"HAHAHAHA… It's good to see you back, Youta. So, what are you doing now?" Hisao was wondering how one of his best friends was doing.


 "I'm the bar owner now. It would be best if you came to my bar occasionally. I'll treat you." Youta answered Hisao casually and invited him to his bar.


 "Naa… I'd quit drinking now" Hisao replied to it shortly.


 "Oh! Come on. It would help if you cheated occasionally. Plus, this is part of your work now." Youta tries to persuade Hisao.


 "My… my work? What do you mean?" Hisao is curious about what Youta is saying.


 "If not my mistake, you are my corporate lawyer now. Have you not read my file?" Youta wondering did Hisao not read the profile detail in his file.


 "Hhhmm… About that…" Hisao thinking about the offer while he is checking again Youta's profile.


 "What? Do you want to refuse to be my lawyer? Oh! Come on, is not like you drink it all day." Youta wondered about Hisao's thoughts and tried to persuade Hisao again.


 Chuo, Tokyo – Late at night, at the Yamada Bar.


 "Here's your drink Hisao. I made your drink by myself. You should be proud the owners of the bar are the ones who serve you. Don't worry Hisao, you can order whatever you want. I'll treat you. Besides, you are my best friend. Starting today, I'll give you a special treat." Youta said it while he passed Hisao's drink to him and sat beside him on the couch in the VIP room in the bar.


 "Hahaha… Don't worry about me, Youta. I'll be fine here." Hisao felt awkward when he was treated like a VIP by his own best friend as he pushed the alcoholic drink from his side.


 "Ohh… Don't say that Hisao. You are my best friend, of course, I'll give you a special treat as my best friend and lawyer. Ladies!! You guys can come in now!!" Youta made another attempt to convince Hisao and called for someone to enter the VIP room. The door was opened and four women wearing sexy short dresses room, tight blouses, and short skirts walked in.


 "Ladies. This is Mr. Watanabe. He is my best friend and starting today he is our lawyer for my business. We've been friends since we were kids. So, please give him a special treatment." Youta got up from his seat, stood next to one of the women, and introduced Hisao to them. At that time Hisao knew that all the women were Youta Bar prostitutes.


 "Hi, Mr. Watanabe or should we call you Master Watanabe?" One of the prostitutes suddenly comes near Hisao and sits by his side. Hisao feels anxious and nervous when the prostitute tries to touch him.


 "Master Watanabe… Which do you prefer? Strawberry? Apple? Blueberry?" Another prostitute suddenly sits down in front of him while she touches his hip passionately and tries to kiss his lips. Then another prostitute hugged his back try to open his shirt.


 "Please don't… I… I'm not… Not used to it." Hisao felt uncomfortable and tried to avoid being kissed and wanted to get out of the situation.


 "What do you mean Master Watanabe? Are you still a virgin?" Another prostitute crawled on the floor, approached him, and tried to unbutton his pants. Because of that, Hisao couldn't hold it anymore and sank into his lust and trough into the darkness. His mind was blank, and he felt drowned in the dark. Youta, upon seeing his best friend enjoying his women's treatment, lets his friend play with his prostitute.


 "Hisao… Wake up… Hisao… Promise me…" Hisao suddenly woke up from his sleep when he heard a woman's voice calling his name and asking him to wake up and promise her. When he wakes up his head feels dizzy and headache. Furthermore, he suddenly realizes that he is not in his room.

 "Where… where am I?" Hisao looked around and he saw himself naked. He was curious about what happened to him. Thus, he looked by his side and saw four women sleeping next to him. He suddenly remembers what happened yesterday he was too drunk and couldn't cope with his lust, making him sleep with four prostitutes.


 "ARRRRGGGHHHH!!!! MY VIRGINITY!!! ARE GOONEE!!!" Hisao was suddenly screaming because of shocked by what happened to himself.


 "Eeerrrmmm… What's wrong master? Are you okay?" One of the prostitutes suddenly woke up from her sleep when she heard Hisao scream and hugging Hisao from his back.


 "Oh, Sorry. Did I wake you up? ARRGGGHH!!!" Hisao feels sorry when he realizes he made others wake up from their sleep because of his screaming but is suddenly shocked and freaks out when he realizes one of the prostitutes is hugging behind his back.


 "What with that noise? Oh, master, you are already awake. Don't worry, you were the best last night." The other prostitute woke up from her sleep and realized Hisao was awake and panicked and he was the one making the noise. So, she tried to calm him down, tease him, and kiss his cheek.


