Awakening of Insects 17: Qi Shou's Assassination Attempt

Zhong Yu's seat was right along the path leading downstairs. As Qi Shou passed by him, he said, "When you learn who I am, I hope you can stay as composed as you are now. You're the first person I've ever disliked this much!"

Watching Qi Shou's retreating figure, Zhong Yu frowned. He didn't believe Qi Shou was someone important, but the verbal threat made him dislike the handsome young man even more. He gestured subtly to the person behind him.

"Little Shou, don't be angry. It's just a fall, nothing serious."

"It's not just because of you. Hearing him boast about his identity so confidently shows he does this often. How many people less fortunate than him have had to swallow their anger because of his family background? Let me make him understand how those he bullies feel. Now I see that my brother's methods are perfect for dealing with such people. If they want to compare status, then let's compare."

Fugui had been with Qi Shou since he was very young, and this was the first time he had seen him so furious. As they spoke, they reached the stone bridge in the middle of the street. Across the bridge and three miles further was the county office. Qi Shou's anger gradually dissipated amidst the vendors' shouts and the laughter of the crowd. He stopped at the bridge to watch the fishermen cast their nets into the river. This peaceful moment was abruptly interrupted by a push from behind! Qi Shou fell towards Liu Jin River, and Fugui's outstretched hand missed him. Fortunately, Qi Shou, trained in martial arts since childhood, managed to grab a crevice in the carved stone bridge. Fugui leaned over to help, but a sudden attack forced him to defend himself. The assailant's skills were on par with Fugui's, preventing him from immediately rescuing Qi Shou. Just as Qi Shou was about to lose his grip, a calloused hand grabbed his arm, pulling him back onto the bridge. The attacker fled north, and Fugui wanted to give chase but was stopped by Qi Shou.

"Our opponent clearly doesn't see us as worthy adversaries. He thinks we're just ants he can easily crush. We must accept this challenge. Let's go to the county office!"

Turning to the man who had saved him, Qi Shou asked, "You must be a guard assigned by Commander Zhang. Thank you for arriving in time. I would've embarrassed Commander Zhang otherwise. What's your name?"

"Your Highness, I am Zhao Fei, captain of Commander Zhang's guards."

"Uncle Zhao, Fugui, let's go."

However, it was too late to leave unnoticed. Qi Shou's fall had gone unnoticed, but the ensuing fight drew attention. Some onlookers had already fetched the patrol officers. The enthusiastic citizens of Yang City now surrounded the trio protectively. Moments later, the officers arrived.

"Clear the way for the officials!" The officers barked, uncharacteristically stern due to the morning briefing where all officials were instructed to ensure Yang City's safety.

"Today, Yang City's security must be impeccable. If the Seventh Prince is disturbed, the responsible officer will face severe consequences, including harm to their family!" County Chief Liu Yingchun had repeated this thrice.

Seeing the trio—a child, a middle-aged man, and a youth—the officers first asked Zhao Fei for his identification. Upon examining it, the lead officer broke into a cold sweat. He was responsible for the stone bridge's security and knew the Seventh Prince was not with the entourage today. Liu Yingchun had instructed officials to return to their posts and maintain utmost vigilance, explaining the officer's fear. Respectfully returning Zhao Fei's documents, he unconsciously checked another, opening it out of habit. Realizing who the boy was, he pondered making a good impression but decided against it, fearing repercussions from the assassination attempt. He returned Fugui's documents.

"So, we have the captain of the Imperial Guards and a court attendant. No need to check this gentleman's papers. We'll do our best to catch the culprit. If he's still in Yang City, we'll find him. I'll have someone escort you to the county office while we begin the search."

Seeing the efficient, commanding officer, Qi Shou admired his craftiness. The officer had deduced Qi Shou's identity but feared angering the assassin's backers. His clever escape plan was born of years of experience. Qi Shou, Zhao Fei, and Fugui followed the escort to the county office.

Liu Yingchun sat in his study, reviewing the day's arrangements. He and Zhong Tianyi had doubled patrols to maintain order. He had also instructed the Liu family to avoid conflicts over territory, suspending all illegal activities for three days. He wanted to leave a good impression on Qi Shou. Confident in his thorough arrangements, he began worrying about his children, who were supposed to thank Zhuang Jin today. The Seventh Prince's early arrival disrupted their plans. Liu Yingchun hoped his children would gain Zhuang Jin's approval, knowing it would be difficult to find another teacher of his caliber in the North Border.

Liu Yingchun himself had been half a student of Zhuang Jin. Eight years his senior, Zhuang Jin had tutored at the primary academy where Liu Yingchun's father taught. Excelling in the North Border exams, Zhuang Jin earned the Emperor's trust and became Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Revenue at twenty-two, poised to become the youngest Minister in history. However, unforeseen events derailed his promising career.