Chapter 4

He turned over in bed, pulling the covers tighter around himself as he considered his options. Perhaps the only way to ensure his survival was to avoid conflict altogether. He could live a peaceful life, inherit the family estate, and stay out of Leon's way. The idea of a quiet, luxurious life had its appeal.

But even as he thought about it, he knew it wasn't that simple. Aldric Mars was a character destined to clash with Leon. The plot wouldn't allow for such an easy escape. And deep down, Alex knew he didn't want to be a mere footnote in someone else's story. He wanted to change his fate—not just survive, but thrive.

As these thoughts tumbled through his mind, a sudden noise jolted him. It wasn't loud, more like a faint whisper, but it seemed to echo inside his head. Alex sat up, his heart pounding, straining to hear it again.

"Who... who's there?" he whispered, feeling foolish for talking in an empty room.

The whisper grew louder, more distinct, and then a voice, clear and firm, spoke directly into his mind.

"Hello there you useless bastard, im the great destroyer of fates and also you system.Say Status window to get started idiot."

Alex was provoked as the unknown voice in his started insulting his but he still said Status window.

A sleek, translucent screen appeared before Alex, filled with various sections and information.


Defeat the original MC and give the world their freedom.

1. [Stats]

2. [Shop]

3. [Lottery]

4. [Villain Points]


### Stats:

- Name: Aldric Mars (Alex)

- Age: 5

- Strength: 2

- Agility: 3

- Intelligence: 8

- Charm: 5

- Luck: 4

- Villain Points: 0


### Shop:

The Shop allows you to purchase various items, skills, and enhancements to aid in your quest. Use Villain Points to buy what you need.


- [Weapons](#weapons)

- [Armor](#armor)

- [Skills](#skills)

- [Potions](#potions)

- [Artifacts](#artifacts)

Example Items:

- Iron Sword: 10 Villain Points

- Leather Armor: 15 Villain Points

- Basic Fireball Spell: 20 Villain Points

- Healing Potion: 5 Villain Points

- Ring of Strength: 25 Villain Points


### Lottery:

Try your luck in the Lottery. Spend Villain Points for a chance to win rare and powerful items.

Lottery Options:

- Basic Lottery: 5 Villain Points (Common to Rare items)

- Advanced Lottery: 20 Villain Points (Rare to Epic items)

- Premium Lottery: 50 Villain Points (Epic to Legendary items)


### Villain Points:

Earn Villain Points by suppressing the MC, taking his opportunities before he can, and damaging his reputation and influence. Use these points to make purchases in the Shop or take a chance in the Lottery.

Ways to Earn Villain Points:

- Undermining Leon: +10 Points

- Seizing Key Opportunities: +15 Points

- Damaging Leon's Reputation: +20 Points


Alex stared at the screen, his mind racing. This was his chance, his opportunity to change his fate and the fate of this world. He could use the System to become stronger, smarter, and more influential than the original Aldric Mars ever could be.

"What do I do now?" Alex asked, his voice trembling with a mix of excitement and fear.

"Your first task is to gather information and begin accumulating Villain Points," the System replied. "Learn about your surroundings, build your strength, and prepare for the challenges ahead. Remember, your ultimate goal is to defeat Leon and change the destiny of this world."

Alex nodded, determination settling in his chest. He had a long road ahead, but he was no longer alone. With the System by his side, he had the tools he needed to rewrite his story and shape his destiny.

As he lay back down, the translucent screen faded, leaving Alex with a newfound sense of purpose. He closed his eyes, knowing that tomorrow would be the start of his journey to transform from a minor antagonist into the true hero of his own story.