weekly meeting

Vaughn watched her close the door, his jaw clenched slightly. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease from the evening. The way Jake had looked at Eliza, the casual banter—they all irked him more than he cared to admit. He vowed silently to keep a closer eye on things, to protect Eliza from any potential threats, whether external or from someone like Jake.

The next day, Vaughn's protective instincts were still on high alert. He checked in with Ivan regularly, trying to gather more information about the recent incidents. Ivan had been digging deeper into Jason's connections and any potential threats to Eliza's safety.

Meanwhile, Eliza went about her day at work, grateful for Vaughn's company the previous evening but also feeling a need to maintain a sense of normalcy. 

Soon it was time for the weekly meeting. As she was working on her laptop, Anna quickly called her over.

"Eliza, come on, it's time for the meeting."