Chapter Three


My heart was beating fast as I watched him lean forward to my lips, I closed my eyes in anticipation and when nothing happened, I opened them again and found Rodrigo staring at me.

"were you expecting a kiss?" he asked out of nowhere.

"a kiss? I closed my eyes out of fear." I said while trying to demonstrate the situation with my hands.

"Alright then, pull the shirt and get out." He replied harshly.

Why is he suddenly so harsh, was I supposed to say yes to expecting a kiss, or did my lines not go well I thought to myself.

I walked behind him and pulled off the shirt and he just stood there. I took his silence for a goodbye and went towards the door.

"don't step in here again!" he announced

"Never in my life! If I do, do whatever you want with me." I retorted.

"I will keep those words in mind," he murmured and went to bed, turning off his light.

I walked out of the room; I was lowkey disappointed. I replayed his closeness in my mind and tapped my head in shame.

Walking into my room, I looked at Rodrigo's shirt I was holding and unknowingly took it towards my nose and sniffed it. It smelled like him, a more advanced smell of a chocolate bar.

I walked into the shower, and after taking my bath, I put the shirt on, looking at myself in the mirror, I started laughing crazily, the shirt looked like I was thrown into it, it was extra cute.

The maid came to remind me of dinner and I was looking forward to seeing Andrew at dinner but disappointment slaps.

He didn't come down for dinner leaving me feeling bad for disturbing him in the first place, I guessed he couldn't come down shirtless so I asked the maid to arrange something I could take to him.

Standing at a door I swore never to get into, I didn't bother knocking and just went in. I slowly switched on the lights and discovered he was asleep.

I bent forward to catch a better view of his extra handsome face that I couldn't properly look at when we met.

I glanced at his closed eyes, then down to his perfectly shaped lips, and then back to his closed eyes.

My hand slowly started moving to his face, lightly stroking his hair and his face. When I caught myself lusting, the did have already been done.

I set the meal down on his bedside table along with an apology letter, promising not to bother him anymore, and then walked out of the room to rest.


I heard footsteps and immediately knew who it was, surprisingly, Perlah didn't knock on the door before coming in, could she ever be scared of me? I thought to myself and hurriedly closed my eyes so she could think I was asleep and leave quickly.

After walking around, she switched on the lights and dropped the food at the bedside table. I thought it was over until I heard footsteps coming towards me and a figure crouching down at me.

Feeling uncomfortable, I tried to move until a little soft hand landed on my face.

Shocked I stayed in position and didn't dare to move, and then she started stroking my hair, I felt what I had never felt before, I felt a refill of the absence of a mother in my life, I felt peace and hoped it went on that way.

She suddenly stopped and rushed out of the room, I slowly opened my eyes to be sure she had left and then got up to see what she dropped on the table.

Getting to the table, I found food and a piece of paper, with an "apology letter" boldly written on it, and then picked the letter to see what was written in it. 

"hi Rodrigo, after the little thing I did, I realized it must have bothered you and you couldn't come down for dinner because you were shirtless, I feel comfortable in our shirt and I'd like to let you know it would happen again, but please once it does, try and be tolerant for I will try to be out of your life quickly. But for the main time, I'm sorry in advance for more disturbance to come, I need you to know it's not intentional, things happen. Thank you for your kind understanding of this situation, I will also advise you to finish that food to generate strength, Perlah."

After reading the letter she sent, I concluded that she wasn't a normal person, I couldn't get how what she wrote was an apology, it sounded more like a warning that she would continue bothering me.

I dropped the letter and resumed eating the food, I might need that strength to conquer her inconveniences.



I got into my room and replayed what happened in Rodrigo's room, what was I even thinking I thought to myself holding my forehead. Gladly, he wasn't awake or caught me doing it, "it would be our little secret," I said to myself smiling.

"you know you could have just kissed me if you wanted it so badly, I don't bite." Rodrigo's voice suddenly ranged out of nowhere.

I looked at my doorstep and then realized I didn't shut the door and Rodrigo was standing right there staring at me.

I stood there in shock, trying to come up with an excuse for what I did but there was none, so I talked about the shirt instead, to divert attention.

"look, doesn't the shirt look good on me?" I said and immediately felt stupid.

Rodrigo stood there staring deeply at me, I felt like I had just tempted the devil "Why does trouble keep following me everywhere" I whispered to myself.

"I'm sorry, this time I swear I didn't mean to touch you, I was tempted and my hands acted on their own." I knew what I said made no sense but I had to do something.

"Come here!" Rodrigo commanded with a serious tone; his eyes filled with lust.