 "Errgghh… I'm sorry. I… I'm gonna be late to work. So… So, I need to go now." Hisao is shocked by the kiss and falls from the bed and tries to leave. Suddenly, Youta came into the room and saw Hisao naked, standing in front of him.


 "HAHAHA… Looks like you had fun last night." Youta laughed at Hisao when he saw that his best friend was naked and standing in front of him awkwardly.


 "So... Sorry Youta. I don't remember what happened last night. I think I'm too drunk. I… I need to go now. I… I'll be late if I do not go now." Hisao told Youta that he felt uneasy with what happened to him just now and gave the excuse to leave.


 "Oh, Come on, Hisao! I heard you lost your virginity last night. I came here to celebrate with you." Youta tries to stop Hisao from going as he puts some wine on the glass that he brought with him. While Hisao tried to find his clothes scattered on the floor.

 "So… Sorry, Youta. I need to go." Hisao feels embarrassed and his face turns red when he hears what Youta said to him and is still searching for his clothes.


 "You are so cute, master." One of the prostitutes approached Hisao and gave him his clothes while she stood in front of him without clothes on her.


 "Eerr… Sorry!" Hisao was freaking out when he saw the naked woman standing in front of him. His face turned red, and he rushed to the bathroom because of embarrassment.


 "Don't worry. He'll be used to it. Errmm… What are you guys doing? Go get dressed and back to work!" Youta convinced his prostitutes when he saw all his prostitutes feel disappointed and got confused with Hisao's behavior and gave them the order to go back to their work.


After a month, Hisao has settled into a new routine. After finishing his work at the office, he always finds an excuse to leave early because he has a meeting with Youta. However, this is not a typical business meeting like others he has with clients for legal matters. Rather, this meeting involves illegal activities such as drugs, alcohol, illegal parties, prostitution, and human trafficking. He always goes back and forth to Yamada Bar and his office is like a second home to him. After a month in this work, he already has a special prostitute, who only can serve and entertain him when he comes to that place.


Chiyoda, Tokyo – Hiroshi Associates, times after lunch hour.


"Huuhh…" Hisao suddenly sighed while he tried to focus and get back to his work but was distracted by last night's party at Yamada Bar. He was so drunk and continued to make out with his prostitute. He remembers everything that happened last night. Luckily, he did not take a drug. Suddenly, his heart begins to be restless, and anxious about what he did full this month.


"Hisao… Oi, Hisao." While Hisao is in his daydream, Mr. Hiroshi suddenly calls his name. Hisao was awake when heard that voice.


"What's wrong with you? Are you sick?" Mr. Hiroshi worried about Hisao's condition.


"Naah… I'm okay. I just feel tired." Hisao replied to Mr. Hiroshi's curiosity.


"How's Mr. Yamada? Has he been doing great with our service?" Mr. Hiroshi wondered about Hisao's big client, Yamada Youta.


"Yaa… He's good. He's now making a lot of profit for his business and he was satisfied with it." Hisao told Mr. Hiroshi how happy Youta is right now when his business becomes bigger.


"HAHAHA… Nice work Hisao. That's why you are my bigger asset." Mr. Hiroshi said proudly when he tapped Hisao's shoulder while he passed to go to his office room.


"Kring… Kring… Kring…"


Suddenly, someone is calling Hisao on his phone and he sees Yuuma's name on it, but he doesn't feel like picking up the phone right now. He ignored it and continued with his work and the life he had for all this month now.


 It's Friday night and Hisao has been busy with work for the past three days, so he hasn't been able to meet Youta at his bar. However, today is the day he needs to meet Youta again to discuss his drug dealers. As Hisao stands in front of Yamada Bar, he suddenly feels unsure about something, and his heart starts racing. He hesitates to enter the bar and feels guilty and confused about whether what he's doing is right or wrong. Despite his doubts, he remains standing outside the bar. Just then, he receives a phone call.


"Hello, Hisao! Are you at the bar right now?" The one who called Hisao is Mr. Hiroshi.


"Yes, I'm in front of it" Hisao replied to Mr. Hiroshi's question while he turned his back from the bar to change his mind and not get into the bar.


"Good! Make sure the dealing with his drug dealer is successful. Don't come back until you succeed. Bye!" Mr. Hiroshi doesn't give Hisao any chance for Hisao to say words that he wants to change his mind and doesn't want to do it. He just ended the conversation with a warning. Hisao doesn't have a choice. So, he turns his back once again to get into the bar.


