Sealed with a kiss: A love reborn

"Steph, how is your work?" Kyra asked with concern, changing the topic.

"Fine, fine," was all Stephen could say while drinking the milk.

Kyra's concern lingered, her eyes still fixed on Stephen's face. "And how's your family? Do you ever talk to your uncle or cousin on the phone?"

Stephen's gaze drifted away, his voice neutral. "Yeah, we talk."

Kyra's curiosity piqued, she pressed on. "That's great! I'm sure they're worried about you. But, I've noticed they haven't visited you since I arrived... is everything okay?"

Stephen's mask slipped for a moment, his eyes flashing with a hint of anger. But he quickly recovered, forcing a nonchalant tone. "Oh, they're busy. We catch up at work and on the phone all the time."

Kyra's eyes narrowed slightly, sensing there was more to the story. But she didn't push the issue. Instead, she asked, "Stephen, can I ask why you've been drinking so much lately? You've been coming home really late, and... well, last night was quite a scene."

Stephen shrugged, his expression carefree. "I just like to live life to the fullest, that's all. Don't worry about it, Kyra."

But Kyra's eyes lingered, her concern still evident. She knew there was more to Stephen's behavior than met the eye, and she was determined to get to the bottom of it.

Just then, Kyra's words slipped out unintentionally, "And your parents, do they...?" She stopped abruptly, realizing her mistake. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Stephen. I forgot..."

Stephen's face darkened, his eyes flashing with anger. But he quickly masked it, forcing a casual tone. "They passed away many years ago. It's okay, Kyra. Really."

Kyra continued to ask him more questions, "Stephen, why do you always drink yourself into oblivion every night? You call that a life? And what about your loansharking business? Don't you think that's harmful to others?"

Stephen smirked, "Ah, but that's where you're wrong, my dear Kyra. Apart from my kind heart, I'm also a savvy businessman. And speaking of which... you're one of my debtors, aren't you?"

Kyra's eyes widened, her face flushing with anger. "That has nothing to do with it! And I'm going to paying you back, with interest!"

Stephen chuckled, "Oh, I know you will. But I can't help but wonder... if you're going to have trouble paying off your debt, maybe you should be more careful about what you say to your creditor."

Kyra's anger boiled over, and she stood up from her chair, "That's it, I've had enough of your insults!"

And with that, she made her way to leave the kitchen and she was about to leave the kitchen when Stephen caught her arm. Stephen's eyes sparkled with mischief as he teased Kyra, "Oh, come on, Kyra! Don't be like that! I'm just joking!"

Kyra's face flushed with anger, her eyes flashing. "You're impossible, Stephen!" She pushed her chair back, abandoning her food, and stormed out of the kitchen.

Stephen hummed triumphantly, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Ah, victory is mine!" He dug into Kyra's abandoned breakfast, savoring the flavors.

Just then, Kyra's voice echoed from the hallway "And don't think you're getting away with this, Stephen!"

Stephen chuckled, his eyes twinkling. "Oh, I'm shaking in my boots, Kyra!" He continued eating, whistling a jaunty tune.

Stephen devoured the remaining breakfast, savoring the flavors. He then pushed the empty plates away, leaving them for Kyra to clean up. With a contented sigh, he got up from the table and strolled to his dressing room.

After a quick shower, he dressed in his signature sleek style, his eyes gleaming with confidence. He checked his reflection, adjusting his tie and smoothing out any wrinkles.

As he headed out the door, he called out, "Thanks for breakfast, Kyra! And don't forget to wash those dishes!" His chuckle echoed through the hallway, leaving Kyra to mutter under her breath when she would clear the table.

Kyra emerged from her room, her earlier anger replaced with a dramatic flair. "Stephen, I need to ask you something!"

Stephen, adjusting his tie, turned to face her. "What is it, Kyra? Can't leave me alone even for a minute?"

Kyra's hands went to her hips. "Apologize for sounding harsh earlier and making fun of me by enjoying the food!"

Stephen chuckled. "Oh, Kyra, you're so cute when you're angry. But honestly, if getting you riled up is the best way to get a nice meal, I won't mind doing it every day!"

Kyra's protests continued, her voice rising, until Stephen silenced her with a warm, deep kiss. Kyra's eyes widened, her body freezing as his lips claimed hers. The world around them melted away, leaving only the two of them, lost in the sweet sensation.

As they broke apart for air, Kyra's face flushed, her voice barely above a whisper. " can't just kiss me to shut me up!"

Stephen grinned, his eyes sparkling. "Oh, but it's so effective! And who knows, maybe I'll use it more often."

Kyra's eyes flashed a warning as she threatened, "I would have given you a dirty slap, but thank your maker that I am no longer angry, and next time, don't you dare kiss me like that again." Her face was a mask of seriousness, but her voice betrayed a hint of playful undertones.

She turned to leave, her heels clicking on the stairs as she headed for the door. But before she could reach for the handle, Stephen caught her arm, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

"Goodbye, Kyra," he whispered, his voice low and husky. And with that, he pulled her back into a deep, devouring kiss. His lips claimed hers, his tongue tracing the curves of her mouth with a sensual intimacy that left her breathless.

Kyra's hands fluttered up to his chest, her fingers spread wide as if to push him away, but her body betrayed her, melting into his embrace. The kiss was a blatant defiance of her warnings, a declaration that he wouldn't be deterred from claiming her lips whenever he pleased.

As they broke apart, grasping for air, Kyra stood there frozen, watching Stephen leave the house.

"If you are still going to stand there, should I show you something else?" Stephen's devilish smile plastered on his face as he unbuttoned his shirt.

Realizing what was about to happen, Kyra ran straight upstairs and locked the door. "You are crazy, Stephen!"

Stephen's laughter echoed through the hallway, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "That's what you love about me, Kyra!" he called out, his voice dripping with confidence. "And don't worry, I'll save the rest of the show for next time!"

The sound of his footsteps faded away, leaving Kyra to her racing thoughts. She leaned against the door, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't believe the audacity of the man! But deep down, she knew she was secretly thrilled by his boldness.

As she caught her breath, she couldn't help but wonder what other tricks he had up his sleeve. And despite her better judgment, she found herself eagerly anticipating their next encounter.