The Godfather 2

Stephen had to put his playfulness on hold to deal with problem he's having in his loansharking business, he would go to his company twice a week and his loansharking business thrice a week.

Despite having two different businesses, he made sure that everything is in place, nothing has ever gone wrong, he has zero tolerance and is quick tempered, a side of him that Kyra is yet to see.

That morning he came in very early and was greeted by Brownie and his boys, all head bowed in respect to him. Sitting down, he asked, "what were you reporting on phone about the bookseller?",

"John Malachy borrowed 50,000 US dollars, he said that he was going to use it to open a boutique, he gave us his house as collateral and he is supposed to finish his repayment last two months but...", Brownie hesitantly answered.

Calm, his voice dark and low, "continue ", "he stopped picking our calls, and last week, I saw him from the van, entering a bookstore, I managed to ask few questions and he is the owner of the bookstore, apart from his bookstore, he doesn't seem to have any boutique or business anywhere ", Brownie said with traces of fear showing in his tone of voice.

"That's not supposed to be a problem when you can take his house," Stephen said calmly, "the not his, he is a tenant, I am sorry that I did not..." Brownie was still trying to finish his sentence when Stephen interrupted him.

"You are not the one to do a lousy job, Brownie, you don't give my money to just anyone without confirming if they provided the right information", pausing, he stood up from his seat, walking up to Brownie, no one dared to look up, "I hate excuses and I hate getting back my money by myself when I pay you, Brownie, don't do a poor job for me", he added.

Trembling Brownie said, "boss, I will make sure that such mistake doesn't repeat itself and ..."

"Shhhh... I don't want that, no promises, give me actions and the amount that is supposed to be recovered, give me the exact amount, and his number, I will call him myself and if he messes with me, I will have a little fun", Stephen said, interrupting Brownie, with threatening smile on his face left his office.

Stephen's eyes narrowed as he dialed John Malachy's number, his anger simmering just below the surface. The phone rang, but no one answered. Stephen's grip on the phone tightened, his jaw clenched in frustration. He tried again, and again, but still, no answer.

"Brownie, it seems our debtor John is avoiding me," Stephen said, his voice low and menacing. "I don't like being ignored. Get the boys ready, we're paying him a visit tomorrow."

Brownie nodded, his eyes wide with fear. "Yes, boss. I'll make sure they're ready."

Stephen's eyes flashed with anger. "Good. I want John to know that you don't mess with me and get away with it."

The next day, Stephen and his men arrived at John's bookstore, their presence commanding attention. Stephen's eyes scanned the store, his gaze settling on John, who was cowering behind the counter.

"John, John, John," Stephen said, his voice dripping with disdain. "You shouldn't have ignored me. Now, you're going to have to face the consequences."

"I am going to pay you back, I am not avoiding you", John tries to defend himself.

Stephen's smile was cold and calculating. "Save it, John. You've had plenty of time to pay me back. Now, it's time to collect."

With a nod, Stephen's men sprang into action. They stormed into the store, pushing over the neatly arranged shelves, sending books scattering everywhere. The sound of crashing shelves and fluttering pages filled the air, as John's eyes widened in horror.

"No! Please! You don't have to do this!" John pleaded, but Stephen just laughed.

"You should have thought of that before you decided to play dumb, John. Now, you're going to have to pay the price."

The men continued their destruction, pulling down more shelves, and sending books tumbling to the floor. John's face was etched with despair, as his precious bookstore was being destroyed before his eyes.

John was already on his knees begging for more time, Stephen squatted to get to his level, "let me ask you, why did you lie about opening a boutique? Why did you give your landlord's house as a collateral when you are just a tenant? What did you do with my money? Huh!", his voice loud and dark.

"I had loansharks pursuing me everywhere and I had no choice but to take out a loan to pay the old debts", John explained. "So how long would it be before you will take out another loan to pay me what you owe me?", Stephen asked sarcastically