"Oi… Oi, Hisao! It's been a while since your last visit. I miss you so much, buddy! Even the ladies are missing you too." Youta approached Hisao and hugged him, having missed his buddy so much. He teased Hisao about his popularity among the ladies at the bar.


"It's only 3 days after we last met, Youta. Stop teasing me like that." Hisao tries to be professional and serious with his work in front of his friends.

"Oh, don't be such cruel to me, Hisao! Here come with me. Let me introduce you to my drug dealer. You come here today because of your work, right?" Youta told Hisao to stop sulking with him and switch the topic to work. Youta then took Hisao to the VIP room, where they were supposed to meet someone. After some time, they managed to negotiate with the drug dealers, and everything was going smoothly. Once the deal was done, Hisao decided to leave and not stay for the party they had planned. However, Youta stopped him when he noticed that Hisao was suddenly packing his things.


"Where do you think you are going? You should stay a while. Besides, someone is waiting for you. She has kept bothering me and asking me about you for these 3 days. It's annoying me." Youta tries to convince Hisao to stay for the party and tells him about the women who always have an interest in Hisao.


"I'm going home. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. I need to attend court tomorrow. I need to get a good rest and sleep. Tells Asuka that I'll come next time." Hisao tries to give an excuse to Yuuma that he can't wait for the party. He had to go home straight away, and he seemed to know who the woman Youta was talking about. However, when he took a step out of the room suddenly someone came through and hugged him.


"Mr. Watanabe!!! It's been a while! I miss you so much!" One of the prostitutes Yamada Bar comes through and hugs him suddenly, Hara Asuka.


"Sorry, Asuka! I need to go home now. I have a work to do." Hisao is so startled when Asuka comes and hugs him suddenly and tries to push her from his arms.


"Oh, come on! Just drink with me once, Mr. Watanabe. I miss you. Come on, just one sip and then I let you go home." Asuka tries to seduce Hisao to make Hisao stay a little longer. Asuka grabs Hisao's hand and takes him back to the couch in the VIP room. Hisao doesn't have a choice and follows Asuka to the couch.


"Okay then. I'll get you both a drink." When Youta sees that situation, he learns what will happen next in this room. So, he smirked at both and gave the excuse to leave the room. After Youta left the room, Asuka continued to tease Hisao and placed her hands on his leg. Hisao feels uncomfortable with it but does not refuse whatever Asuka does to him.


"Hehe… Looks like you already used to me, Mr. Watanabe. Don't worry I'll treat you very well today." Asuka saw Hisao's reaction to her seduction at him. She starts to kiss Hisao's lips, and they continue to make out. Hisao can't stand anymore with all the temptation he gets from Asuka. He pushed her to lie on the couch and tried to open her dress while continuing to kiss her more. Meanwhile, when they start to embrace each other, Hisao gets a call from someone. He saw Yuuma's name on it but chose to ignore it because he already drowns in his lust with Asuka.


At the same time at the Shimizu Restaurant, outside of the restaurant Yuuma tries to call Hisao because he hasn't heard him since he went home last month.


"Yuuma? Who are you calling? I thought we'd go to watch a movie tonight?" A lady suddenly greeted Yuuma from behind with a sullen look on her face. The pretty lady is wearing a white hijab and a loose black dress, but it still suits her.


"Oh, Nothing. I just called my friend. It's been a while since he back to his own house last month." Yuuma convinced the lady to not sulk and explained who he called.


"Really? You must be worried about him." The lady feels sorry for Yuuma while they both walk away together from the restaurant. Yuuma just nodded as he agreed with what the lady said.


"So, what movie do you want to watch?" Yuuma suddenly changes the topic.


"Errrmmm…. Horror!" The lady thought shortly and replied to Yuuma's question.


"A horror? Are you not scared?" Yuuma wondered about the lady's interest.


"Nope! I love horror movies." The lady replied shortly with a happy smile to Yuuma. Yuuma just smiled back at her and thought to himself about the lady that as long she was happy and continued to smile at him, he'd be happy for her even if one day it would break his own heart.




In the Yamada Bar in the VIP room, Hisao and Asuka have sex together. They ignore all the noise at that time, including the noise from Hisao's phone. They focus on their lust. Meanwhile, Hisao suddenly gets the text from Yuuma, but he keeps ignoring it and continues what he does with Asuka. However, the short text from Yuuma appears from Hisao's phone and his writing in Roman words.


"Alisha Baharudin" The short text from Yuuma.