i am glad, you're mine

Ivan and Jannie had just left the company party, the echoes of laughter and music still ringing in their ears. The night was cool and crisp, the sky a deep indigo canvas spattered with a billion shimmering stars. Ivan's motorcycle, sleek and powerful, was parked under the glow of a street lamp, waiting to whisk them away to a night of adventure.

Jannie shivered slightly in her evening dress, the delicate fabric offering little protection against the cool night air. Noticing her discomfort, Ivan shrugged off his leather jacket and draped it over her shoulders. She smiled up at him, gratitude shining in her eyes.

"Ready for a little adventure?" Ivan asked, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Jannie nodded eagerly. She had always admired Ivan's sense of spontaneity and his knack for finding the most breathtaking places. Tonight, she trusted him completely to take her somewhere special.