13. Dr. BR Ambedkar

1925-30, India

It has been many years since I took any significant step as I was busy developing technology for India after independence. But I wasn't idle either, I have been going to many places and giving speeches on the baselessness and cruelty of salt law, giving sole rights to colonial government on the production and taxation of salt, leading to high prices of salt, an essential ingredients of food in Indian subcontinent.

While I was in Balochistan in 1925, trying to get support of its nobility and Sindh, I faced some problem. While Sindh and its nobility was very supportive of me and agreed to support me, same was not the case of Balochistan. While the people were eager to support me, the nobility was apprehensive to support me but was not keen to support Congress and Muslim League. So they proposed me to marry one of their daughter. After discussing with my wives and with their consent I married Zaferaan, princess of Kalat state and my 7th and last wife. Doing this I gained the support of Balochistan nobility as well.

After this I promised my wives that this was the last time I am marrying someone. I have now gathered support from all over Indian nobility other than some areas but they are inconsequential. In this time Ganga, my spymistress have spread her network al over India and Indian Ocean. Now all the news from all over India reaches my ears. She proved that I was right in appointing her as my spy mistress.

After I appointed her she swiftly took control of whorehouse she worked in by becoming it's madam and started gaining more and more influence between prostitutes. She slowly started appointing her girls as the madam of every whorehouse. She made these whorehouses the centre of her network where all informants comes as customer for her girls. From there all the information is filtered and brought to her according to its importance and she informs me whatever she thinks I need to know.

She also proved instrumental in organising assassination of many officials and even some nobility that visits her whorehouses. She knowingly appoints whores suffering from the beginning stages of STDs and within a year or two they die without anyone being none the wiser.

She is playing such an important role in this struggle. It's a shame that I can't do anything to acknowledge her contribution in this struggle and she will be just another name forgotten in anals of history.

In this time, I also met with Dr. BR Ambedkar. We talked about the law and discrimination of minority classes. I tried to convince him that seprate electorates no one will accept it and permanent reservation will not solve anything but create more problems in long run. I said to give reservation for a fixed period to empower them but he was not convinced.

While he agreed that seprate electorates may not be possible but was still adamant on permanent reservation. I said giving his own example "Dr. Ambedkar you yourself studied at a government school but were you given scholarship for your caste or for your capabilities. Giving permanent reservation will only lead mediocrity and stagnation. When normal people have to work hard day and night to score high marks for descent universities and jobs, they will get it at barely passing marks. What do you think will happen then?"

He remained silent so I continued "Let me tell you, it will birth recentment and even more persecution of them in future. The best way is to give reservation for a fixed period to empower them but only a for a fixed period, no more and after that they will be judged on their capabilities. And to ensure that caste system ends permanently we will nip the bus before it has chance to grow. We will teach children at young about its baselessness and hipocricy, ending it for forever."

Hearing this he sat their in deep thought, contemplating what I just said but was still not completely convinced. I can understand where he is coming from, he has spent all his life seeing and thinking of the treatment of depressed classes and always thought that his way was right one. No one can change instantly so I gave him an advice to recruit some teachers and start a school for depressed classes as well as upper caste with himself as principal. He can give free education to depressed classes but no preferential rules for any caste. He also had to handle all the problems of children fairly on the basis of proof and without any bias towards anyone on basis of their caste.

After a few months of doing the job he heard many cases of children fighting and bullying. In this many cases came in which children from depressed classes beat higher caste student thinking that as the principal was also one of them he will take their side. And he understood that giving preferential rights to depressed classes will just lead to change in castes who depressed not the end of caste system like he wanted.

After this while he continued fighting for rights of depressed classes he changed his way. Instead of asking for preferential rights he asked for equal right and treatment. While he may not know what him realising this may cause in future but I know that this will lead to a much more united front infront of British in our upcoming movement.

Me and my party have been going around giving speeches on many topics like salt law and laws that increase the cost of British goods and makes us poor. We have been compiling laws that help British in currying wealth from our nation to their country and will put a demand to abolishment of these laws during our next movement.

I have already discussed with my party the consequences of our action. We may be arrested and tortured and even killed in the jails as British don't like anyone questioning their authority. But we all agree that when we are successful it will lead to bolstered spirit among people that British are not the unbeatable giant as we saw them once.