Chapter 5 Live Broadcast of Taoist Priest Fighting Zombies

"Just now, that person who was saving others, ran faster than us riding bikes!"

"He obviously was speeding too! Why didn't you catch him?" 

Some of the riders felt that the traffic police were treating them differently and immediately voiced their discontent.

Upon hearing this, the traffic police, who was tidying up the law enforcement recorder, was momentarily stunned and retorted, "Someone running faster than you guys? What nonsense are you talking about?"

The traffic police clearly did not believe them.

The surveillance video of that section of the road couldn't be accessed on the spot and could only be viewed back at the station.

So they only knew that several riders had caused a traffic accident due to speeding.

After hearing the situation, the traffic police directly stared at the riders with a look of disbelief.

"Who can cover dozens of meters in a single step? And turn into white light, running faster than a motorcycle traveling at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour? Have you read too many novels?"

The traffic police almost looked at the riders as if they were fools.

Seeing this, the riders were at a loss, unable to figure out how to prove that what they said was true.

Fortunately, there were many bystanders around, and after hearing the words of the riders, many of them immediately spoke up to confirm the truth of what the riders had said.

Some even took out videos of the entire accident as evidence.

After watching the video, the several traffic police officers were dumbfounded.

"Wow! Is there really someone who can run so fast?"

However, it seemed that there were no regulations in the traffic laws on how fast a pedestrian can run before it's considered speeding...

Moreover, since the person saved someone, it could be considered an act of bravery, so they couldn't just arrest him!

With this in mind, the several traffic police officers completely gave up on the riders and simply grabbed a few people and left.

At the same time,

After nearly four minutes of exerting his full effort in using the Lingxu Step, Zhang Fan finally arrived at the Xiaofeng Village.

At this moment, the village was in chaos.

Several ambulances were parked at the village entrance, with medical personnel constantly carrying stretchers to transport the injured villagers and those bitten by zombies for treatment.

The remaining villagers were constantly running out of the village, looking panicked and talking among themselves.

Apart from the ambulances outside the village, there were also several police cars, and many police officers were comforting the frightened villagers and organizing them to temporarily evacuate from the village chief's residence.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Fan chose to avoid the villagers.

His purpose for coming here was more related to the zombies, and the work of dealing with these villagers could be left to the grassroots personnel.

Zhang Fan had already sensed the aura of the zombies and the sounds of the battle, just to the east of the village.

Without further delay, he took a step and disappeared from the original place.

Before he arrived, the distinct stench of zombies had already reached him, making Zhang Fan instinctively furrow his brows.

To the east of Xiaofeng Village, there was actually a mass grave.

At this moment, the stench of corpses filled the air within the mass grave, with a group of zombies constantly growling.

Surrounding this group of zombies were three Taoist priests forming a triangular formation, firmly trapping the group of zombies, preventing them from leaving the area.

There were quite a few zombies, at least a dozen of them.

Although the three Taoist priests seemed to be at a numerical disadvantage, they managed to stabilize the situation, calmly and systematically trembling alongside these dozen or so zombies.

And about tens of meters away from the group, under a cypress tree, a figure was hiding here.

At this moment, the person under the tree was cautiously holding a mobile phone, live broadcasting the battle scene not far away.

This person was a small-time streamer named Fly Guy.

Because he was from a nearby village and heard about the zombie commotion in Xiaofeng Village and the arrival of Taoist priests to suppress the situation, he keenly sensed this as an opportunity for increased viewership.

Thinking of latching onto this hot topic to gain popularity, he immediately came over to live broadcast the scenario.

And when he arrived at Xiaofeng Village, he quickly found the commotion, and the live streaming started to gain traction!

A large number of viewers flooded in, and now there were over a million viewers online.

The heat was astonishing.

The barrage of comments in the live chat room kept rolling, and netizens were fervently discussing the zombies and Taoist priests, while simultaneously cheering on the Taoist priests in the chat.

Watching the barrage of comments rolling in the live chat room, as well as the continuous stream of virtual gifts, Fly Guy's mouth almost widened to his ears.

In just a few short minutes, he had seen his followers increase by over ten thousand.

If this continued, he would likely gain a million new followers in no time.

