Tender Watchfulness

That night, Sophia couldn't sleep, she waited for the newsflash of Kyra's death but none came, she was restless, dialed the number of the accomplice. "What happened?"

"She was rescued halfway, and ..." he was interrupted by Sophia who wouldn't want to hear excuses.

"How could you do such a poor job? are you not supposed to bring me news of her death?" Sophia asked furiously.

"The plan was botched, Sophia," the accomplice replied, his voice trembling. "A man showed up out of nowhere and helped her out of the fire, I tried to salvage the situation, but it was too late. Lyra was rescued and the police arrived at the restaurant, and I had to flee the scene to avoid being caught."

Sophia's anger turned to curiosity. "What man? Who was it?"

The accomplice hesitated. "I don't know, Sophia. I've never seen him before. He just appeared out of nowhere."

Sophia's curiosity quickly turned to annoyance. "I don't pay you to give me excuses or unnecessary details! I want Lyra dead, and I want it done now! Fix this mess, or you'll suffer the consequences!"

The accomplice remained silent, knowing better than to provoke Sophia further. She ended the call, her mind still seething with anger and frustration.

In the bedroom, Raphael couldn't find his wife, getting up, he went downstairs and heard noises coming from the study.

Raphael yawned, stretching his arms as he entered the study. "Hey, baby, what are you doing up so late? It's 1 am, you should be getting some rest."

Sophia quickly composed herself, hiding her anger and frustration behind a mask of innocence. "Oh, I just couldn't sleep, dear. I was just... um... going over some business notes."

Raphael nodded, his eyes soft with concern. "You've been working too hard lately. Come on, let's get some rest. You can tackle it in the morning."

Sophia smiled, her heart secretly seething with resentment. "You're right, my love. I'm just being silly."

She allowed Raphael to lead her upstairs, playing the role of the devoted wife. But her mind was already plotting her next move, her thoughts consumed by the failed attempt on Lyra's life and the need for revenge.

Stephen rushed Kyra to the hospital, his heart racing with worry. As they arrived, medical staff swarmed around them, quickly assessing Kyra's condition.

"Smoke inhalation, possible respiratory distress," one of the paramedics called out, as they wheeled Kyra into the emergency room.

Meanwhile, at the scene of the burned-down restaurant, police officers began investigating. They reviewed the CCTV footage, but it yielded nothing conclusive - the cameras had been damaged in the fire, and the footage was too grainy to identify any suspects.

Back at the hospital, Stephen paced anxiously in the waiting room, signing the necessary forms to be Kyra's patient representative. Finally, a doctor emerged, looking somber.

"Mr. Stephen Mackenzie, Kyra is stable, but she's suffered severe smoke inhalation. The flames damaged her lungs, causing her to pass out. However, thanks to your quick actions, she was rescued before things got worse."

"But how is she now?" Stephen asked, his concern evident.

"She's unconscious, but we're monitoring her closely. We've administered oxygen and medication to help her breathe easier. There's no external damage, thankfully, since she was rescued in time."

"When will she wake up?" Stephen inquired, his eyes fixed on the doctor.

"It's hard to predict, but we're hoping she'll come around soon. We'll keep a close eye on her and adjust treatment as needed."

Stephen nodded, feeling a mix of relief and worry. He went inside Kyra's hospital room and sat down beside Kyra's bed, holding her hand and willing her to wake up soon.

Stephen sat vigilantly beside Kyra's hospital bed, his eyes fixed on her pale face. He gently held her hand, his thumb stroking her wrist in a soothing rhythm. The beeping of the monitors and the soft hum of the oxygen machine were the only sounds in the room.

As the day wore on, Stephen's anxiety grew. He desperately wanted Kyra to wake up, to open her eyes and acknowledge his presence. He didn't care about their complicated past or the fact that she had ended their relationship because of his involvement in the loansharking business. He just wanted her to be okay.

He tenderly brushed a strand of hair out of her face, his fingers grazing her cheek. He spoke softly to her, telling her stories of their past, of happy memories they had shared. He poured out his heart, hoping that somehow, she would hear him.

As the nurses came and went, checking her vitals and administering medication, Stephen helped in any way he could. He fetched water for the nurses, adjusted Kyra's pillows, and even helped with minor tasks like changing her IV bag.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow through the hospital window, Stephen's desperation grew. He leaned forward, his face inches from Kyra's, his voice cracking with emotion.

"Kyra, Kyra, please wake up. I'm here for you. I'll do anything to make it right. Just come back to me."

Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as he gazed at her still form. He felt helpless, unable to do anything but wait and hope. As the night drew in, Stephen settled in beside her, his eyes never leaving her face, his heart heavy with love and concern.