Chapter Eight


My heart skipped a beat at the mention of the word arrested for identity fraud, it was a plan supposed to help with temporary safety and not to be thrown in jail.

"please I can explain," I began begging the cops.

"Please remain salient, whatever you say or do will be used against you, please turn around and put your hands behind your back," the policeman replied and immediately came forward to handcuff me.

I started struggling, pleading and weeping, trying to explain that the reason we changed identity was that people were after our lives, I didn't want to go to jail.

But my struggle was futile, the policeman was stronger than I am and he just flung me into his car.

We began driving to the station, and Rodrigo suddenly came to my mind. 

"where is Rodrigo?" I asked myself, trying to assume a place he would be at a time like this.

"hi sir, do you happen to help me see a man in the house? His name is Rodrigo," I asked the police officer behind the steering wheel.

"yes, he wasn't arrested," the officer replied.

"Could you kindly explain what you mean by he wasn't arrested, didn't we commit the same offense?" I asked again confused.

"yes, you did commit the same offense but he called and got away due to connections which made me pissed, the law should be the law. Which is why I would never set you free." The policeman replied.

I pulled my hair in frustration, shaking my head constantly in denial, first Rodrigo didn't love me, and now I am going to jail because of his plan.

The discovery was a disaster, I couldn't think properly.

"Sir, please, I am not a criminal, if you take me to jail, I am a wanted person and I could just be killed there by those ass wipes," I didn't stop pleading with the policeman.

He didn't say a word, he just ignored me like I didn't exist in his car. "well maybe if he didn't arrest me, I wouldn't exist in his car," I thought to myself.

"alright fine! Let's make a deal," I stated hoping to get his attention.

"go on," the policeman replied coldly.

"good! Please set me free," I requested.

"and…?" he asked confused.

"and.. you will be fine," I promptly replied pushing my head forward to get a better view of the policeman, hoping to change his mind.

The policeman glanced back at me from behind the steering wheel in anger.

"offense number two: you tried to bribe a policeman…with nothing, you deserve to be in that jail." He replied and hissed.

"I guess that didn't go as planned," I thought, slapping myself in frustration.

We got to the police precinct and I was thrown in the worst jail, not that I have seen the rest, but I knew the policeman hated me and he would definitely instruct them to put me in the worst place.

I stayed locked up in the dungeon, after expecting Rodrigo for a while, I gave up on waiting, he wasn't coming for me.

I propped myself in a corner, pain, and sadness feeding on me, silent tears flowing freely, agony sweeping me off my feet.

"I should have died along with my family that night, why do I have to remain alone in this cruel world?" I yelled throwing my breakfast to the wall in anger when a pain kicked in.

I held my stomach in pain, I felt like my intestines were being separated with a knife.

Falling to my knees I began yelling for help. "Help! Please, somebody help me," I called but got no reply, it was like I was in a different world where humans didn't exist.

I slumped to the ground in unbearable pain, "ouch! Somebody help me," I murmured. 

That was the last thing I knew; darkness overcame me little by little until I blacked out.


I slowly opened my eyes, trying to adapt to the beam of light, looking around, I immediately figured I was not in jail, but in a hospital.

I tried lifting my left hand but it was handcuffed to the bed, after a lot of struggles proving futile, I gave up.

the doctor walked in smiling warmly at me, finding nothing funny, I ignored her looking away.

"Hi Mrs. Perlah Bayani, I have brought you good news, you are two weeks pregnant" the doctor announced and chuckled.

I slowly looked back at the doctor's smiling face.

"what do you mean two weeks pregnant?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Congratulations, you are going to have a baby," the doctor rephrased and walked out.

"no, I'm not, I cannot be pregnant for someone who left me, I can't let a baby suffer with me in prison, I just cannot be pregnant," I yelled at the top of my voice.

"I want this baby out of me," I demanded struggling to leave the bed.

My screams and struggles attracted some nurses, and they rushed in to hold me down, but I didn't back down, I was determined to get rid of the baby, he/she can't be born in this situation.

I grabbed a nurse with my right hand, "please help me get rid of this baby, I beg you," I pleaded with the nurse.

"I'm sorry ma'am I can't do that," the nurse responded looking away.

I cried out in pain, hitting my belly constantly in an attempt to destroy the pregnancy myself.

Some doctors also came in and held my right hand down tightly, I screamed in pain "Why can't you all just understand and help a woman? You are a doctor, please do your job and help me" I continued screaming.

"Sir, please help me, I cannot train a child in prison, I don't have a husband, if you won't pity me, have mercy on this child I beg you," I yelled at one of the doctors holding me down.

"ma'am please stay down, believe me, you will be fine, you just have to calm down." The doctor replied.

A nurse walked in with a syringe on a tray, after giving it to the doctor, she injected me with it, and for the second time, I blacked out.