliar voice called out to him.

"Hey kid..."

Turning at the voice, Kaito saw a tall man about 190 centimeters tall with a striking European appearance. His facial features were strong and handsome, the kind that could belong to a model. His red hair was complemented by stubble, and his eyes were hidden behind ski goggles that shimmered with different polycarbonate shades. He had an athletic build with well-developed muscles. He had a small tattoo on the left side of his neck in the shape of a dice, but instead of the usual dots, there were crosses.

"Yeah?" replied Kaito, looking curiously at the imposing figure standing before him.

"Nice fight. Congratulations," the man said with a wide smile.

"Thanks," Kaito replied briefly, his tone polite but cautious.

"You have a great quirk. At that age, you're already showing impressive results."

A slight smile played across the boy's face, bringing out the spark of joyful enthusiasm emanating from the man. "Thank you," he said warmly. He was curious: was this man a fan of his or just a connoisseur of a good performance? Either way, the boy decided to be polite and part on a friendly note.

The man, satisfied with Kaito's answer, continued: "Will you be on Carnage Island?"

"I don't know. Never heard of it," Kaito admitted.

"It's a tournament, the main event in Japan's underground fight scene. Thirty-two of the best fighters compete for a hefty cash prize."

Kaito nodded, showing his interest. "How much?"

"Last year's winner took home three million dollars."

Kaito's eyes widened slightly.

"It will be in February," the man added, watching Kaito's reaction carefully.

Kaito sensed there was more to this conversation. "What are you getting at?" - He asked, wanting to dispel the ambiguity. He supposed it could be an invitation, an offer of sponsorship, or something else. He preferred clarity to conjecture.

The man smirked, leaning slightly towards him. "I have a ticket - a direct pass to the tournament. I'm willing to fight you for it on Skullcrusher Night."

Kaito's eyes narrowed incredulously. "Are you really willing to give up your pass that easily?"

The man laughed heartily. "Hahaha, not bad. Don't worry. I'll be able to get another one without a problem."

Kaito's lips curled into a slight smile. "Alright, I accept the challenge."

The man held out his hand and Kaito shook it firmly, sealing their agreement.

"Good. See you in the arena then."

"Yes," Kaito replied, and they parted ways, both of them anticipating the upcoming fight.

After his encounter with the mysterious stranger, Kaito reunited with his friends. Their faces lit up with delight as they congratulated him on his victory, and they spent the rest of the evening together in pleasant company. Soon fatigue took its toll and Kaito headed home, collapsing into bed with a contented sigh.

The next morning, Kaito woke up with a new sense of determination. He quickly set up his laptop, a cup of Da Hong Pao tea smoking beside him, its subtle, earthy flavor soothing his senses. This tea, known for its complex flavor of roasted nuts and floral notes, was his favorite companion during long hours of research.

His first task was to search the internet for information on two hot topics: the Isle of Carnage and the mysterious man who had challenged it. Kaito entered the Fight Night Forum, a bustling center of underground fight enthusiasts. The forum was a maze of discussions of various fighters, and Kaito got lost in a sea of threads where there was not a single image of the man he had met.

Hours passed, and frustration began to gnaw at him. He took a break, sipping his tea and savoring its rich flavor, doing a warm-up and showering, then resumed his search with renewed vigor. Shifting his attention, Kaito found that information about the tournament was easier to obtain. Entire threads were dedicated to the Isle of Carnage tournament, filled with pictures, videos, and texts from people who had been there or watched the broadcasts.

Kaito was piecing together the history of this infamous place. The Isle of Carnage was a three-day spectacle held annually on a private island whose owner remained a mystery, though Kaito immediately guessed who was behind it. Thirty-two fighters participated in the tournament: the top six from the previous year, 25 of those who had performed the best during the year, and one spot that had ten competitors vying for on the first day. The finale of the tournament was a brutal duel in a four-way match.

Absorbing this information, Kaito felt a thrill of anticipation. The tournament was legendary and the stakes were incredibly high. Determined to determine his opponent, Kaito looked at the list of last year's top fighters. He caught his breath when he found an image of the man he was looking for with the nickname: Beastpunch.

Beastpunch was a formidable opponent, a veteran of underground fights with a record of 43 wins, 2 losses, and 33 knockouts. His first loss came after a battle with a girl "Tiger Bunny", The second is also from a woman with the alias "Lady". His quirk transformed him into a lion-like beast, an anthropomorphic nightmare of muscle and ferocity. Watching the footage of Beast Fluff's fights, Kaito felt a chill run down his spine. This man's brutal, flamboyant style was designed to entertain and intimidate.

Yet despite the formidable reputation of 'The Beast', Kaito felt a surge of determination. If he could defeat such an opponent, it would prove that he was ready to face All for One, not in direct combat. Meeting him face to face didn't convey the danger this man posed, but there was no backing down, this was a test he had to overcome.

A small, determined smile played on Kaito's lips. He had three weeks to prepare, and he intended to seize every moment.

He intends to win.


I'm truly sorry for the 23-day delay since the last chapter. I wanted to dedicate more time to this work, but pressing matters demanded my attention. My practice, exams, and part-time job took up a significant amount of time. However, I have now resolved most of these issues and am ready to continue writing.

Thank you for reading this story