New Life in Oakdale

Kyra, once Lyra, has found solace in the quaint village of Oakdale. She's built a new life, free from the secrets and lies that haunted her past. She's embraced her new identity, and the villagers have welcomed her with open arms.

Kyra spends her days tending to her thriving garden, filled with vibrant flowers and lush greenery. She's discovered a passion for beekeeping and sells her homemade honey at the local market. The villagers adore her warm smile and kindness, and she's formed strong bonds with the community.

Kyra's also discovered a talent for painting, and her artwork has become a sensation in Oakdale. Her vibrant canvases capture the beauty of the village and its surroundings, and locals and travelers alike flock to her cozy studio to admire her work.

As Kyra's art gains recognition, she's invited to showcase her pieces in the village's annual art festival. Her paintings bring joy and inspiration to all who see them, and she's hailed as a local treasure.

But, as Kyra's life is filled with love, creativity, and purpose, whispers of her past begin to surface...

She often experience severe headaches which lasts for a while, and in those moments when she experience this headaches, she would seem as if she's remembering something, some faces but she never remember, can you continue with that?

As Kyra's headaches intensify, she's overcome with a sense of déjà vu. Faces flash before her eyes, familiar yet elusive. She tries to grasp them, but they vanish like wisps of smoke. The pain is excruciating, and she's left feeling drained and disoriented.

Despite her efforts to shake off the feeling, the headaches persist. She begins to sense that her past is trying to resurface, but the memories remain just out of reach. Frustration and fear creep in, threatening to disrupt her newfound peace.

Kyra tries to distract herself by focusing on her art, but even the vibrant colors and soothing strokes of her brush can't calm the turmoil within. She starts to wonder if she'll ever be free from the shackles of her mysterious past.

One day, while working on a new piece, Kyra's hand moves on its own, as if guided by an unseen force. She watches in awe as a figure takes shape on the canvas – a woman with piercing green eyes and long, curly hair. The face is familiar, yet Kyra can't quite place it.

The painting seems to pulse with a life of its own, and Kyra feels an overwhelming urge to remember. But the more she tries, the more the memories slip away, leaving her with only the haunting sense that her past is waiting to be uncovered...

Kyra told Akua, her adoptive mother, about her constant severe headaches, and Akua took her to the village physician for treatment, it was from this treatment that Kyra finds relief, whenever she experience this headache, she would take her pills and the headache would subside.

Kyra, now known as the village treasure for her talent in painting, would usually visit the market and would paint different women who she usually buys foodstuffs from, and she would give the paintings to them without collecting money in return, to the villagers, Kyra had become a new found hope.

From painting, she created intimacy between her and the village women, as she would visit them sometimes, help with chores and hear their stories, in return, she would console and counsel them. Although she is still young, about 30 years of age now, but she's endowed with wisdom, not only did she found happiness in this village, but she also brought so much joy to the villagers.