Shadows of the Past

Sophie's eyes remained fixed on the scene unfolding before her, her gaze intensifying as Trisa's hand lingered on Alexander's arm. The subtle touch sent a surge of possessiveness through Sophie's veins, her heart racing with a jealousy she couldn't rationalize. She knew she had no claim to Alexander, yet her emotions refused to align with reason.

"Who is that woman talking to Alexander?" Emily asked, noticing Sophie's darkening mood.

Sophie's response was laced with disdain. "Who else could it be but Trisa?"

Emily followed Sophie's gaze, her eyes widening as she took in Trisa's daring outfit. "I can't believe my eyes! Look at that dress she's wearing!" Emily's tone was laced with ridicule, her voice low enough to avoid drawing attention from the nearby patrons. "She's really trying to make a statement, isn't she?"

Sophie's eyes never left Trisa's face, her expression a mask of disapproval. "She's always been desperate for attention. It seems some things never change."

As they savored their final bites of dessert, Sophie's gaze drifted towards Alexander, her eyes locking onto his for a fleeting instant. Trisa's laughter and the hum of the restaurant faded into the background as Sophie's heart skipped a beat. Alexander's expression remained impassive, but Sophie was convinced she saw a flicker of awareness, a hint of recognition that left her pondering if he had been aware of her presence all along.

Their eyes disconnected, and Sophie felt a shiver run down her spine. She quickly looked away, her cheeks warming with a subtle blush. Emily's voice broke the spell, "Ready to leave, Sophie?" Sophie nodded, her eyes avoiding Alexander's as they exited the restaurant, the tension between them palpable, yet unspoken.

As they stepped out of the restaurant, Emily turned to Sophie with a curious expression, her voice a soft whisper. "You know, I think Alexander might have seen us." Sophie's heart skipped a beat, her mind racing with possibilities.

"What do you mean?" Sophie asked, her tone neutral, trying not to reveal her growing interest.

Emily's eyes sparkled with intrigue. "Well, I saw him glance over at us a few times during dinner. And when we left, he looked up and caught my eye. I think he might have been trying to place us," she explained, her brow furrowed in thought.

As Sophie and Emily waited outside the restaurant for their car, they noticed Alexander and Trisha emerging from the restaurant. As Alexander's eyes landed on Sophie and Emily, he altered his course, his long strides devouring the distance between them. His gaze remained fixed on Sophie, his expression unreadable, yet his eyes gleaming with a hint of curiosity. .His stride was relaxed, his eyes fixed on Sophie with an unreadable expression.Alexander sauntered towards them, his hands casually tucked into his pockets, radiating an air of self-assurance

Trisha, on the other hand, faltered for a moment upon spotting Sophie. Trisha trailed behind him, her eyes fixed on Sophie with a calculating intensity.Her eyes flashed a hint of hostility, a fleeting glimpse of animosity before she quickly recomposed herself. Her smile returned, sugary sweet, as she trailed behind Alexander, her eyes never leaving Sophie's face.

The tension was palpable as the two groups converged. Sophie's heart raced with anticipation, her senses heightened as she awaited Alexander's approach. Emily's presence beside her was a comforting reminder that she wasn't alone in this encounter. The night air was electric with unspoken words, the atmosphere thick with unresolved issues.

"How are you, Sophie? It's been ages!" Trisha exclaimed, her voice dripping with saccharine sweetness as she approached Sophie with open arms, her eyes gleaming with insincerity. Sophie, however, was not fooled. She sidestepped Trisha's attempted hug with a graceful evasion, her eyes flashing with a hint of disdain.

"Let's not pretend we're friends, Trisha. We're not that close, so spare me the act," Sophie said bluntly, her voice laced with a subtle venom that made Trisha's eyes narrow.

Trisha's expression morphed into one of wounded innocence, her lips curling into a petulant pout. "Oh, Sophie, I'm hurt," she cooed, her voice heavy with mock sincerity. "I was just trying to be friendly." But her eyes betrayed her true intentions, gleaming with a calculating intensity that made Sophie's instincts go on high alert.

"Don't misunderstand me, Sophie," Trisha protested, her voice dripping with false sincerity, her eyes flashing with a calculating intensity. "I'm like an elder sister to you, guiding and protecting you from harm." She attempted to wrap her arms around Alexander, her gaze locked on Sophie with a challenge, but before she could ensnare him, Alexander intervened.

"Trisha, that's enough," Alexander said, his voice firm, his eyes narrowing as he stepped out of her reach.

"Let me take you two home," Alexander suggested, opening the door of his sleek, Limited Edition Maybach. The car's luxurious interior and gleaming chrome accents seemed to radiate an aura of sophistication, a testament to Alexander's refined taste. The Maybach's soft, cream-colored leather seats and subtle fragrance of expensive perfume enveloped Sophie as she settled into the passenger seat.

Trisha's eyes narrowed, her gaze flashing with indignation, as she understood the two Alexander meant were Sophie and her friend, her gaze flicking between Alexander and Sophie like a ping-pong ball. "Then what about me?" she asked, a hint of petulance creeping into her voice, her lips pouting like a child denied a treat.

Alexander's expression remained unyielding, his jaw set in a firm line. "My driver will come to drop you home, Trisha," he replied, his tone firm but polite, his eyes never leaving the road ahead.

Trisha's face darkened, her eyes blazing with anger. "You're just going to leave me? Like that?" she spat, her voice venomous. "After everything I've done for you?"

Sophie's eyes widened, her heart racing with anticipation. She had never seen Trisha so openly angry, her mask of sweetness and innocence slipping to reveal a glimpse of her true nature.

Alexander ignored Trisha, his eyes fixed on the road ahead, his jaw set in a firm line. Trisha's expression soured, her lips pursing into a pout, her eyes flashing with anger and frustration.