Chapter 36: Who will look out for the little guys? (Edited!)

I raise my eyebrows as my door opens, and in comes Maggie.

I observe as she enters my room, tiptoeing, as she carefully closes the door behind her, even locking it.

She then looks at me with a sultry smile.

"Let's have a private after-party, just me and you!" Maggie says with a horny look as she moves towards me.

I sit up as she falls into my arms, looking up at me and kissing me passionately.

I kiss her back... she still tastes of wine. Her hands slide underneath my shirt, caressing my muscled chest.

My hands find themselves underneath her shirt as I kiss her passionately. They travel upwards from her waist to her breasts. Though they are not as large as her daughter's, I grab them all the same!

"Ahh!" she moans quietly as our kiss continues.

Her hands wildly roam around my body underneath my shirt, while my other hand ventures downward, traveling to her jeans.

My hand slips inside her jeans, and my fingers reach her wet, moist place.

Maggie abruptly ends the kiss as my fingers probe her pussy lips, and in the dim light I notice tears gathering in her eyes.

"What am I sniff doing?" Maggie's voice wavers as tears well up in her eyes. "I am a mother of a 14-year-old girl, and here I am offering myself up to a handsome guy half my age, who I just met today."

I withdraw my hands from under her clothes.

"Shh, it's alright. Come here," I say soothingly, wrapping my arms around her tiny frame.

"sob sob I am a horrible, horrible woman!" Maggie continues, her voice muffled by sobs, "annnd even a worse Mother! Cassie would definitely hate me more, knowing I am doing this kind of thing not even one week after divorcing her father."

Her tears flow freely as she clings to me.

"No, that is not true," I say quietly, patting her back gently.

"It is," she hiccups, looking up at me with tear-filled eyes. "I divorced my husband when he was in jail. My daughter hates me for it, and she just has a few months left to live. And here I am, inside your room at my friend's place, to get laid! There must be something wrong with me!" Her sobs intensify as she grips my shirt tightly.

I lift her face up from my chest. "Shhh, that is not true at all," I say softly, clearing her tears away. "You are just under a lot of stress. Any other woman would have broken down already, but you held on and are actively trying to solve your problems." I offer her a calm smile. "You are a beautiful, healthy woman who just wanted to release some of your stress. Nothing wrong with that. It doesn't make you horrible."

"It hic doesn'tt?" she asks, her eyes still wet.

"No, it doesn't. So don't beat yourself up for it, okay?" I say, giving her a reassuring look.

She buries her head in my chest again, and I hug her body, continuing to caress her back in an effort to calm her down.

"Did you know, hic, I was in love with Cass before, when we were in college," she shares after she has calmed down a few minutes later. "We fooled around a lot during those days," she reminisces with a happy giggle. "But whenever I asked about our future, Cass would always avoid that topic, sniff... One time after a fight where I was pressing her for answers, she at last told me that she never wants to get married!" Cass's revelation was accompanied by a bitter smile.

I listen quietly to her story as she hugs me... both of us lying on my bed, with me still caressing her back.

"I was heartbroken, sniff. So I ran away to a nearby bar to get drunk, and that was where I met him... Scott Lang," she recalls with a sweet smile. "He was a sweet and funny guy. He made me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry," she chuckles softly. "After that day, we met a few more times, and I soon started dating Scott. I stopped talking to Cass too... I was still angry with her," she confesses, taking a deep breath. "She was my first relationship. I had never even kissed a boy or a girl before her. I had come from a very conservative and poor family. My mom had repeatedly told me that I will get married as soon as I finish college... I was not sure if they would have accepted Cass, but I was ready to fight for us both, as I wanted a happy, loving family," she explains with a sweet smile.

"So it hurt me even more when she just denied even the idea of marriage altogether. I felt used and thought that she might not even have feelings for me. Confused and hurt, I-I did it with Scott soon after. We were pretty stupid then, with both of us having no experience at it, so I ended up getting pregnant soon," she admits with an awkward smile.

I look speechlessly at Maggie. Well, at least she knows she did a foolish thing.

"During all this while, Cass had attempted many times to talk to me, but I had always avoided her. However, after I found out I was pregnant, I went to her place and told her what had happened," she explains, recalling her anxiety. "I thought she would be angry with me, but she wasn't. She was actually happy for me and even helped calm me down. Then she took me to Scott, and there I told him too. He was ecstatic and promised that we would get married soon," she recounts with a sweet smile.

"Well, he didn't have many options left, but still, it's good that he took responsibility," I remark with a small smile as I straighten a lock of her hair.

"Yeah, Cass was ready to break his leg if he refused to accept the child," Maggie chuckles.

