Chapter 2

All three of us start talking about anything new that's going on in our lives or what other projects we may have begun. Bella has taken up knitting and shows us some of the ones she has done. They look bad, but we encourage her to keep going and that she'll get better with practice. Hadrian is starting his brewery. A project he and William can share. They always wanted to open up a business together and opening a brewery is the perfect opportunity for them. Chris runs his own company and is only an investor in the brewery. 

Hadrian rolls onto his stomach groaning, "I'm hungry" as he buries his face more into the pillow. 

Huffing a laugh I rub his back comfortingly, "You're right though we need food. All morning we've only had caffeine." 

Bella stands up and offers to start making food, but we hear the door open. Hearing two sets of footsteps, William and Jazz walk into the kitchen. Jazz wraps her arm around Bella's shoulders as she's walking to the counter. 

Hadrian stands up so fast he practically runs to the food, and before he can reach it he's stopped by William. "No thank you kiss?"

"Oops sorry love!" he kisses William, "Now, it's time for food." 

All of us who are watching chuckle at his antics. Always letting it be known that he's hungry and needs food to function. 

All of us catching up with each other while eating lunch is great. Soon enough an hour has passed and some of us have to return to our jobs on a Sunday. Sunday of all days. Who works Sundays?! Crazy people. That's what my friends are. Crazy. I'm glad enough that I don't have to work on the weekends. Working the afternoon shift til closing is not as taxing on me as the morning shift was. It also helps with me getting more sleep. Well trying to at least. I can't help that I'm an insomniac and need sleeping pills to help me get 3-6 hours a night. 

Hadrian and William need to get back to their brewery and get it in the most perfect condition to be able to have it running properly. Jasmine has to go back to the studio to continue modeling for this new makeup brand. That leaves Bella and me. 

Bella goes to grab her keys, "Come on. I'll take you grocery shopping. You need food and I know how bad your eating habits get."

"Ok, but I get to pick out some of the junk food I like."


We make our way to the parking lot behind the apartment complex where her black Nissan is. It's a comfortable car and was the first gift Jasmine gave Bella when she got her first paycheck as a model. Bella drives to the nearest grocery store and I get everything I need that can last me a couple of weeks. I got all my favorite snacks and some treats for when I watch my favorite show of all time. Doctor Who. 

I love Doctor Who and watching it helps pass the time, but also I feel better rewatching something because I know what happens next. I hate the not knowing part and that drives me crazy. That's also why I like to reread some of my favorite series because it gives me a sense of calm, but it doesn't always help me when I feel emotional during certain scenes. 

On the way back to my place, my friend notices I'm zoning out. Always thinking and overanalyzing the what ifs, the could have beens, if I said this instead of that. Overthinking is a curse at times. This time I am thinking about that man. That strange man who I saw disappear as if he were a figment of my imagination. Oddly enough, I want to see him again. Figure out what he was reading, what he was wearing, what kind of glasses he was wearing, and whether he is actually real or someone I made up? I barely even registered we're parked outside of my home. 

 Bella snaps her finger in front of my face. "Finally, I thought you would never get out of your head. Tell me. What's on your mind?"

"Nothing," I say as I shake my head. 

"It's something" she reaches over the armrest and grabs my hand, " I'm always here ok." 

"I know that, but I don't think this really matters. I'll let you know if it continues to bother me. How about that?"

"Alright, but you better call me otherwise," she points her finger at me, "I'll have you tell me one way or another."

"Got it loud and clear. I promise I'll tell you if it keeps bothering me. Can we put my groceries away now? I don't need my ice cream to turn into soup."

"Alright. Let's do that." 

After we put my groceries away, Bella had to get back to her place and get ready for her date with Jazz. In the meantime, I have chores to do. Seeing that it is now the evening, I need to do some of them. 

Knowing that Bella has a date tonight with her girlfriend and Hadrian most likely has one with his boyfriend. I am alone tonight in solitude with myself. Christopher and I are the only single friends in the group and spend time with each other when we can. Mostly when Chris is not so busy with his job. I have my books and as a matter of fact, I got a date with one of my books tonight. 

