Alexander's Wrath

Alexander nodded and turned to leave, but Sophie called out to him, her voice barely above a whisper. "Alexander, wait." He turned back, his eyes questioning, his brow furrowed in concern.

Sophie hesitated, feeling a sense of uncertainty wash over her. She fidgeted with her hands, her eyes darting around the room as she searched for the right words. "I just wanted to say thank you again," she said finally, her voice filled with sincerity. "You've been very kind to me, and I appreciate it."

Alexander's expression softened, his eyes warming with compassion. He smiled, his lips curving upwards in a gentle smile. "You're welcome, Sophie," he said, his voice low and soothing. "I'm just glad I could help. Take care of yourself, okay?" He took a step closer, his eyes locked on hers, his presence enveloping her like a warm embrace.

Sophie nodded, feeling a sense of warmth spread through her chest, like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. She felt a lump form in her throat as she gazed at Alexander, her heart filled with gratitude. "I will, Alexander," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "Thank you again."

As Alexander turned to leave, Sophie felt a pang of sadness, not wanting the moment to end. But she knew she had to let him go, and so she watched as he disappeared into the distance, his kindness and compassion lingering in her heart like a gentle breeze.

As Alexander walked away, Sophie felt a sense of peace wash over her. She knew she had found a friend in him, someone who cared for her well-being, and that meant a lot.

She applied the ice pack to her cheek, feeling the coolness soothe the pain. She knew she would be fine, thanks to Alexander's concern and care.

As she lay down on her bed, Sophie couldn't help but think about Alexander. She had always thought of him as a strict and serious person, but today, she had seen a different side of him. A side that was kind, caring, and gentle.

Sophie felt a deep sense of gratitude for Alexander's presence in her life. She knew that she could always count on him, no matter what. As she drifted off to sleep, Sophie felt a sense of peace and comfort wash over her, knowing that Alexander was there to watch over her.

After returning to his room,Alexander's eyes narrowed as he listened to the voice on the other end of the phone, his grip on the phone tightening with each passing moment. "Find out what happened in Sophie's school today and inform me about it," he instructed, his tone firm and commanding, his voice low and urgent.

"Okay, Boss," came the reply, and Alexander knew his assistant, Joseph, would get to the bottom of it. He walked out to the balcony, his mind preoccupied with the image of Sophie's swollen cheek. Who would dare to hurt her? And why? His thoughts were consumed by a burning anger and a desire to protect Sophie at all costs.

His phone rang again, and he answered quickly, his heart racing with anticipation. "Sana slapped Miss Sophie on her cheek as she accused her of having feelings for Leon...Sana belongs to the daughter of the William family," Joseph reported, his voice neutral, but Alexander detected a hint of disapproval.

Alexander's eyes flashed with fury, his face darkening with rage. How dare they! He knew that the William family thought they were above the law, but he would show them otherwise. "Tell the other companies not to negotiate with William's anymore...and rest I will handle by myself," he growled, his voice low and menacing, his words dripping with venom.

Joseph hesitated for a moment before speaking up, his voice cautious. "Boss, Miss Sophie has denied the accusations and returned the favor to Sana." Alexander's expression changed slightly, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. His Sophie had fought back, and he felt a sense of pride and admiration for her.

"Good for her," Alexander said, his voice softening, his eyes gleaming with approval. "I'll take care of the rest. No one hurts Sophie and gets away with it." Joseph nodded, understanding the unspoken message. "Yes, Boss. I'll take care of it."

Alexander's mind was already racing with plans to take down the William family, his heart still burning with anger and a desire for justice. But he knew he had to keep his cool, to strategize and plan carefully, to protect Sophie and himself from the fallout. He took a deep breath, his eyes narrowing as he gazed out at the city skyline. This was war, and he was ready to fight.

The next day, Sophie's swelling had reduced, thanks to the ice pack Alexander had provided. She sat down to have breakfast, and Mrs. Mary served her with a warm smile.

As she ate, Sophie noticed Alexander sitting on the sofa, sipping his coffee and reading the newspaper. She felt a sense of comfort in his presence, knowing he was looking out for her.

Alexander looked up, his eyes meeting Sophie's, and he smiled. "Good morning, Sophie. How are you feeling today?"

Sophie smiled back, feeling a sense of gratitude. "I'm feeling much better, thank you, Alexander. Your ice pack really helped."

Alexander nodded, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I'm glad to hear that."Alexander's expression turned serious, his eyes glinting with determination. "Don't worry, Sophie. I'll handle it. But I want you to know that you're under my protection now. No one will ever hurt you again."

Sophie felt a sense of wonder at his words, a sense of safety and security washing over her. She knew she could trust Alexander, and she felt grateful for his presence in her life.

As they finished breakfast, Alexander stood up, his eyes never leaving Sophie's face."Today, I will drop you off at school," Alexander said, his voice firm and commanding.

Sophie was taken aback, but then a smile spread across her face. She felt a sense of excitement and gratitude. Alexander was taking care of her, and she felt safe with him.

"Thank you, Alexander," she said, her voice filled with emotion.

Alexander nodded, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "You're under my protection now, Sophie. No one will ever hurt you again."

Sophie felt a sense of peace washed over her. She knew she was in good hands, and she was grateful for Alexander's presence in her life.

As they set out for Sophie's school, Alexander's mind was preoccupied with the task ahead. He would deal with the William family, and he would make sure Sophie was safe.

Sophie chatted excitedly in the car, feeling a sense of freedom and joy. She knew Alexander was taking care of her, and she felt grateful for his presence in her life.

As they reached the school gates, Sophie turned to Alexander, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Alexander. I feel so safe with you."