"After that, we had a small marriage. I finished college, and I had Cassie, who I named after Cass and my name, as in my heart I still loved her quite a lot," she shares with a happy smile. "Then we both got busy with our lives, but we still stayed connected. I would tell her all about my life, and she would tell me about hers. We became... good friends," she adds with a complicated smile.

"Those were the most peaceful years," she reflects as she closes her eyes with her head on my chest. "Scott was not around much. He was out with his friends all the time," she remarks with an annoyed expression.

"With a sexy wife like you at home?" I ask incredulously.

She blushes a bit at my compliment but continues, "What can I say? He was a good father, a good man, but... he was not a good husband," she laments with a bitter sigh. "He was never serious about anything, and most of the time I felt I had two kids instead of one, and he never listened to anything I said," she adds with an angry look. "Like the time I told him that he should stop doing the shady businesses with his friends! but he never listened."

"Shady business? Didn't he have a proper job?" I ask with feigned curiosity, although in reality, I had reports that I perused every week or month about the people on the Index, so I knew about Scott much more than I did about Maggie, her being very low on my Index priority list.

"Scott had a degree in Electrical Engineering from an ordinary college, but he was very good at hacking and stealing stuff. He told me it started as just harmless fun, but when he discovered his talent, he and his friends began taking on contracts. He always assured me he would only steal from criminals and the wealthy. He even returned what was stolen to the victims, such a 'good guy'," she says, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Like an imitation of Robin Hood?" I say with a raised eyebrow.

"He was always more worried about random people's well-being than his family's. 'Who will look out for the little guys?' he used to say," Maggie says in annoyance. "Even with my repeated warnings, he kept doing it because according to him, he also liked the thrill of it. But one time, a friend of his made a mistake during a job and they were caught by the police," she explains, concern flickering in her eyes. "I was so worried for him and for Cassie; she was just 11 years old, and I dreaded explaining why her father wouldn't be coming home. So I turned to Cass for help. They were caught in the act when they went to steal from a businessman's house, but according to Cass, it was not that big of a deal. It was gone under soon too; some kind of deal was cut by the lawyer that Cass hired with that businessman, and he dropped all the charges on Scott and his friends," she finishes with a relieved sigh.

I caress her hair softly as I listened to her recountings. Aunt Cass had asked me for help then, and I had investigated into it. The businessman whose house they had targeted was a greedy employee from a small company. Skye had helped me trace all his offshore accounts, so with a bit of blackmailing, he had dropped the case soon.

Though I had no reason to clarify these things to Maggie; I didn't mind her being indebted to Aunt Cass.

"After Scott came back, he apologised and promised that he would stop doing this kind of thing again. So despite Cass urging me to leave him, I decided to give him another chance," she recounts with a bitter smile. "I was a fool, as he stopped for a while but started going on 'work' again with his friends. We fought frequently during that period," she recalls, sighing as she revisits those turbulent times.

I gently smooth her forehead, easing away the tension and smoothing out the lines of worry.

"Thanks," she murmurs with a small smile and closed eyes. "But then he got a job at a big security company, Vistacorp. I was relieved, thinking that with such a proper job now, his activities would come to an end. But not even a month later, he came back home fired. According to him, he had found that Vistacorp was stealing millions from their users, and he pointed that out to the HR department thinking it was a bug. But the CEO called him to his office and fired him," she explains with a sad look. "I knew what he wanted to do. I warned him to let it go; he could find another job. There was no need to go against a million-dollar company. But as always, he didn't listen to me," she recounts in deep frustration. "He went back to the company, hacked into their servers, and gave back all the money to those who it had been stolen from. That's not all; he also went to the CEO's house, stole many valuable items, but he got carried away and drove the CEO's car into the pool... He got caught and arrested," she recounts in a defeated sigh.

Driving a car into the pool, huh? It sounds like a fun idea, I idly muse to myself.

"Afterwards, he was sent to trial, and at the same time, I got the news about Cassie's condition. Soon he was found guilty for his crimes and he was sent to prison for three years," she says with helplessness. "Something inside me broke then. I lost all faith in him and divorced him. I had tried so hard that Cassie wouldn't have a label of a criminal's daughter or a thief's daughter on her, but it still happened," she explains with an exhausted expression as she laid her head on my chest.

"Don't worry," I whisper soothingly while patting her head, "Your daughter's problem will be solved soon, and you can either choose to work at Aunt Cass's cafe or come work in a company of mine. Both options will relieve you of any financial worries for the future life of you two. These past years will just be a memory that you will recall only occasionally." I hold her face in my hands, making her look at me. "It's not good for a beautiful woman like you to worry this much. The future is going to be good, so c'mon, smile," I urge her while looking into her eyes.

She gives me a small, happy smile. "You are correct," she says softly, "It is all thanks to Cass and you."


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Thank you all for your support, as it really motivates me to keep this story going! 
