"Call me."

That evening, Stephen dropped by Kyra's restaurant to eat, he hasn't been coming for a while because of his business, he missed Kyra but had a lot to take care of too.

As Stephen waited for his food, he noticed Kyra chatting with a waiter, her eyes sparkling with laughter. He felt a pang of nostalgia and longing, realizing how much he had missed her. He got up and approached her, "Kyra, long time no see. You look more beautiful than ever."

Kyra's eyes met his, a hint of surprise and warmth in her smile. "Stephen, it's been a while. Welcome back."

"Thank you, I want to order that favorite jellof rice that has the taste of heaven", Stephen said jokingly.

Kyra chuckled, "Well, well, well. Look who's back to their old tricks. You know that's not on the menu, Stephen. But I'll see what I can do." She winked at him, "For old times' sake."

Stephen's eyes lit up with excitement. "Really? You'd do that for me? I've missed your cooking, Kyra. And your company."

Kyra smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "I've missed you too, Stephen. But don't get too comfortable. I'm not going to let you charm your way back into my good graces that easily."

She nodded to the waiter, who was watching the exchange with interest. "Get him the special jollof rice, and make sure it's extra spicy."

As the waiter nodded and scurried off, Stephen grinned at Kyra. "You know me too well, Kyra. Extra spicy is the only way to go."

"Do enjoy your meal, I am glad you are smiling today, you were a different person the last time I saw you here", Kyra said, leaving the kitchen to go upstairs, she had other things to do.

Stephen wasn't given a chance to explain and he was grateful for it too, he is not yet ready to talk about himself, at least not now.

After eating, he paid and left, passing a note to the waiter to give to Kyra. The waiter glanced at the note and smiled, "what is it?", Max the head chef asked him, coming out of the kitchen.

The waiter tucked the note inside his apron, "nothing sir",

"Whatever, go upstairs, madam Kyra wants to see you briefly", said Max who returned to the kitchen, he had delivered the message from Chef Kyra who texted him to call the waiter.

Making his way upstairs with his mind curious about the note, The waiter, Alex, entered Kyra's office, wondering why he had been summoned. "Good afternoon, Chef Kyra. You asked to see me?"

Kyra looked up from her desk, a smile on her face. "Ah, Alex. Yes, thank you for coming. I need a favor from you. I want you to train our new waiter, Jamie. Show him the ropes, teach him our procedures... you know the drill."

Alex nodded respectfully, "Of course, Chef Kyra. I'd be happy to help out. I'll make sure Jamie is well-trained and up to your standards."

Kyra handed him a folder with the training materials. "Great, thank you, Alex. I appreciate your help. And by the way, how was Mr. Stephen's demeanor when he left? Did he seem okay?"

Alex's tone remained respectful, "Yes, Chef Kyra. He seemed a bit preoccupied, but he was polite and friendly as always."

Alex didn't mention the note, feeling it was private and not his to share.But on a second thought, he handed the note to Kyra, "ma'am, he wanted you to have it", "oh thank you", Kyra said, taking the note from him, while Alex bowed in respect and left the office.

Kyra opened the the folded paper and in there were few words that made her smile, "I apologize for the other day, and for not coming for a while, this is my number, call me".

Kyra's eyes sparkled as she read the note, a smile spreading across her face. She folded it and placed it in her desk drawer, her heart feeling a little lighter. With a sense of anticipation, she closed the drawer and continued with her work, the note safely tucked away, its words echoing in her mind.