Brain Lock

Jaxon and his team found a small, hidden room in the city of Rangar. The abandoned storage space, once used for mining equipment, now offered a perfect refuge from Aria Shaw's soldiers. The room was tucked away behind a series of narrow corridors and concealed by years of dust and debris, making it an ideal hideout.

The air was thick with the musty scent of damp stone and rusting metal. The walls, lined with old mining tools and rusted machinery, echoed the forgotten history of Rangar's once-thriving industry. Dim light filtered through the cracks in the ceiling, casting eerie shadows on the rough stone floor. Despite the room's dismal appearance, Jaxon saw its potential.

They quickly set to work, transforming the dingy, forgotten room into a temporary base of operations. Maya, ever resourceful, began by clearing a space for their makeshift quarters. She repurposed old metal crates and wooden pallets to create partitions, giving each team member a semblance of privacy. The sound of clanging metal filled the air as she worked. She rigged up a basic lighting system using salvaged wires and batteries, casting a warm, if dim, glow across the room that brought some comfort against the cold, hard surfaces.

Nina and Jaxon worked together to establish a communication center. They found a corner of the room that had once housed electrical equipment and used it to set up their network. With Nate's guidance, they connected to the main network of the complex, using discarded communication equipment to create a small but effective control hub. The hum of the machinery was constant, and the holographic interface flickered to life, projecting a steady stream of data about troop movements and environmental conditions.

The team scavenged the surrounding area for supplies, finding a few old hydroponic units that Maya quickly restored to working order. These provided a small but steady supply of fresh greens. The crisp, green scent of the plants was a welcome contrast to the stale air. Water was collected from condensation units found deeper in the tunnels, and food was rationed from emergency supplies they had brought with them.

As they settled into their new base, the team began to adapt to their surroundings. The walls, once bare and lifeless, slowly filled with maps, plans, and makeshift shelves holding essential equipment. The constant hum of the machinery and the flickering lights became a backdrop to their daily activities. Despite the ever-present threat of discovery, Jaxon and his team found a rhythm in their work, each member contributing their unique skills to ensure their survival and success.


After days of hard work, Jaxon sat down at the makeshift table, the flickering holographic display casting eerie shadows on his face. Paula, nursing her still-healing shoulder, joined him, her expression serious. The scent of antiseptic lingered in the air, mixing with the faint odor of metal and dust. Nate's holographic form materialized beside them, his digital eyes reflecting the glow of the display.

— We need to talk about the current situation in Rangar — Jaxon began, his voice low but firm. — Aria Shaw has taken control of the city and the worker camp. We need to understand how this happened and what our next steps should be.

Nate's holographic form flickered slightly as he processed the data.

— Based on the surveillance footage and intercepted communications, it appears Aria Shaw's forces infiltrated the city through all entry points. The workers were exhausted, low on supplies, and demoralized. Aria's forces offered them safety and stability in exchange for cooperation. Many of the workers saw it as their only option.

Nate brought up a map of Rangar on the holographic display, highlighting key locations.

— Aria Shaw's forces have established checkpoints throughout the city. They control all major access points and have set up a command center in the heart of the worker camp. Aria Shaw's forces have been actively searching for us. When you incapacitated those soldiers and restored me, they noticed. They detected my activation and subsequent disappearance from their monitoring system. They know we're here and are actively trying to locate our camp.

Jaxon exchanged a tense glance with Paula.

— How long do we have before they find us?

— It's difficult to say — Nate responded. — They've increased patrols and have begun systematic searches of the area. We need to be extremely cautious. To protect our communications, I've put a triple-layer firewall in place. I've also locked the principal entrance to our room. Additionally, Nina has constructed a protective barrier along the walls to block any energy or heat emissions, minimizing our chances of detection. Our current location remains secure.

Jaxon took a deep breath, the weight of their situation pressing heavily on his shoulders.

— I'll think about the actions we need to take, but for now, we'll wait. I want to talk to Elias.


