MC Bio

Name: Rudra Pratap Singh

DoB: 22 February 1895

Age: 23 years (by the end of ww1)

Gender: Male

Father's Name: Uday Singh

Age: 45 years (by the end of ww1)

Mother's Name: Saraswati Singh

Age: 42 years (by the end of ww1)


* Expert martial artist: Trained in Kalaripayattu( father of all martial arts, created by lord parshuram )

* Expert CQC

* Military training: Rudra has taken proper military training in arms, tactics, etc. in America.

* Expert tactician

*Lock picking

*Expert thief

*Expert assassin (he knows how to steal and kill but not do it, instead train others to do it for him)

* Expert Politician

* Innovater

* Leadership skills

* Linguist: Knows Hindi, Bengali, Sanskrit, Tamil english and many other Indian languages.

* Expert businessman:

Rudra is reincarnated in a rich Bengali family who have many scholars in various gurukul subject and learned from them. His uncle also secretly learned Kalaripayattu in Tamil Nadu(it was banned by Britishers because of its lethality and effectiveness in war) and wrestling in haryana, who taught him everything he knew about them. He went to America to get an official degree, gain fame so he can't be assassinated or arrested easily and build a base for future.