It is time to relax, drink tea, read, and have soft music playing in the background, usually in other languages. The blissfulness of having time to myself, to read as much as I want without distractions, entering a world of imagination. A whole other universe. I love it and I use it as a form of therapy or a form of escapism for a while. Living in the world of another is amazing. Living a thousand lives. Feeling so many emotions. Living another's life to the fullest for a little while. 


The next morning I wake up to the sun peering through the curtains. I slowly, groggily sit up. Yawning I rub my eyes trying not to fall back asleep. I know it's Monday meaning I have to go to work for my shift at 1:00 pm. Grabbing my phone I check the time seeing it's 9:30 am. Perfect. I got time for breakfast and deciding on my outfit. Lazily, I walk to my dresser and open the top right drawer. Getting a pair of light purple fuzzy socks purposefully being lighter than my dark purple pajamas. 

Making my way down the spiral staircase my mind wanders to that young man again. Shaking my head, I continue my way down to the kitchen, go straight to the light purple kettle, and start boiling some water. I grab a light blue mug, honey, a spoon, and a black tea bag. As I wait for the water, I still can't get that strange man out of my mind. It's as if he's only entered my mind once and has been there all this time. At the back of my head waiting to come to the forefront of my mind. 

The sound goes off letting me know the water is done. I make my tea and go to sit on the windowsill in the living room area across from the kitchen. Entering the room, I go to the left side. It's my favorite spot to be in the mornings or in the afternoons. The sun feels so warm and cozy. It's the best place to be when I need to think as well or enjoy a good book. Also my favorite spot for when I watch TV. The light shines through the window and brightens up the entire room. Making the pastel yellow curtains seem almost translucent white. The fairy lights around the nook seem to be almost invisible due to them being so small and white blending into the walls. 

The walls are an off-white color with white bookshelves placed on two of the three walls. On the wall, surrounding the nook, there are shelves built into the walls. Holding almost all of the books I own. I added more shelves on the other wall to make more room and for me to be able to add plants and decorations to liven up the place more. Even though on the built-in shelves, there are a few plants and decorations.

 It's a small room but I make it work. It's my haven and perfect for me. A calming place for me to go to relax. Especially in winter since there's a fireplace across from the window sill. Two chairs on either side diagonally facing out towards the window. Both of them are obsidian black. Matching the coal-black fireplace. A stark contrast between everything in the room. A circular dark brown table next to each armchair with a rose flower lamp. 

It doesn't help I have a pastel theme going on in the living room. The throw pillows on the window sill are Winnie the Pooh themed with a soft cushiony bed of black. I sit down and enjoy my cup of tea. Basking in the morning sun with music playing to clear my mind. Watching out the window, seeing all the people that walk by on the way to work or exercising. Always on the go. Never taking the time to notice the small things in life. 

The gentle breeze of the wind swaying the leaves of the blooming trees, the light highlighting the buildings brightening the shades of browns and blacks. 

As I'm on my second cup, I notice the man from yesterday sitting across the street on the bench again. He doesn't disappear this time when a car drives by. Finally, I can know what he looks like. Mostly from afar. He's wearing a light grey hoodie with black pants, they look like jeans, and either rectangular or square glasses. Too hard to tell from here. The man is cute with dark brown almost black hair. 

The alarm on my phone sets off, startling me from my staring. Sighing I turn it off and get up from my seat. Knowing that it's 11:00 am I need to begin getting ready. I go to my bathroom, shower, and do my after-shower routine. 

In my room, I'm standing in front of my closest finally deciding on a cute dark blue v-neck sweater paired with light blue jeans and my black sneakers. looking in the mirror I make sure nothing is out of place. My hair is in a dark blue claw clip with a few loose strands framing my face. Reaching for my perfume I spray my favorite strawberry scented perfume on my clothes. I check my phone and see it's 12:30. Perfect. Just enough time to walk to the Social House Cafe.