Chapter 1: The beginning of the new school

This morning, I started to care about school. Because I entered a new school, I was able to start a new life where I could take the lessons from my previous school life and learn from them.

 The alarm of my smartphone rang. 

And so I stood up from my deep sleep, fullfilled with motivation and energy to visit my new school. So I have heard a scream from the kitchen, it was my mum saying:

"Leo, get ready for school! I already made you your sandwich for school!"

My first thoughts were something like: "Mum I'm already 16 there is no need for you to make my sandwich anymore."

Although I do respect my mother really much, she was the one who managed to educate me to become a man. But she was atheist, which is contrary to my beliefs, for I am an Orthodox Christian.

Even though I asked her a few times to maybe talk about faith with me, she never wanted to, which I respect. I'm not someone who forces my beliefs on others, therefore I was fine with her behavior.

Continuing with the plot, I said "alright" to my mother and then made myself ready with my classical morning routine:

At first I go to my Icon corner to pray to God, I thank him for letting me wake up today and ask him for guidance and help during my continuing life on this planet. After that I put on some clothes, this time a school uniform, I never wore one before though. And at least I brush my teeth and use deodorant to smell good at my first day on the new school.

Now I was ready, so I took the sandwich my mother made for me, put it in my bag and then started my walk to school.

"Bye, mum," I shouted. And then I left the house, walking to school is always a great time, because I was able to think about life and all that stuff, but the topics are always spontaneously coming into my head. Sometimes I think about the last novel I've read and on other days I think about philosophical question like "Are humans equal or not?","Is there a need for a God to exist?"

Yes, I in fact questioned my faith really much, through watching debates between atheists and theists but also through thinking about questions myself.

That's why I looked forward to going to this new school, because this school wasn't just some ordinary high school. It was a special school with the goal of "creating" superintelligent people which would later rule Germany.

I thought engaging in political discussions could also be interesting for me, but also learning how to discuss on such an advanced level would be amazing.

As I thought about all this I arrived at the new school, the school area was really, gigantic, so big that it almost seemed like a little town. I was amazed by it.

I reached the entrance, where an employee waited to check my student ID card. Which I had received by post after I had successfully completed the entrance test.

After scanning my ID card, the employee told me to follow him, so he took me into a large hall where several other students were already waiting.

So I sat down with the other students, on the chair that was meant for me. Luckily I sat next to a beautiful girl, but she pretty much ignored me which made me a bit sad, but I made no facial impression that could show my feelings.

I couldn't imagine what the introduction to this school would be like...