With the plan in mind, Jaxon stood and walked over to Elias's makeshift cell. The dim light from the improvised lamps cast long shadows on the walls as he approached. Elias looked up from his corner, a mixture of defiance and regret in his eyes.

— Elias, we need to talk — Jaxon said, his voice steady but firm.

Elias sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly.

— What do you want to know? — he replied, his tone weary.

— Everything you know about the entity controlling you — Jaxon began. — We need to understand what we're up against. How did they manage to manipulate you?

Elias looked away, his eyes haunted.

— I don't know. One moment I was myself, and the next, it was like something else took over. I tried to fight it, but it was too strong.

Nate's holographic form flickered beside Jaxon.

— Captain, I have a theory. During my reactivation, I noticed irregularities in Elias's brain patterns. It's possible he has been subjected to a form of energy lock. I suggest we scan his brain.

Paula, who had been listening nearby, stepped forward with a thoughtful expression.

— It makes sense. If they've found a way to lock certain parts of his brain, it could explain why he's been acting under their influence. Nate, can you perform the scan?

— Certainly, — Nate replied, his digital eyes focusing on Elias. — Elias, please remain still. This will only take a moment.

Elias nodded, resignation in his eyes.

— Do whatever you need to do. I just want this nightmare to end.

Nate's holographic form emitted a soft blue light, scanning Elias's brain. The room fell silent, everyone holding their breath as they watched the process. After a few moments, Nate's light dimmed, and he turned to Jaxon and Paula.

— As suspected, there is an energy lock within a small region of his brain. This lock was likely placed by the flashing being during the disjunction of the system that caused my failure a few days ago.

Jaxon's eyes narrowed, the tension in the room palpable.

— Can we remove it?

Nate paused, his holographic form flickering slightly as he processed the data.

— It will be risky, but I believe it is possible. We need to neutralize the energy interference without causing further damage to Elias's brain.

Jaxon took a deep breath, determination hardening his resolve.

— Let's do this. Nate, prepare the necessary procedures. Paula, stay with him. I'll be right back.

As Nate began the delicate process of neutralizing the energy lock, Jaxon stepped back, giving them space. He glanced around the room, the flickering lights casting shifting patterns on the walls. His mind raced with plans and contingencies. They had a long road ahead, but for the first time, he felt a spark of hope. They would free Elias from the entity's control, no matter the cost.


Meanwhile, Aria Shaw stood in the command center, her gaze fixed on the holographic map of Rangar. The cold, clinical glow of the lights highlighted her sharp features, casting a chilling aura. An officer approached her, his expression one of cautious optimism.

— Commander Shaw, the warehouses on the surface of Deimos are complete. They're ready to start accepting workers.

Aria's eyes glinted with a mix of satisfaction and calculation.

— Excellent. We can begin evacuating the workers from Rangar immediately. Once they're relocated, we'll start planting explosives inside the city.

The officer's eyes widened in surprise, a sense of foreboding creeping into his voice.

— Explosives? Shouldn't we take the machines and computers from the laboratory first? There's valuable data and equipment there.

Aria's expression hardened, her voice icy and unyielding.

— No. Leave everything as it is.

The officer hesitated, a look of shock crossing his face.

— But, Commander, the research and technology in that lab are critical. Destroying it all...

Aria's eyes bore into his, her voice brooking no argument.

— You have your orders. The technology in that lab is of no use to us anymore. Destroying it is necessary to ensure complete control.

The officer swallowed hard, his mind racing to comprehend the reasoning behind such a drastic decision. Still, he knew better than to question further.

— Understood. I'll see to it immediately.

As he turned to leave, a faint flicker of something alien flashed in Aria's eyes, a subtle but chilling reminder of the influence guiding her actions. The officer, unaware of the true source of her orders, hurried to carry them out, determined to follow through despite his reservations.

Aria turned back to the holographic map, her face a mask of resolve. Inside, the flashing being's presence pulsed, driving her to complete its hidden agenda: the total eradication of the NHU's research and any chance of understanding its dark secrets.