Chapter 2:Echoes of Awakening(1/2)

## Chapter 2: Awakening in the Eternal Realms

The room faded from blinding light to a soft glow, leaving Alex standing there, utterly bewildered. He blinked rapidly, trying to adjust his eyes to the dimness surrounding him. What he saw was nothing like he'd ever experienced before—luxurious and historical artifacts filled every corner, each seemingly whispering tales of times long past.

Attempting to stand, Alex's heart raced as he realized something was terribly wrong. His body felt different—smaller, weaker, and every movement felt like he was navigating a foreign vessel. Panic gripped him as he tried to rise, his limbs trembling with the effort.

He opened his mouth to call out and scream for help, but what came out was nothing but gibberish. Frustration surged within him as he tried again, only to be met with the same incomprehensible sounds. It was as if his vocal cords had betrayed him, leaving him trapped in a body that felt utterly alien.

Tears stung his eyes as he grappled with the enormity of his situation. How had he ended up here? And why did everything feel so inexplicably wrong?

But amidst the fear and confusion, a flicker of determination ignited within Alex. Though he felt powerless and lost, he refused to give in to despair. With every fiber of his being, he vowed to uncover the truth behind his transformation and reclaim control over his destiny, no matter the obstacles that lay ahead.

The majestic door opened with a swish, and a young lady in a maid's outfit arrived with a tray of food for him.

"Young master Aldric, I hope you stay like this forever. May your life be filled with happiness and prosperity," the maid said, offering Alex the food.

From her words, Alex realized that he had transmigrated into the one and only Aldric Mars.

"Shit, why am I in this fellow's body? He will die in the first 20 chapters after provoking the MC Leon. The only good thing now would be that he has a massive background, and it seems that I have some time before the plot begins at the academy," Alex muttered to himself, a sinking feeling settling in his chest.

As Alex attempted to make some noise, the silence seemed to amplify the unease that settled in the room. He pursed his lips, mustering what little strength he had in this unfamiliar body, and let out a feeble sound—a strange mixture of squeaks and murmurs. It was a sound that surprised even him, a stark reminder of the foreignness of his situation.

The maid's reaction was immediate and dramatic. Startled by the unexpected noise, she fumbled with the tray of food, the clatter of utensils against porcelain filling the room with a cacophony of sound. She hurriedly set the tray down, her hands trembling as she turned and bolted out of the room, her panicked voice echoing through the halls.


The urgency in her voice was unmistakable, sending a ripple of apprehension through Alex. What kind of situation had he stumbled into? And why did his awakening seem to cause such a commotion?

In a matter of moments, the tranquil atmosphere of the room was shattered by the arrival of the Duchess. Her presence was commanding yet reassuring, and her beauty was striking even in the dim light of the room. As she materialized before him, her eyes softened with a mixture of relief and affection.

"My lovely son, you finally woke up," she said, her voice laced with tenderness as she reached out to stroke his forehead. Her touch was gentle, a soothing balm against the turmoil brewing within Alex's mind.

As expected, this idiot has one of the strongest families in the novel, only to be used as a stepping stone to Leon.

In the world of Elysia, a realm where ancient magic and mystical creatures abound, power is the currency of survival. Elysia is a vast and diverse land, divided into several regions, each with its own unique culture, geography, and magical heritage.

**The Eternal Realms**:

- **Location**: Central Elysia.

- **Description**: The Eternal Realms are the heart of Elysia, known for their majestic mountains, lush forests, and sprawling cities. The realm is ruled by a powerful dynasty that claims descent from the legendary Dragon Kings. The capital city, **Drakemont**, is a hub of commerce, culture, and cultivation.

- **Significance**: The Eternal Realms are the center of political power and home to many of the world's greatest cultivators.

**The Five Major Cities**:

1. **Marsburg**:

 - **Ruler**: The Mars Family.

 - **Description**: Marsburg is renowned for its grand architecture and formidable fortifications. The Mars family has a long history of military prowess and strategic brilliance.

2. **Pendragon's Keep**:

 - **Ruler**: The Pendragon Family.

 - **Description**: This city is famous for its knights and chivalric traditions. It is a bastion of honor and martial skill, with a strong emphasis on training elite warriors.

3. **Avalon Heights**:

 - **Ruler**: The Avalon Family.

 - **Description**: Perched high in the mountains, Avalon Heights is known for its breathtaking vistas and serene landscapes. It is a center for scholarly pursuits and mystical studies.

4. **Camelot Citadel**:

 - **Ruler**: The Camelot Family.

 - **Description**: Camelot Citadel is a city of legends, where myths and reality intertwine. It is a place of grand tournaments, epic tales, and powerful magic.

5. **Excalibur Reach**:

 - **Ruler**: The Excalibur Family.

 - **Description**: Situated near a vast and mysterious lake, Excalibur Reach is shrouded in mystery. It is known for its enchanted waters and the enigmatic warriors who dwell there.