good girl

After twenty-five minutes of driving, they finally arrived at the bar. The neon lights cast a hazy glow over the parking lot, and the muffled sounds of music and chatter seeped through the walls. Vaughn parked the car and turned to Eliza, his eyes serious.

"Inside, stay with Jannie," he instructed firmly. "Don't pay attention to anyone, no matter who. And if anyone tries to bother you, just in case Jannie has to come into the meeting for a while and in that meantime anyone comes to talk to you, give my name or use my surname, okay?"

Eliza nodded, absorbing his detailed instructions. "Okay."

"Good girl," Vaughn said, his tone softening slightly. "Let's go now." He extended his hand towards Eliza. She hesitated for a moment before placing her hand in his. The warmth and strength of his grip gave her a small measure of comfort.