"You will never be Free!"

As Lyra waited for her bus, she couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. She glanced around, but the bus station was bustling with people, and she couldn't pinpoint anyone suspicious. She chalked it up to paranoia and boarded her bus, exhausted.

Meanwhile, Marcus found himself taking a detour on his way home, passing by Lyra's bus stop. He told himself he was just making sure she got home safely, but deep down, he knew it was more than that. He saw Lyra board her bus and felt a pang of disappointment, realizing he wouldn't be able to watch over her for the rest of her journey.

As the bus drove away, Lyra's thoughts returned to Stephen and the loan shark. She felt trapped, like she was living a double life. One wrong move, and everything could come crashing down. The bus ride home was a blur, her mind racing with thoughts of uncertainty and fear.

When she arrived at her stop, Lyra got off the bus and began walking home, lost in thought. She didn't notice the figure following her from a distance, watching her every move...

As she turned the corner onto her street, Lyra noticed a figure standing under the streetlight ahead. Her heart skipped a beat as she quickened her pace, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios. But as she drew closer, she saw it was Marcus, his eyes fixed on her with an unreadable expression.

"Marcus, what are you doing here?" Lyra asked, trying to hide the tremble in her voice.

"I wanted to make sure you got home safely," he replied, his deep voice low and husky. "I know it's not my place, but...I couldn't shake off the feeling that something might happen to you."

Lyra's defenses softened, touched by his concern. "Thank you, Marcus. That's very kind of you."

They stood there for a moment, the only sound being the distant hum of traffic. Then, without another word, Marcus turned and disappeared into the night, leaving Lyra feeling both relieved and puzzled...

Marcus's sudden appearance and disappearance left Lyra feeling uneasy. She quickened her pace, eager to get home and lock the door behind her. As she approached her apartment, she noticed a piece of paper stuck under her door. She pulled it out, and her heart sank as she read the message scrawled in red ink: "You'll never be free." Little did she know that the words weren't warning from the loansharks, then who was it?

It was already a week and the gangs traced her house as promised but Lyra outsmarted them, she slept at Sophia's place that night, she hid that fact from Sophia too, she was determined to visit them when she's ready.

8 months has passed and Lyra has been promoted to the assistant department manager, it wasn't just due to her hard work, it was Stephen who was pulling the strings from behind the curtains, Stephen hadn't been visiting the company so often, although he missed Lyra and wanted to see her face sometimes but he had held himself back, he had other things to do too.

Closing work as usual with a confirmation letter that her request to not be at work for an urgent matter, has been approved, Lyra head home, she hadn't been home for few months too, she usually sleep at Sophia's and sometimes at an inn, she had hidden this debts she owed to another loan shark from her best friend, Sophia.

She slept calmly that night and woke up earlier the next day, she will be going to see the loan shark herself, she had been hiding from them, bit having about 80 percent of the money, she took a cab to Justin's Villa, a street known for its illegal business, it was difficult to find a decent man or woman walking that street, but Lyra never thought of that, her life is more difficult to allow her see things with the eyes of reasons.

Lyra's determination and resourcefulness have helped her evade the loan sharks and climb the corporate ladder, but she knows she can't hide forever. As she arrives at Justin's Villa, she's met with a mix of curiosity and hostility by the villa's guards. They eye her up and down before one of them steps forward, his voice firm but intrigued.

"Lyra, the girl who's been causing us so much trouble. You've got nerve showing up here alone. What makes you think you can handle this meeting?"

Lyra stands tall, her voice steady. "I've got the money, and I'm willing to pay. I just need to know what else you want from me."

The guard smirks, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Oh, it's not just about the money, Lyra. You see, Justin's been... impressed by your tenacity. He wants to meet you in person."

Lyra's heart races as she's led deeper into the villa, the air thick with tension and uncertainty. What does Justin want from her, and what will she have to do to finally settle her debt?

As Lyra is led deeper into the villa, she can't help but feel a sense of unease. The opulent decorations and lavish furnishings seem to mock her, reminding her of the vast disparity between her own life and the lives of the wealthy and powerful.

Finally, she is ushered into a grand study, where a figure sits behind a massive desk. Justin, the loan shark, looks up from his papers, his eyes piercing and calculating.

"Ah, Lyra," he says, his voice smooth as silk. "I've heard so much about you. You're quite the resourceful one, aren't you?"

Lyra stands tall, her heart racing. "I've come to pay my debt, Justin. I have most of the money. Please, just tell me what else you want from me."

Justin chuckles, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Oh, it's not just about the money, Lyra. You see, I have a... proposition for you. One that could change your life forever."

Lyra's instincts scream warning, but she's trapped. She has no choice but to listen to Justin's offer, no matter how treacherous it may be...Justin leans back in his chair, steepling his fingers together as he begins to speak.

"I have a business associate, a wealthy client who is looking for a... personal assistant. Someone intelligent, resourceful, and discreet. And I think you would be perfect for the job."

Lyra's mind races as she tries to process what Justin is saying. A personal assistant? It sounds innocent enough, but she knows better than to trust Justin's words at face value.

"What makes you think I'm qualified for this position?" she asks, trying to stall for time.

Justin smiles, his eyes glinting with a sinister light. "Oh, I've done my research, Lyra. I know all about your... skills. And I think you would be an excellent addition to my client's team."

Lyra's heart sinks as she realizes what Justin is really saying. He wants her to become an accomplice in his illegal activities, and she knows that once she's in, there's no getting out.

"I'm not interested," she says, trying to sound firm but her voice trembles slightly.

Justin's smile grows wider. "Oh, I think you are, Lyra. You see, you owe me a debt, and this is the perfect opportunity to pay it off. Refuse, and... well, let's just say that things won't go well for you."

Lyra knows she's trapped. She has to make a decision, and fast. Does she accept Justin's offer and risk becoming embroiled in his criminal activities, or does she refuse and face the consequences? The choice is hers, but either way, she knows her life will never be the same again."How about I think about it and get back to you in a week time, meanwhile I have to deposit this money that I have right now with me, I will also appreciate it if you tell me the exact amount remaining if added with the accumulated interest, and ....", Lyra was saying so much and all of a sudden, her mind went blank, she was scared, and wasn't able to hide it.

Standing up from his chair, Justin walked closer to Lyra and held her hands, "pretty, do you know why I didn't search for you the whole time you weren't at your place or answering my calls? It was because I know you will come and here you are, you have a week to pay the remaining 40,000 dollars or you get ready to work for my friend, Tyler, the choice is yours honey", Justin said almost in a whisper with his eyes sending warnings, he have his own way of threatening people without making it a big deal.

"I ... I... I will be here in a week ", Lyra stammered, at that moment, she had thought of opening up to Stephen, but she wasn't sure if it is wise decision, signalling her to leave, Lyra left in a hurry without looking back, as if someone is following her, she walked so fast and took a cab to Sophia's shop.