Chapter 7:The Key to Her Heart

Chapter 7: The key to Her Heart

Alexander's eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled back at her, his gaze filled with warmth and affection. "You're welcome, Sophia. I'm so glad you like it."

Alexander was totally focused on his driving, but his mind was filled with thoughts of Sophie and the joy she brought to his life. She stole a glance at him, her eyes shining with love and adoration. She tightly held the gift to her body, feeling like the luckiest person in the world. "You don't know, Alexander; this gift is so important to me. It's a symbol of our connection, of the love we share." She whispered to herself, her heart overflowing with emotion.

Alexander pulled over the car at her place, and they both got out, walking together to her house. Seeing Alexander, Sophie's mom came forward to greet him, her face beaming with a warm smile. "Alexander, how have you been? We all have missed you so much... " "Aunty, I am good. How have you been, all?" "Is she troubling you, dear?" "Mom... " Sophie complained, Alexander laughing said, "No, Aunty, she is not at all troublesome." Sophie annoyingly left the place and went to her room, feeling happy and content.

After entering her room, she went to the mirror and looked at her pendant, her fingers tracing the delicate petals. "I will never take it off from my neck in the future. It's a reminder of Alexander's love and thoughtfulness." She promised herself, feeling a sense of commitment and devotion. As she lay on her bed, the pendant's gentle sparkle seemed to whisper words of encouragement, urging her to hold on to hope and love.

Her phone rang, and she received the call immediately, seeing her friend Emily's name on the screen. "Yeah, what are you doing now?" "Emily, today I went to the jewelry shop with Alexander." "Oh, congratulations for it! Now tell me in detail what you took as a gift." "A pendant... " "Wow, so I think you are happy to get a gift from your Alexander." Sophie said to her over the phone, laughing and feeling elated. "Okay, I will not tease you anymore." After talking for some time, they ended their call, and Sophie felt grateful for her friend's love and support.

Later, during lunch, "Honey, today Alexander came to pay a visit to us. But unfortunately, you were not at home that time." Mr. Muller, Sophie's father, smiled back at her softly, his eyes filled with warmth and understanding. Sophie truly loved to see her parents happy, and she was glad to have them as her parents.

As they sat around the table, Sophie's mom asked Alexander about his stay and how he was enjoying his time in Germany. Alexander replied, "I am enjoying it a lot, Aunty. The people are very friendly, and the culture is rich." Sophie's dad asked him about his work, and Alexander told them about his project and how it was going. Sophie listened to their conversation, feeling happy to see Alexander bonding with her parents, and knowing that they approved of him.The lunch ended with laughter and conversation, filling Sophie's heart with joy and contentment.

As Alexander left, Sophie walked him to the door, feeling a sense of longing and love. "Thanks for coming, Alexander. My parents liked you a lot." "I liked them too, Sophie. They are very warm and welcoming." Sophie smiled, feeling happy that Alexander had liked her parents. "I will call you later, okay?" "Okay, bye, Alexander." Sophie waved goodbye as Alexander drove away, feeling a sense of love and connection that she had never felt before.

As she went back inside, Sophie's mom asked her, "So, what do you think of Alexander, dear?" Sophie smiled, her heart full of love and adoration. "Mom, I really like him. He is very kind and caring." Her mom smiled back, "We like him too, dear. He is a great guy." Sophie felt happy, knowing that her parents approved of Alexander and that she had found someone special.

As she went to her room, Sophie couldn't help but think about Alexander and the gift he had given her. She touched the pendant, feeling a sense of love and connection. She knew that Alexander cared for her deeply, and she felt the same way about him. She lay on her bed, feeling happy and content, knowing that she had found someone who loved and appreciated her for who she was.

The next day, Sophie received a call from Alexander. "Hey, Sophie. How are you?" "I am good, Alexander. How about you?" "I am good too. I was thinking of taking you out for dinner tonight. Would you like to come?" Sophie's heart skipped a beat. She would love to go out with him anywhere.