The mysterious death

Almost 7:30 pm and Amy's cellphone rang, it was her sister, Sophia, " Amy, where are you? Why don't you come home? it's getting late", "I will, but give me like an hour, I am with my friends here to celebrate Lyra's birthday", Amy replied, still confused at what Amy was saying, Sophia asked, "who's Lyra? Don't tell me that you are already hanging out with the transfer student? Wasn't she the one who went for the last quiz competition and won 1st place?", ever since Lyra transferred to Bright girls internationals, the school have recognized only her, no one remembers Sophia who used to be called for every competition, Lyra has taken the attention of the whole school. It brought inferiority complex on Sophia, she knew Lyra was better than her but it was so difficult to accept, from her friends, she had found out few things about Lyra and to sum it up, Lyra was from a wealthy family.

"Yes, I will be home soon", Amy said, hanging up. She had tried reaching Lyra many times but it was unreachable, Juliet and Sandra then decided to go look for Lyra while Amy was asked to wait and watch over the cake and gifts and the decorated rented small hall where the four friends would have celebrated, had Lyra come on time.

Thirty minutes, they were back with Lyra; Lyra was delayed by traffic and her battery had died earlier making it difficult to be reached. The three friends walked towards the hall but everywhere was dark, the called Amy's name but no one answered, Juliet managed to find the switch and was shocked at what they saw; Amy was lying lifelessly on the floor, the cake was smashed, the balloons popped and the chairs broken...

Lyra's eyes widened in horror as she took in the scene before her. "Amy! Oh no, Amy!" she screamed, rushing to her friend's side. Juliet and Sandra were already there, trying to revive her, but it was too late. Amy's lifeless body lay still, her bright smile and sparkling eyes gone forever.

The three friends were in shock, unable to comprehend what had happened. Who could have done such a thing? And why? The hall, once filled with joy and laughter, was now a scene of devastation and tragedy.

As they stood there, frozen in grief, Sophia's face flashed in Lyra's mind. She remembered the phone call, the strange questions, and the underlying tension in Sophia's voice. A suspicion began to form in Lyra's mind, a suspicion that she couldn't shake off.

Suddenly, the lights flickered back on, and the sound of sirens filled the air. The police had arrived, responding to a anonymous tip about a disturbance at the hall. Lyra, Juliet, and Sandra were left to grapple with the aftermath of the tragedy, their lives forever changed by the events of that fateful night.

The students was taken to the police station and their statements were taken, the investigation lasted for months and since the killer was no where to be found, the case was swept under the mat.

The story of Amy's death was difficult for many people to accept and it was difficult for Lyra too, who would have planned to hurt Amy? Lyra couldn't find the answers to her questions.

It was in January, 2006, that Sophia and Lyra became friends, since they bear different surname; Sophia Anderson and Amy Marks, not many knew of their relationship, Lyra had no idea that late Amy Marks and Sophia Anderson were biological siblings, their parents divorced when they were tender, so Sophia had to live with her mother while Amy stayed with her father, the night she died, Sophia had paid her father a visit and wished to have a wonderful time with her sister.Sophia was about to graduate while Lyra had one more year before graduation.

Sophia's life was devastated, the last time she heard Amy's voice, the name of Lyra that her sister mentioned made anger to well up inside of her, she had wanted to pay Lyra back, but what she thought she could do in few months if she became friends with Lyra, lasted for years and now she would have her way.

Sophia's plan was to get close to Lyra, gain her trust, and then exact her revenge. She had no idea how she would do it, but she was determined to make Lyra pay for what she perceived as her role in Amy's death. As they became friends, Sophia played the part of a grieving sister, seeking comfort and support from Lyra. Lyra, unaware of Sophia's true intentions, sympathized with her and they grew closer.

Years passed, and Sophia's anger never faded. She waited patiently, biding her time, until the perfect moment to strike. And now, with Lyra completely unaware of the danger lurking in her friend, Sophia was ready to unleash her revenge.

But, as Sophia's plan was about to unfold, a sudden twist emerged. Lyra began to suspect that something was off about Sophia's behavior. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she felt like Sophia was hiding something. And then, a shocking discovery threw everything into chaos...