Awakening of Insects Four: Idle Talk in the Kitchen Behind the North Gate

Wang Qian stood up and followed Qi Shou into the Drunken Immortal Pavilion. Upon entering the door, they discovered that there was a hidden world within the pavilion, with the redwood furniture reflecting the owner's wealth. Surprisingly, there was a rare phoenix tree growing inside the shop, indicating considerable effort to keep it alive in this environment. Wang Qian led Qi Shou upstairs to the room he had reserved all year after arriving at the North Gate. Opening the window, they faced the phoenix tree.

The kitchen of the Drunken Immortal Pavilion was now bustling, despite only serving one table today. The reason was that Qi Shou's response to Wang Qian was a bit late, and several dishes that required slow cooking had to be hurried. Even in their busy state, the gossip in the hearts of the chefs couldn't be suppressed.

"Hey, Lao Li. Do you know who General Wang is inviting this time? This is the first time he's brought someone after booking our private room at the Drunken Immortal Pavilion!"

"Lao Zhang, focus on your job. If you mess up, you might lose your head. Where did all this curiosity come from?"

"We're naturally curious! That general has been at the North Gate for over three years. He's never invited anyone to dinner and it's rumored he's never visited any brothels in the North Gate. It's really different from the previous military commanders!" Lao Zhang said.

"He's quite arrogant! I met him once on the street. He looks down on the local officials from the bottom of his heart, especially the women. I heard he comes from a noble family in Jiangnan. If that's true, this place won't be his final stop. His odd behavior over the past few years makes sense now! As for the guest he's inviting, didn't we hear news a few days ago about a prince candidate going to the North Xinjiang? I guess it's him!" Lao Li replied.

"The future prince, that's the future emperor! I, Lao Zhang, can finally say I've cooked for royalty! When I'm old and can't work, I'll open my own shop and make a fortune!" Lao Zhang said excitedly.

"Lao Zhang, we're this old and you're still planning to open a shop? When we can't work anymore, we'll retire and take care of our grandchildren at home! As for serving someone who might become the crown prince, I doubt it. Since the rise of the Wang family over two hundred years ago, every emperor has been connected to them. Eight or nine out of ten have visited Jinling. This one might just be a idle prince or end up buried in North Xinjiang!" Lao Li didn't share Lao Zhang's dream.

"Lao Li, North Xinjiang is what the natives living there call it. We gave it the name 'Tianqi'. It's used to exile criminals and families, providing grain, war horses, and Erlin wood. Almost forgot, it also defends against the barbarians, a way to atone for past mistakes!

"But what kind of sin requires so many generations to repay? Unable to migrate south, they can only do business within North Xinjiang. The best way to escape is to marry someone from outside the gate or marry someone from outside. It's really bitter!"

"Lao Li, let's not worry about these things. Let's just enjoy our lives comfortably. Thinking about these matters will only add unnecessary troubles to ourselves! After the New Year, your son will get married and have children. With grandchildren around, we won't have time to lament about these things. Old Qian, who sells pork ten miles outside the North Gate, received news before the New Year that his only son died in battle at the North Gate. With just that one child, his family line is cut off. He won't even have an heir to continue the family line!"

"Ah, what a tragic fate! Lao Zhang, I've never dared to tell you guys. Actually, I'm also from North Xinjiang. It's only because I married my master's daughter that I could leave North Xinjiang. Otherwise, I would have died in battle at the North Gate long ago. Thanks to my mother, who made me cook for my master back then. I luckily caught my master's eye! And he married his daughter to me, allowing my mother to live out her old age in peace. But how many among the people of North Xinjiang are as fortunate as me and my son? More often than not, families are torn apart and lives are lost!"

"I didn't expect to hear such things even before arriving in North Xinjiang. I promise you, as long as I, Qi Shou, am alive, I will make the lives of the people of North Xinjiang better every day!" A somewhat naive voice came from outside, but Qi Shou didn't enter the kitchen. He didn't have the ability to fulfill his promise today. He would come back to fulfill it when he had the power and actually did so.

"It's already good that the Seventh Prince has such aspirations, but those in power protect each other while neglecting the people. The pressure on North Xinjiang doesn't just come from external sources! I'm afraid the officials of North Xinjiang won't agree with what you think and do by then!"

"Uncle, believe me, my promise won't change." At this moment, Qi Shou had a different aura. However, at this solemn moment, Qi Shou's stomach growled, breaking the solemnity.

"Uncles, can you tell me where the restroom is?" Qi Shou asked with a red face, lowering his head.

"Your Highness, it's right on the opposite side of the kitchen. When Your Highness becomes the Emperor someday, please don't forget. Lao Zhang cooked for you today! But before he could finish, Qi Shou had already run to the restroom!"

Lao Zhang looked at Lao Li opposite him and thought that the prince should have heard what he said.

"Lao Li, do you think the prince will remember what he said?"

"They'll all remember oaths that benefit them and forget those they can't fulfill or are harmful. Isn't that how people are? Let's hurry up and cook. It will be troublesome if the general sends someone to rush us later!"

Seeing Qi Shou's slightly flushed face, Wang Qian also showed a hint of a smile. Wang Qian knew that there were no chores arranged at the Drunken Immortal Pavilion today. This child had rushed to the restroom in a hurry, but he hadn't asked for directions because he was in a hurry. He must have searched around downstairs, then rushed back because he was afraid of delaying himself.

"General Wang, sorry to keep you waiting. It's just that I'm not familiar with the layout of the Drunken Immortal Pavilion. I searched around before I found the restroom," Qi Shou explained to Wang Qian.

"Your Highness, there's no need for such formality. It's our duty to serve you. It seems like there are too many rules in the palace, but you don't need to be so restrained outside!" Wang Qian's impression of Qi Shou greatly improved because of this incident. It's not often that people, especially those in high positions, dare to speak out about their embarrassing moments.

At this moment, the sound of dishes being served came from outside the door! There were a total of twelve dishes, four cold and eight hot, and two soups. Each chicken, duck, fish, and meat dish was exquisitely delicious. Today's dinner quickly passed in a lively atmosphere of hospitality!

"Hmm, how many years have I slept this time? I wonder what new and interesting things have happened lately. The stubborn kid's sword has been humming. It seems it's waiting for someone it recognizes. Hiss, I need to go out for a while. Take care of the house! What identity should I assume this time? Let me flip a coin later and see. The last two choices are the hardest to make!" A slender man said to someone shrouded in black veil.

"This lifetime doesn't have those old acquaintances of yours. Why suddenly want to go out and take a look?" A sweet female voice came from under the black veil.

"Because the stubborn kid's sword has been noisy, so I took a little look. I found a very interesting thread of fate. Since the days in the heavens are so boring, I'll go down to see what interesting things are happening there!"

"Isn't it more interesting to overlook the world from here? Be careful not to let your judgment be clouded once you go down."

"I prefer the immersive experience. And when will you be able to control me, little hiss! Now go make a bowl of radish soup for me to drink, don't use your strange inventions. Make it with your own hands, if it's not good, young master won't pay! It's a special day today!"

"Spring Equinox? The Azure Dragon constellation has finally broken free. I wonder who will become the corresponding hidden dragon in the abyss. With you causing trouble down there, I'm afraid there won't be any true dragons emerging!"

The man's face turned dark when he heard the woman's words. "Go make the food, go make the food!"

"Master, he seems to be more and more like the figure you left in my memory. You must be happy about it!" The woman under the black veil said in a voice that only she could hear.