Chapter Ten


Fear gripped me, I shake my body in an attempt to signal the policeman, one of the men came behind me gripping my arms and poking me with a gun, guiding it with his coat.

"Make any move and you will be dead, my only mission is to kill you, so calmly come with me without making a scene," he whispered in my ears grinning, his breath filled with whisky.

A police officer walked towards our direction smiling at me.

"you are now free to go Mrs. Perlah "the policeman announced and walked away.

I looked at my family killers trembling, this can't be my end, I planned on avenging my family's death, I didn't want to die yet.

The guy with a gun stood behind me, giggling.

"move" he commanded with a serious tone.

I shivered, trying to move my feet forward, I felt my body freeze in a spot and I could hardly control it.

"I said move!" he yelled again, only then did I start moving.

We got outside the police precinct and I was directed to a black bus.

"you see that bus over there? Do your life a favor and get in quickly, I don't want to have to force you" he stated from behind me.

I slowly looked back to get a clearer view of his face; he was the ugly ass wipe that came along to wipe my family.

He had a daring look, with raised eyebrows, daring me to dare make any move.

Obediently, I walked towards the boss with the ugly man and his men behind me, we got to the car and I was forcefully pushed in.

"you don't have to force me in, I was going to get in anyway," I commented with an angry face.

"I see you still have the mind to speak" he replied smiling.

"I see you still have the mind to come back, if there's anything I would be scared of, it's dying without revenging my family's death. You are just too ugly for my attention," I retorted in anger.

He quickly tried rushing towards me, pissed, when his teammate held him down.

"We need her for the code remember," he reminded.

"yes, the code, I can't wait to wipe her also," he retorted.

We got to a warehouse, and I was brutally pushed out of the bus and carried to the warehouse.

My arms and legs were tied to a chair, I could view some harmful objects on a table placed in front of me which already communicated to me that I was going to be tortured.

"let go the easy way, why don't we make a deal: give me the code and I will let you go without any harm, if you don't…" a short man said walking in.

"Hmm, do you have any other option that doesn't involve a code?" I asked in fear.

The man smiled at me, looking towards the table placed in front of me, he picked up a knife.

"Okay then, we go the hard way, why don't I start with the baby you are carrying?" he blurted out.

My mouth dropped open in fear, trembling, I shook the chair I was tied into.

"Please don't hurt my child, when my father died, he said nothing to me about a code, I promise I know nothing about it" I pleaded.

"I see you still think this is a joke," he yelled at me, picked up a wood, whomping it on me multiple times till my elbow was broken.

I cried out in pain, my body felt weak and sour, my vision went blurry, and my heart pounded breathlessly.

"Now let's start all over again, give me the code." He screamed.

I hesitated for a while before giving him a reply.

"I swear with my life, I know nothing about that code," I cried out in pain.

"Liar!" he screamed and picked up the wood again. 

We heard a gunshot outside the warehouse, making my tormentor stop halfway by striking me with the wood.

I puffed out a sigh of relief, if that wood had gotten to me, I would have been a lump of dead meat.

The sound of gunshots didn't stop but instead came nearer.

One of the men rushed in panicking.

"sir we are being attacked, I think they want the girl," he blurted out and hurriedly went away.

Immediately I heard the word, Rodrigo was the first person that came to my mind.

"he has finally come to save me" I whispered to myself, forcing a smile.

I looked up at my torturer, watching him pick up the wood again. Before I could react, it landed on my head.

Landing me harshly on the cold floor, and for the third time in my tragic life, I faded out.



My eyes flew open at the sight in front of me: I had just witnessed my boss's wife being kidnapped.

I was instructed by my boss, Rodrigo, to keep an eye on her. I constantly considered rescuing her, but I knew I couldn't take them all down by myself. 

After considering the circumstances, I concluded that if I were to call for backup, my boss would immediately rush over, putting his life in danger. Therefore, I decided to keep the situation to myself and monitor the safety of my boss's wife, Perlah, even though she eventually got kidnapped.


I woke up in an empty room. My hands and feet were no longer tied, and my eyes were swollen. Feeling a sharp pain, I looked down at my broken arm. I supported it with my other arm and cried in pain. Looking around the room, I rushed towards the door in an attempt to escape. When I got to the door, I found that it was locked. 

"Rodrigo wouldn't leave me locked in a room," I concluded frightened.

Sensing footsteps approaching, I struggled back to the spot I woke up to, then a weird man walked in.

"hey honey, I see you are awake, did you rest well? I called the doctor, they will be here soon," he said.

"who...who are you please?" I asked alerted.

"I am not here to hurt you, I saved you from those killers," he responded.

"thank you, but I... I don't know you, why would you want to save me?" I asked confused.

"My name is Datu Bayani, I am the first son of the Bayani family, your brother-in-law," he announced, grinning.

Immediately he introduced himself as Rodrigo's brother, I moved back in fear, he was one of the enemies Rodrigo told me about.

"what do you want from me?" I asked with a straight face.

"I see you like business, okay, I am here to offer you protection and freedom on a condition that you hand over Rodrigo to me, if you don't, you will be handed back to the people who want you dead," he announced.

"I'm sorry, I can't and I won't do that," I retorted and spat on his face.

"I want you to know the truth. Rodrigo doesn't love you. He's my brother, and I know him much better than you do. We grew up together, and I'm here to help you. He doesn't care about you, and he wants you dead. But you have to save yourself, and I promise to protect you. I know you're pregnant, and you don't want to risk the life of your child. Look at what those evil people did to you, and yet Rodrigo never came to help you. He's never going to come for you," Datu said, holding my chin up.

Those words repeated in my head, memories of how I waited for him in the police custody and how I got beaten up by those bastards.

He didn't show up to save me or send anyone to check up on me.

My emotions went from fear to anger, and with tears-filled eyes, I responded to Datu's request.

"I will hand Rodrigo over to you," I announced.