Two heavy military jeeps approached the military base gate camp, after verification they drove hastily and parked in front of a large mansion. Two soldiers were on guard and immediately stood up from their seat when they saw the car which belongs to the general. They saluted as the soldier in the front seat climbed down and hastily open the door for the general.

A tall, fair man dropped from the back seat in his military attire with a vertically aligned crossed sword, a baton, two golden stars and a golden eagle on both shoulders. He is the general, khalid. He hastily walked to the door which was opened by the two soldiers they met. It is quite surprising to see the general himself there, today.

What was so important enough to bring the whole general there? Whatever it was had to be serious, thought the soldiers because they haven't had visitors for a long time and besides seeing the general came looking upset, the situation calls for anxiety. They suddenly became anxious to know why the general was there until after a while, they saw the man himself who resides within the mansion called the golden mansion.

The field marshal, general of the army of the rock country, shamsuddeen, a chocolate skin guy in his thirties, sitting on a huge black expensive bike in his black shirt and trousers, a smart military watch was attached to his wrist, an expensive black boots on his legs, a bluetooth military device in his ears, he placed a helmet over his head and he hit on the gas and sped away.

The general was left there standing in awe. Was the field marshal not going in the car together with him? The guy didn't even bother changing his clothes before speeding away. Anyway he was well known for doing things his own way. It was what got him his rank at a young age and besides, no one has ever achieve the rank before in history of the rock country. The mission was practically impossible, no higher or lower rank military men will agree to such suicide.

However, the brave shamsuddeen even proposed for it back then when he was a major general. He was known to be completely fearless and intensively brave with a unique battle tactics which was quite unusual. Nothing deters the man and he never fails a mission in his life.

Due to the high risk of the mission, the federal government promised a rank and millions of cash to whoever accepted the mission and completed it successfully.

Completed it successfully! Who will even think about accepting it talk less of completing it successfully.

The general was forced to go together with shamsuddeen because he possibly couldn't allow his friend to go alone and die even though that guy don't mind going alone. Back then, khalid was a brigadier. It is not that his friend was incompetent but the degree of dangers in the mission was scary.

The mission seemed simple but impossible. It is a retrieval mission called hot in the most dangerous forest in the neighboring state, wheat state. They are to retrieve a package at twelve hundred rock time and get back to base in a limited time, not to be exceeded by any means possible or they lose their ride back home.

Losing their rides means finding another way out all by themselves or dying.

Why is it impossible? The forest of bees was well known for terrorist operation and any other illegal activities. Filled with heavy guns, land mine bombs, missiles and mercenaries lurking everywhere in the forest who attacks maliciously. Invisible bloody traps were set all over the place but known for being stealthy, khalid knew only shamsuddeen can nail the job.

So the two set off to the mission because they don't need to stir up the terrorist by bringing a squad. Khalid almost thought his friend was a jinn. First of all, shamsuddeen camouflaged into a terrorist outfit and went into the forest without any ammunition. A baggy trouser, long knee length shirt, a rawani on his head and boots. He didn't even carry a dagger. How is he suppose to defend himself if he have to? He even knew and showed khalid how to avoid all those land mines.

As khalid was normally following the hard forest road his friend was weirdly jumping from trees to trees quietly. Is he a monkey? Even monkeys make sound. What type of training did shamsuddeen went through to make him this tough and swift? He practice some times with him but the normal way not the way he trained his....Something or someone dropped in front of khalid cutting off his thoughts. Shamsuddeen! His sharp gaze roamed around the place and he pointed to the left and went over. Khalid followed suit.

There was a large terrorist camp ahead and every man was doing his activities holding AK 47's. Shamsuddeen sneaked like a snake without a sound of even the dead leaves that khalid kept stepping on and making noises while shamsuddeen kept giving him a disapproving look. Who can sneak like he does? Totally impossible.

Earlier shamsuddeen told khalid the information about the mission.

They are to retrieve a device which resides within the western camp they are in, undetected. Sneak into the head of the terrorist's tent, get the device, sneak out. So simple isn't it? Well it's not that simple.

There is heavy surveillance and ammunition around the head of the terrorist's tent, men with guns on guard and even, women! Khalid demanded to know what the device actually does that he have to risk his life like that for.

The device as shamsuddeen was told was once used to break through the military software and the octagon, headquarters of the rock country army. It imported a virus that nearly cleared out every military information and almost shut down several military devices. They were able to retrieve most of the information by activating an AI system that counter the attack.

Although they couldn't detect the invader in person but they detected the device used and called it the destroyer. Immediately the device was detected, the person operating it vanished without a trace. It was later detected by the AI system at the bee forest. The destroyer is too dangerous to be left at the hands of the enemies and shamsuddeen understand the importance of the success of the mission.

It was so easy for shamsuddeen to sneak in and out without detection but on their way back, they nearly lose their lives trying to escape the bombs, the hidden assassins, the malicious hidden traps. They arrived at the pick up point just as their ride was leaving. Even trying to catch up with the helicopter was so hard but they came out victorious with a hell lot of money and the most highest ranks.

Shamsuddeen was ranked as the field marshal, general of the army of rock country while khalid became the general.