Awakening of Insects Six:The Story of Sticky Bean Buns

Upon arriving at the inn, Qi Shou asked Fu Gui to send Ning Zhong away for him. When Fu Gui returned to Qi Shou's bedroom, he saw him searching for his usual plain clothes without embroidery.

"Xiao Shou, what are you doing? Didn't you say you were tired from the journey and wanted to rest?"

"That was just an excuse to get County Chief Ning to leave quickly, but it's only been a short while and I'm ready to sleep. Normally, it's time for evening studies in the palace, so help me find some inconspicuous clothes. Let's disguise ourselves and go out to see the customs of Jin County!" Qi Shou's mouth curled into a mischievous smile, reminiscent of a child about to play a prank.

Fu Gui was concerned about Qi Shou's safety, but he was also a young man. He had entered the officialdom at a very young age and had forgotten what the outside world was like. He also wanted to see what the human world was like.

"Xiao Shou, let's discuss it. We'll go out for an hour and then come back. Otherwise, I dare not sneak out with you." Fu Gui struggled internally but ultimately, his longing for the outside world triumphed over his fearful apprehensions.

However, Fu Gui was startled by Qi Shou's next move, a very standard eunuch salute, just like what he used to do for Qi Shou in the palace. Initially, Fu Gui thought it was just a whim from Qi Shou, but under Qi Shou's urging, he reluctantly helped him find some relatively ordinary clothes. After dressing appropriately, the two went out. Fu Gui's nightmare began.

"Master, where shall we go today?" Qi Shou spoke in an unusually docile tone.

"Xiao Shou, can you stop scaring me like this? If you keep doing this, I won't dare to go out with you!" Fu Gui already had a bad feeling.

"Oh, Master Fu Gui, we are already outside. If someone finds out you secretly took me away from the protection of the Forbidden Army, your backside might suffer! So, listen to my arrangements and let's happily explore Jin County together!" Qi Shou at this moment reminded Fu Gui of his younger brother, Qi Zheng.

"Alright, Xiao Shou, I'll listen to you. But I won't easily trust you in the future!" Fu Gui said with his head down.

"Haha, Master Fu Gui, you still don't trust me. I'm doing this to change you, to rid you of those thoughts that have been instilled in you for so many years. But it's okay, I won't hold it against you!" Qi Shou pulled Fu Gui's sleeve and ran towards the gathering lights in the distance.

"Master, look how lively it is over there. The actors are very entertaining! It's much more interesting than what we usually see. Are they selling grain over there? And the preserved grains seem quite cheap! From the accent, you can tell they're not from the North Border, just as Sixth Brother and I said. It's all Southern merchants doing business with grains. Wow, yellow bean buns! I've never seen them before, Master, I want to try!" Qi Shou looked at Fu Gui. He usually didn't have the opportunity to spend money, so this time the money from home was also kept in Fu Gui's care.

Being called "young master" all the way, Fu Gui had become numb. He even began calculating how many times his head would have to be chopped off to atone for his sins, realizing that only being minced into meat would give him a chance. When he heard Qi Shou wanted to buy something, he instinctively reached into his pocket. But in an instant, he snapped out of the chaotic state he was in earlier.

"Xiao Shou, I was too excited when I left. I forgot... I forgot to bring money!" Fu Gui said, his face turning red.

"In that case, we won't eat. We'll have a chance to eat in Jin County another day!" Qi Shou said, pretending to be disappointed.

"The young pageboy ahead, let this young master treat you to a meal!" This was said by a boy who was still in his voice-changing period, coming from behind them.

Qi Shou and Fu Gui turned their heads and looked at the square-faced boy in front of them. His skin was neither dark nor fair, and the baby fat on his face had not yet disappeared. His rosy cheeks resembled those of a child in a New Year painting! His eyes seemed small because of his chubby cheeks. His lips were thick, making him look honest and trustworthy. But the tone of voice he used earlier was completely inconsistent with this image!

"I don't need you to treat me. We'll come back tomorrow morning and buy something then!" Qi Shou said, preparing to take Fu Gui back to the inn.

"Young pageboy, today's a special occasion. After today, Mrs. Zhang won't be selling these sticky bean buns at her stall anymore. Next time she'll make them again, it'll be after the heavy snow. I can tell from your accent that you're not from the North Border, right? Would your young master stay in the North Border just because of you, a pageboy?" The chubby boy said teasingly. "I didn't invite you for free. Just bring back the money tomorrow. I only wanted to help you because I found you pleasant. You should consider it carefully! These bean buns are really delicious!"

"Well, I'll bring the money over tomorrow." Qi Shou didn't insist further, and he indeed wanted to eat these seemingly delicious sticky bean buns.

"Mrs. Zhang, give me five sticky bean buns!"

"Oh, it's Xiao Lu. It's been a week since you last visited, and Mrs. Zhang's business has suffered. Don't you usually only buy three? Are the extra two for Rain and Shui Shen to sneakily eat? Mr. Lu instructed us not to sell you too much food. I will report this behavior to Mr. Lu!"

"Mrs. Zhang, it's not for me to eat. They didn't bring money, so I'm buying for them temporarily. They'll pay me back tomorrow." Lu Xin Sen explained hastily.

Hearing Lu Xin Sen's words, Mrs. Zhang also looked in the direction he pointed to.

"Xin Sen, thank you for supporting Mrs. Zhang's business. But how many people have you treated to meals, and how many times have they actually paid you back as promised? You still haven't learned that people's hearts are treacherous! Fortunately, your family is wealthy and hasn't been ruined by you."

"Mrs. Zhang, what's the use of so much money? I'm still learning medicine and dare not easily treat and save people. So I want to help in other ways, whether they pay back or not is their own business, my willingness to help won't be affected!"

"Xin Sen is such a good kid. When he grows up, he'll definitely become a skilled doctor like Mr. Lu. Mrs. Zhang believes in you!" With that, she handed over the bean buns and sugar.

After thanking Mrs. Zhang, Lu Xin Sen arrived in front of Qi Shou and Fu Gui.

"Here, you two, dig in. Remember to come back tomorrow and repay the money." With that said, he turned and walked back home. After about ten seconds, feeling somewhat disappointed, he heard footsteps behind him.

"You chubby kid, you didn't even tell us where you live! How are we supposed to return the money to you tomorrow? But these sticky bean buns are really delicious." Qi Shou still had some sugar residue around his mouth.

"Today, Young Master, I'm really lucky to meet someone trustworthy. Let's go, I'll lead the way. You'll know where my home is!"