Chapter 10: Glimpse into the Unknown

Chapter 10: Glimpse into the unknown

Emily nodded. "That's what they call him. He's got a reputation for being charming, but also for being reckless and arrogant. He's always getting into trouble, but his family's wealth and influence always bail him out."

Sophie's thoughts about Leon took a sharp turn. She had initially thought he might be a good guy, but now she wasn't so sure. She didn't want to get involved with someone who was only looking for a good time.

On the next day.

As they walked out of the classroom, Sophie couldn't help but notice Leon's presence across the hallway. He was leaning against a locker, his eyes fixed on her, a small smile playing on his lips. She felt a shiver run down her spine, but she quickly pushed it aside.

She wasn't going to fall for his charms. But as she turned to walk away, Leon pushed off from the locker and sauntered over to her. "Hey, Sophie," he said, his voice was low and smooth. "I see you're getting the lowdown on me."

Sophie raised an eyebrow. "Just getting to know the people in my school," she said, her tone neutral. Leon chuckled. "Well, let me tell you, I'm not as bad as everyone makes me out to be."

Sophie raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? What makes you say that?" Leon shrugged. "I may have a reputation, but I'm also fiercely loyal to those I care about. And I'm not afraid to take risks."

Sophie felt a flutter in her chest, despite herself. There was something about Leon that drew her in, something that made her want to know more. But she pushed it aside, reminding herself of his playboy reputation.

"I'll keep that in mind," she said, her tone cool. Leon grinned. "I'll make sure you do," he said, his eyes glinting with amusement. And with that, he turned and walked away, leaving Sophie feeling both frustrated and intrigued.

She knew she should stay away from him, but she couldn't help but wonder what lay beneath his charming, playboy exterior. Sophie was enjoying her lunch with Emily in the canteen when her phone suddenly rang. She apologized to Emily as she quickly answered the call, seeing Alexander's mother, Helga Blackwood, on the caller ID.

"Sophie dear, how are you?" Helga asked, her warm voice filling Sophie's ear. "I'm fine, aunty, what about you?" Sophie replied, trying to sound casual despite her curiosity about the unexpected call.

"I'm fine too, dear. Alexander's grandparents are eager to meet you, so why not bring your parents today for a get-together evening?" Helga suggested, her tone friendly and inviting. Sophie hesitated, unsure how to respond.

"Aunty, that's great, but I think my mother and father can't come as they have another invitation to attend today," she explained, hoping to deflect the invitation without offending Helga. "Okay, then you come, Sophie," Helga said, her voice still warm and welcoming.

"Your grandparents are really eager to meet you." As Sophie ended the call, Emily's eyes widened with excitement. "Whose call was that, Sophie?" she asked, her voice a bit too loud, causing Sophie's cheeks to flush.

"Aunty called," Sophie replied, trying to downplay the situation. "Alexander's mother, Helga Blackwoods. She wants me to come over for a family gathering today since his grandparents are eager to meet me." Emily's eyes sparkled with mischief.

"Oh, such a great opportunity to meet and stay with your beloved, nah?" she teased, her voice still too loud, causing Sophie to hush her. As they finished their lunch and headed out of the canteen, Sophie couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions.

She was curious about meeting Alexander's family. Little did she know, this evening would bring unexpected surprises and revelations that would change her life forever.

As they walked out of the school building, Emily turned to Sophie with a serious expression. "Hey, Sophie, I know you're nervous about this, but I think it's a great opportunity for you to build a connection with Alexander's family, even if things didn't work out with him. And who knows, maybe you'll get to see him again and get some closure."

Sophie nodded, considering Emily's words. She had always been curious about Alexander's family and their traditions, and this invitation could be a chance to learn more about them. Plus, it would be rude to decline Helga's invitation, especially since she had been so kind to Sophie.

"Okay, I'll go," Sophie decided, making up her mind. "But just to meet his family and be polite, not because I'm hoping for anything with Alexander." Emily grinned. "That's the spirit! I'll help you get ready and give you some advice on how to navigate the evening. You'll do great, Sophie!"

As they parted ways, Sophie felt a sense of determination washed over her. She would face this evening with an open mind and a positive attitude, ready to meet Alexander's family and whatever surprises lay ahead.

Sophie arrived at the Blackwood estate, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. She was greeted by Helga Blackwood, who welcomed her with a warm smile. As she entered the lavish living room, Sophie was struck by the grandeur and elegance of the mansion.

The evening began with introductions and small talk, but Sophie soon found herself engaged in meaningful conversations with Alexander's family. They were charming and gracious, making her feel like part of the family.

As she mingled, Sophie caught glimpses of Alexander, who was charming and attentive, making her feel seen and heard. She began to realize that he was different from his reputation, and she found herself drawn to him in ways she hadn't anticipated.