Concerns and Suspicions

Willowdale general hospital was a modern, five-story building with a spacious lobby and a friendly atmosphere. The obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) department was on the third floor, and Mrs. Martins took the elevator to get there. As she stepped out of the elevator, she was greeted by a warm and welcoming reception area, with comfortable chairs and a few patients waiting to be seen. The walls were adorned with colorful paintings and educational posters about women's health.

Mrs. Martins approached the reception desk, where a friendly nurse greeted her and asked how she could assist. Mrs. Martins explained that she was there to see her friend, Dr. Maloney, and the nurse smiled and said, "Ah, Dr. Maloney is a wonderful doctor! Let me just check if she's available." After a quick check, the nurse asked Mrs. Martins to take a seat and wait for a few minutes.

As Mrs. Martins waited, she noticed the bustling activity in the department. Nurses and doctors moved efficiently between exam rooms, attending to patients with care and compassion. The atmosphere was professional yet warm, putting patients at ease.

After a few minutes, the nurse called out to Mrs. Martins, "Dr. Maloney is ready for you now!" Mrs. Martins stood up and followed the nurse to Dr. Maloney's office. The office was cozy and well-organized, with a large desk, a comfortable couch, and shelves filled with medical books and decorative trinkets.

Dr. Maloney, a warm and friendly woman in her mid-50s, stood up from behind her desk and opened her arms to embrace Mrs. Martins. "It's so great to see you, my dear friend!" she exclaimed. "Please, come in and make yourself comfortable." Mrs. Martins smiled and hugged her back, feeling at ease in her friend's presence.

As they sat down, Dr. Maloney offered Mrs. Martins a cup of hot tea, which she gratefully accepted. As she took a sip, she raised an eyebrow and asked, "This tea is quite bitter, what kind is it?"

Dr. Maloney laughed and replied, "Ah, that's Chinese tea, a gift from a dear friend who traveled to China recently. It's an acquired taste, I know, but it's full of antioxidant.

Mrs. Martins teased, "I'll want more of this tea, it's quite...interesting!"

Dr. Maloney laughed and replied, "I'm glad you like it! But next time, I'll make sure to brew a milder blend."

Dr. Maloney's expression turned curious, "So, what brings you here today? You usually call ahead, but I'm glad you decided to surprise me."

Mrs. Martins' smile faded, and she leaned in, her voice lowering. "I need to talk to you about something. Some police officers came to my house yesterday...they told me something that's been bothering me."

Dr. Maloney's eyes narrowed, "What did they say?"

Mrs. Martins took a deep breath, "They said Dorothy is dead. And that my grandson, Matthew might be related to her and something more about Sophia, my daughter-in-law."

Dr. Maloney's eyes widened in surprise, "Dorothy was pregnant? I had no idea."

Mrs. Martins nodded, "Yes, she was. And I...I lied to you about it before. I was ashamed to admit the truth."

Dr. Maloney's expression turned gentle, "What happened, my friend? You can trust me."

Mrs. Martins hesitated, then began, "I wanted Raphael to marry Dorothy. Sophia couldn't conceive, and I thought...I thought Dorothy could be a solution. I even persuaded her to seduce Raphael, promising her a life of luxury. But she refused. And then, one night...Raphael was drunk and...and he slept with Dorothy, thinking she was Sophia."

Dr. Maloney's eyes filled with shock and disbelief, "Oh, Mrs. Martins...I had no idea."

Dr. Maloney's eyes narrowed, "But why did Dorothy resign if she was pregnant with Raphael's child? She should have given birth before leaving. Resigning wasn't an option, especially in her condition."

Mrs. Martins shook her head, "I don't know. The officers said Sophia is involved, but I don't understand how."

Dr. Maloney's expression changed, as if a memory had surfaced. "Do you remember that birthmark on Dorothy's neck? The one I asked you about? Matthew has it too."

Mrs. Martins' eyes widened, "Yes! I saw it on Matthew. And he looks so much like Dorothy..."

Dr. Maloney's voice was gentle, "It's possible, my friend, that Matthew isn't Sophia's son. But she took care of him, didn't she?"

Mrs. Martins' mind raced, "But how is that possible? Sophia was pregnant, we all knew about it. And she gave birth to Matthew..."

Dr. Maloney's eyes locked onto hers, "When was Sophia pregnant? Exactly?"

Mrs. Martins thought back, "It was soon after Dorothy became pregnant for my son, Raphael. Maybe a coincidence, but Sophia had been unable to conceive for three years, and then...and then she became pregnant after Raphael slept with Dorothy."

Dr. Maloney's expression turned serious, "And did Sophia know about Raphael's affair with Dorothy?"

Mrs. Martins hesitated, "I don't think so. At least, she never asked any questions about it."

The room fell silent, as the weight of their conversation settled in. The truth was starting to unravel, and it was more shocking than they could have ever imagined.

Dr. Maloney placed a reassuring hand on Mrs. Martins' arm. "Don't worry, my friend. If the detectives need your cooperation, give it to them. Tell them everything you know about Dorothy. If Sophia has done harm to her, the truth will come out. You need to make it up to Dorothy, even in her death, because of what Raphael did to her. Let the truth be uncovered, no matter how painful it may be."

Mrs. Martins nodded, feeling a sense of determination wash over her.

Just then, a knock on the door interrupted their conversation. A junior doctor rushed in, looking urgent. "Dr. Maloney, we need your help in the theater room. A woman is losing a lot of blood after childbirth and we're struggling to control it. We need your expertise."

Dr. Maloney stood up quickly. "I'm coming. Excuse me, Mrs. Martins. We'll talk more on the phone. Everything will be fine."

With that, she rushed out of the office with the junior doctor, leaving Mrs. Martins to make her way back to the elevator alone. Each step felt heavy with thoughts of Sophia's possible involvement in Dorothy's death. The elevator doors closed, and Mrs. Martins couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had settled in her heart.