Fly Guy knew that he was becoming popular!

He was thrilled inside and immediately took on the role of the live commentator.

"People, do you understand this? These zombies' skin looks like bacon, each one of them has a grotesque appearance, very frightening!"

"And they also emit a strong odor of death, you can smell it from quite a distance away!"

Fly Guy pointed at a few zombies on the left and then at a few on the right, and continued, "Look, the skin of these zombies looks dark and oily, these ones are quite powerful, very likely to be the legendary zombie king!"

"I wonder if the three Taoist priests can handle them!"

Fly Guy rambled on, not knowing anything about zombies, so even though he was just babbling, the netizens in the live chat room found it fascinating.

Of course, the main draw was the novel experience of watching the live battle between the Taoist priests and the zombies.


Just as Fly Guy's commentary became increasingly absurd, a figure suddenly appeared beside him.

Naturally, Zhang Fan had heard Fly Guy's nonsensical chatter, so he directly spoke up, "Mister, it's better not to speak about things you don't understand; there are many taboos involved, so as not to bring about karmic retribution."

Zhang Fan's voice was extremely abrupt, and combined with his silent movement, Fly Guy had not noticed him approaching.

It wasn't until he heard Zhang Fan's voice that Fly Guy shuddered all over, and turned his head abruptly to look at Zhang Fan.

"Whoa! Man, who are you? How come you walk without making any sound? Do you know that scaring people can kill them?"

Fly Guy was scared out of his wits by Zhang Fan's sudden appearance.

The barrage of comments in the live chat room immediately lit up when they heard what Zhang Fan had just said, and netizens began commenting.

"Listen to his tone, it seems like someone knowledgeable has arrived!"

"Whoa, what a surprise! A real-life zombie? This is the first time I've seen something like this!"

"These zombies are truly terrifying! I've never been so scared!"

"Those three Taoist priests are amazing! Just the three of them are holding off over a dozen zombies!"

"I always said this world has cultivators! Look, zombies have appeared!"

"Coach, I want to learn this!"

"Coach: I also want to learn!"

"Is this for real? Zombies are so scary!"

"How did the world suddenly change..."

The barrage of comments in the live chat room was rolling frantically, and netizens were fervently discussing zombies and cultivation, while also cheering on the three Taoist priests in the barrage.

As he watched the barrage of comments in the live chat room, as well as the constant stream of virtual gifts, Fly Guy's grin stretched from ear to ear.

In just a few minutes, he had seen his followers increase by over ten thousand.

At this rate, it wouldn't be long before he achieved a million new followers.

Fly Guy knew that he was becoming popular!

He was thrilled inside and immediately took on the role of the live commentator.

"People, do you understand this? These zombies' skin looks like bacon, each one of them has a grotesque appearance, very frightening!"

"And they also emit a strong odor of death, you can smell it from quite a distance away!"

Fly Guy pointed at a few zombies on the left and then at a few on the right, and continued, "Look, the skin of these zombies looks dark and oily, these ones are quite powerful, very likely to be the legendary zombie king!"

"I wonder if the three Taoist priests can handle them!"

Fly Guy rambled on, not knowing anything about zombies, so even though he was just babbling, the netizens in the live chat room found it fascinating.

Of course, the main draw was the novel experience of watching the live battle between the Taoist priests and the zombies.


Just as Fly Guy's commentary became increasingly absurd, a figure suddenly appeared beside him.

Naturally, Zhang Fan had heard Fly Guy's nonsensical chatter, so he directly spoke up, "Mister, it's better not to speak about things you don't understand; there are many taboos involved, so as not to bring about karmic retribution."

Zhang Fan's voice was extremely abrupt, and combined with his silent movement, Fly Guy had not noticed him approaching.

It wasn't until he heard Zhang Fan's voice that Fly Guy shuddered all over, and turned his head abruptly to look at Zhang Fan.

"Whoa! Man, who are you? How come you walk without making any sound? Do you know that scaring people can kill them?"

Fly Guy was scared out of his wits by Zhang Fan's sudden appearance.

The barrage of comments in the live chat room immediately lit up when they heard what Zhang Fan had just said, and netizens began commenting.

"Listen to his tone, it seems like someone knowledgeable has arrived!"