Awakening of Insects Ten:Sword and Astrology

The three children chatted until they were tired and decided to go for lunch. Xinsen originally planned to take them out to eat, but Shui Shen's family had cooked his favorite dishes today. So, they had to abandon the idea and head home to eat with the store employees. Yu Yu escorted them to the door, waved goodbye, and then turned to go back home. As he did, he felt a sudden chill in the air. An old Taoist priest, carrying a sword over a meter long, walked past him. "That Taoist is quite old, and that sword looks extraordinary," Yu Yu thought. However, he accepted that the world was full of strange people and events. With that thought, he went home for lunch.

Xinsen saw Shui Shen off at the street corner and then turned towards the main entrance of Baicaotang. As he pondered whether his parents had returned, he bumped into the old Taoist head-on.

"Oh no, are you alright, elder?"

"Cough, cough, little one. You nearly scattered my three souls and seven spirits. Fortunately, it's not yet my time. I'll be fine after a moment. You should hurry home!"

"Elder, you don't look well. You seem to have a severe illness. This pharmacy belongs to my family. Why not come in for a checkup? Even if we can't cure you, we can provide some prescriptions to ease your pain," Xinsen offered sincerely.

"Young man, you're kind. But I know my own body well. No medicine can reverse my condition at this point. I've lived a long life and have come to terms with it. It's lunchtime now; go home and eat. Regular meals are a secret to longevity, you know. I haven't shared this secret with anyone," the old Taoist said kindly.

"Alright then. Remember, if you need anything, come to Baicaotang," Xinsen said, feeling a bit down as he returned to the pharmacy. Inside, he looked at the cabinets full of herbs and resolved to study medicine diligently with his parents to save more lives in the future.

The old Taoist rubbed his knee and slowly stood up. "What a good child. If my Yingze wasn't sealed, he would definitely come to find this child. Let's go find the one you fancy," he said, a mysterious smile on his wrinkled face.

Shui Shen walked home leisurely, greeting the Jin family sisters as he passed their house, which was unusual for him. Typically, it was the sisters who greeted him first. Walking through an alley, he saw the old Taoist lying in front of his house. Shui Shen quickly ran to the old Taoist's side and checked his breathing. His wildly beating heart gradually calmed. The old man was still breathing.

"Mother, mother!" Shui Shen called as he opened the door, asking his mother to get Xinsen. He then carried the old Taoist into his room. Luckily, Shui Shen was much stronger than his peers due to his martial arts training. He laid the old Taoist on the bed, placed the long sword beside him, and went to boil some water.

Five or six minutes later, Xinsen and Shui Shen's mother arrived. Without saying much, Xinsen felt the old Taoist's pulse and instructed Shui Shen to prop the old man's upper body up. After a few precise movements in the air, Xinsen struck the old Taoist's back with his palm. After six strikes, the old Taoist took a deep breath. Half a minute later, his eyes slowly opened.

"You old man, you're quick! You got here before Shui Shen. I told you you're seriously ill. Why don't you listen to doctors? Luckily, you collapsed at Shui Shen's doorstep. If someone had stolen your sword, you might not have been saved!" Xinsen scolded angrily.

"Young man, don't be angry. After bumping into you, I felt unusually clear-headed, which made me walk faster. If there's a reason, you're partly responsible," the old Taoist teased.

"Rest a bit before talking. Here, drink some water," Shui Shen said, handing the old man a cup of warm water.

"Young man, your name is Shui Shen, right? Thank you for saving my life!"

"No need to thank me, Taoist. It was Xinsen's medical skills that revived you. I just did what needed to be done."

"You two young friends are rare benefactors. I am Dusty Tao. My thanks!" the old Taoist said, bowing.

"Taoist, you're too polite. These two boys didn't do much. How do you feel? If you still feel unwell, you can stay here for a few days. It's lunchtime; do you have any dietary restrictions?" Shui Shen's mother asked.

"Seeing such gracious hosts explains why these young friends are so kind. My health is fine now. I'm grateful for a meal and won't trouble you further."

"In that case, join us in the main hall for lunch. Shui Shen, Xinsen, go wash your hands for dinner!" Shui Shen's mother instructed.

Shui Shen and Xinsen helped the old Taoist to the main hall and washed their hands. As they ate, Shui Shen's mother noticed the old Taoist ate very little, likely due to his age. After the meal, the four chatted.

"Taoist, at your age, shouldn't you be at a Taoist temple being cared for by disciples? Why are you traveling to Jin County? There's no Taoist temple here. Are you headed to Yang City? I hear there's a famous temple there," Shui Shen's mother asked.

"I've traveled my whole life with no fixed abode and no disciples. I enjoy watching the sunrise and sunset, seeking no incense offerings or the weeping of disciples after I'm gone. Now, at the end of my days, I wish to pass on my knowledge and skills. Not wanting them to die with me, I travel despite my illness to find a suitable heir. If I find a worthy one, I'll be content. If not, I'd rather let my knowledge die with me. Fortunately, today I've met two promising candidates," the old Taoist said, his eyes flashing as he looked at Shui Shen and Xinsen.

"Taoist, are you referring to these two boys?" Shui Shen's mother asked with a smile.

"Indeed, these young friends. Would they be willing to learn swordsmanship and astrology?"

"Shui Shen, astrology! You always stare at the sky. Learn it and predict our fortunes and fates. You can even make a living from it!"

"Xinsen, don't drag me into this! I've heard that divining the future shortens one's lifespan. I don't want to age prematurely. Fatty, your medical skills can balance it out. Neither gain nor loss, right?"

"Hahaha, it seems you have some misconceptions about astrology. Let me clarify for you," the old Taoist said with a laugh.