Coming Home

Ivy was hired, on her first day of work, she dressed smartly, and her shoes were well polished, she came earlier and stood nervously in the grand foyer of the Martin's estate, clutching her cleaning supplies and trying to appear confident. Mrs. Brown, the outgoing house help, greeted her with a warm smile.

"Good morning, Ivy! Welcome to the Martins family. I'm glad to show you the ropes before I leave."

Ivy nodded, following Mrs. Brown as she led her on a tour of the opulent mansion. "So, this is the living room, dining room, and kitchen. The Martins like things spotless, so make sure to dust and polish everything regularly."

As they worked, Mrs. Brown explained the daily routine, from making breakfast to doing laundry. Ivy listened intently, taking mental notes.

Just then, Sophia and her husband, Raphael, descended the stairs, briefcases in hand.

"Good morning, Mrs. Brown," Sophia said briskly. "We're off to work. Show Ivy the ropes, Mrs. Brown. She's going to be a big help, I'm sure."

With that, they departed, leaving Ivy and Mrs. Brown to their tasks. As they worked, Mrs. Brown shared stories about the Martins and their habits, giving Ivy valuable insight into her new employers.

As the day drew to a close, Mrs. Brown patted Ivy's hand. "You'll do just fine, dear. Just remember, the Martins value discretion and loyalty above all else."

Ivy nodded, her mind racing with possibilities. She was one step closer to uncovering the truth.

Ivy quickly proved herself to be a valuable asset to the Martin family. She was meticulous in her cleaning, cooked delicious meals, and was always attentive to their needs. Sophia and Raphael were impressed by her efficiency and discretion, and soon they were relying on her for more than just household chores.

"Ivy, can you please pick up my dry cleaning?" Sophia asked one morning, as she was rushing out the door.

"Of course, ma'am," Ivy replied, making a mental note to add it to her list.

As the days turned into weeks, Ivy became an integral part of the Martin household. She was always on hand to help with errands, run errands, and even helped with some bookkeeping tasks. Sophia and Raphael were delighted with her performance and began to trust her implicitly.

"Ivy, you're probably the best house help we have ever hired," Sophia said one evening, as Ivy was serving dinner. "I don't know what we'd do without you."

Ivy smiled and continued to serve dinner, her eyes gleaming with a quiet satisfaction. She was doing her job, and doing it well. But she was also gathering information, piecing together the puzzle of the Martin's lives, and searching for any clues that might lead her to the truth.

Weeks turned into months, and Ivy became a fixture in the Martin household. She was the perfect house help, always anticipating their needs and exceeding their expectations. But she was also a detective, working tirelessly to uncover the secrets that lay hidden beneath the surface of the Sophia Martin's perfect facade.

At the McDonald's, Ken sat beside his mother on the couch, concern etched on his face. "Mom, you need to take it easy. You've been sick for weeks, and the doctor says you need to rest."

Mrs. MacDonald wiped away tears, her voice shaking. "I can't rest, Ken. I can't accept that Lyra my daughter is gone. Her body was never found...she could still be alive."

Ken sighed, trying to reason with her. "Mom, we've been over this. The police have searched everywhere...there's no sign of Lyra."

But Mrs. MacDonald refused to give up hope. She took the medicine Ken offered, washing it down with water. As she sat up, Ken helped her to a chair and brought her breakfast.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Ken got up, wondering who it could be. He opened the door, and his eyes widened in shock.

" need to come with me to the door," he called out, his voice trembling.

Mrs. MacDonald struggled to her feet, leaning on Ken for support. "What is it, son? Who is it?"

Ken rushed back and opened the door. "It's like or someone who looks like my sister, Mom. I think Lyra's home."

The room fell silent, as Mrs. MacDonald's eyes met Kyra's. The tears, the pain, the longing - all were replaced by a joy so profound it seemed to fill the entire room.

Mrs. MacDonald's face crumpled as she took a step forward, her arms outstretched. "Lyra? My baby? Is it really you?"

Kyra smiled, tears streaming down her face. "It's me, Mom. I'm home."

The two women embraced, holding each other tightly as they both sobbed. Ken joined in, wrapping his arms around them both.

Stephen, the stranger, stood back, a smile on his face. "I'll just wait outside," he said, slipping out the door.

As they hugged, the tension and grief of the past years seemed to melt away. They pulled back, gazing at each other in wonder.

" Where have you been all these years? Do you know how hard it was for me and your brother to accept that we might not see you again?" Mrs. MacDonald asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Kyra took a deep breath. "It's a long story, Mom. But I'm home now. And I'm not going anywhere."

The family hugged again, holding each other tightly as they celebrated their reunion. As they pulled back, Ken grinned.

"I think we need some coffee. And some explanations."

Kyra laughed. "Definitely."

They sat down at the kitchen table, and Kyra began to tell her story. Of the accident, the village of Oakland, and the stranger, Akua, who had saved her life. Mrs. MacDonald and Ken listened, entranced, as the tears and laughter flowed.

"Whoever that did that to you will never go free! How can your best friend do such a thing to you? Mrs MacDonald asked.

"And, mom, is it not amazing that a stranger took her in, and helped her? Ken asked.

"It is, God will bless her," Mrs MacDonald replied with her eyes filled with years of joy.